Aisling, I've said it before. These longterm nursing home residents were "taken off the payroll".

The states bank bailout of 2010 costing us €82 billion was made up in part with a €17 billion contribution from the state pension fund. The pension cupboard was practically bare. Covid was the perfect cover to ease the financial burden, made up of non productive pensioners.

It's always about the fucking money, and who keeps it.

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Not permitting families to visit facilitated this process. It was always the family visits that safeguarded vulnerable people. Keeping them ‘safe’. It was very clever, very dark. I recall a video by a British care home assistant describing how she sneaked in at night to give patients with DNRs babyfood and water, haunted by their physical distress in being denied food or water. Staff were told to do this, and they faced dismissal if non adherent. It was a horror and a major test of morality and basic humanity...

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Too right. The love of many grew cold, bitterly cold.

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And let's not forget the normal drugs and antibiotics that are used for these respiratory illnesses were withdrawn and doctors were ordered not to do anything until the person was so sick they had to go into hospital to be killed. Democide

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Yes, exactly.

Relatedly-- an important testimony:

Dr. Littell Speaks at the Polk County Commission: The Right to Treat Patients

Testimony given September 22, 2021


Posted on rumble September 30, 2021



DR. JOHN LITTELL: Yes, good morning. Thank you for allowing me for come here all the way from Ocala. My name is John Littell, I'm a family physician [states address]. And why in the good Lord's name would I clean out my slate of patients who've been waiting a long time to see me and drive two hours down here to speak for 3 minutes and then two hours back to work until 11 o'clock tonight?

It's because what I'm going to do until 11 o'clock tonight is I'm going to be not only seeing my covid patients in the office, my covid patients in the hospitals, and I'll be calling in prescriptions all over the country, including here in Bartow, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, California, New York, and Washington DC for people who have not been able to find physicians who will write for medications for them.

Who would have thought we'd ever be in this position? That I would have to come and say anything to anybody about why I cannot get drugs. Or—- let me tell you this, when patients call me from any of those places the first thing I have to ask them is please find a pharmacy that will give you the medications that I'm prescribing for you. Because I've been through that, calling CVS, calling Walmart, calling Walgreen's, and being told by a pharmacologist or pharmacist that they don't agree with me when I've been spending 32 years as a family physician, 7 years as an army family physician taking care of folks in Guantanamo Bay, we picked up patient refuges who had malaria and measles and HIV and tuberculosis. Working in a health service corps in rural Montana. Chief of staff of the hospital, chairman of family medicine. On five different medical schools in Florida teaching medical students to this day. And what do I tell those medical students? I tell them, for God's sake please do not become robots, because that is what the medical system has produced for the last 30 years and it's continuing to produce. The medical students of today and most of the physicians of today are becoming enslaved to corporate systems. My friends who work for the VA, who work for academia, who work for hospitals are being threatened and two of them have already lost their jobs because they have written for Ivermectin which, yes, you've heard all the great things.

Look at Uttar Pradesh, the largest state— we all need to get an education about India,1.3 billion people, one state, 240 million people. As we sit here today 5% of their population has been vaccinated and yet they have the lowest incidence of covid in Uttar Pradesh, India. The lowest in the entire country. Why? Because their minister of health a year ago said we're going to start using the Ivermectin, we've already had for both prevention and for treatment. The same with Chiapas, Mexico. The same across most of Africa where they've used Ivermectin to fight river blindness for decades because of the World Health Organization recognizing that it was a safe and effective drug.

And most importantly guys what all this is about for me and why I have this white coat on, this, I don't wear this as a show and tell thing. I wear this because when I put this on and I walk into the patient exam room [time alarm sounds] I have learned through my 30 years of practice that this projects hope for those patients. And I have found that with covid people are not getting a message of hope. They're being told that there is no hope [time alarm continues sounding] that you wait until you're in the hospital. [time alarm sounding] I'm sorry, I've gone long.

CHAIR: Thank you sir.

DR. JOHN LITTELL: Help me to be a doctor for my patients. God bless you all and thank you for listening to me.

CHAIR: Thank you, sir.



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Dr. John Littell's website is https://www.johnlittellmd.com/

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One more testimony. This is the second transcript I made back in 2021, when I started transcribing. What funeral director John O'Looney was saying seemed more than a bit far out to me at the time, but my intuition was blaring at me that it needed to be transcribed. There's plenty about midazolam in there.

"Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid"

John O'Looney interviewed by Max Igan

September 16, 2021,




JOHN O'LOONEY: My name's John, I'm a funeral director, 15 years. I'm based in the UK in a place called Milton Keynes, which is kind of 40 miles—

MAX IGAN: Lovely place. I've been there [unintelligible] in Milton Keynes.

JOHN O'LOONEY: OK, small world. Small world, my friend. So I've been a funeral director for about 15 years now, 10 of those were for one of the big funeral providers in the industry, Co-op Funeralcare. And then five years ago, I jumped ship and set up on my own because I wasn't really happy with how things were being done in the Co-op following the collapse of the bank, and people kind of became cash cows instead of being treated the way they should be, in my opinion.

MAX IGAN: So what are you seeing now, being a funeral director? How are you seeing things over the last couple of years? Did you see a pandemic last year?

JOHN O'LOONEY: So let me start from the beginning. So in 2019 I had a family come and see me who had lost a loved one and they had lost a loved one in the neighboring borough of Northampton. So they asked me to go to Northhampton and collect their loved one. And they complained that at the time the hospital wouldn't let them see that loved one. So I went to the Northampton Hospital and collected their loved one, and while I was there I asked the guys there in the mortuary, why wouldn't you let this family see their loved one? And they opened the chapel or the viewing room doors and there was a great big inflatable kind of blow-up pandemic mortuary. I've since found out this. And they told me there was something really horrible coming and this is why, because the viewing room was being used by this kit. And that was my introduction to covid. And that was back in end of November, beginning of December 2019.

So Christmas came and—

MAX IGAN: They already had this temporary morgue and knew something terrible was coming in November 2019.

JOHN O'LOONEY: Yeah. I saw it first hand, and was told that based on the story that I've just told you.


JOHN O'LOONEY: So the news broke just after Christmas, and we were all told about the Chinese lab and the Wuhan wet market that had been there for hundreds of years without an issue, that suddenly was an issue.

The hysteria was mounting and it wasn't long into 2020 before I was contacted by the local BBC. And they asked, they knew that I was a funeral director, and they asked to come out and do a report around covid.

And I hasten to add, at this time, earlier on the process, I believed covid, exactly the same as everone else, you know? I was convinced it was real, we were being told it was real. And you have to remember that, if I go to a hospital and, for example, they tell me a deceased is HIV or for example is tuberculosis, then obviously that's something I would take very serious. And covid was no exception. So I was kind of trying to be as careful as I possibly could.

The BBC came, they brought a camera man and a lady that spoke to me. They briefed me very intently on what they were going to ask me, and told me the answers they wanted. And they asked me to dress up in full PPE [personal protective equipment]. I was a bit reluctant at the time, because, you know, I mean, all funeral directors, we use aprons and, obviously gloves, but masks and stuff like that is not something we would usually use. And I worked for the coroner for seven years and the only time I would ever use a mask there is if I was attending the scene of the death where that deceased had perhaps been there for a while, you know, an undiscovered death, and then you put Vicks on the mask and the idea is just to keep the smell away. It's not going to protect you against anything, least of all a virus.

So they got the interview they wanted. And promoted the hysteria. And I kind of kick myself now because it's simply not true. Any of it. It's not true.

So very soon into 2020 funeral directors began panicking, you know? The death rate wasn't there, though, there was no increased death rate. We were seeing deceased that were deliberately labeled with covid, but it wasn't any increase in numbers at all. That was across the board as far as I was aware. Certainly every funeral director I spoke to and every mortuary I went into weren't seeing pandemic numbers. We were seeing people that were labeled with covid but, you know, how deadly was that, I really can't tell you.

So I had a family come and see me who'd lost a young child, and the child was six and a cancer sufferer. So totally not related. Basically they wanted to see their little girl. And this was at a time when other funeral directors were taking body bags and coffins to the hospital and sealing people straight in those body bags and coffins, there and then. There was no dressing, no viewings, nothing like that they could do because of covid, you know? I felt that that wasn't fair to those people that had lost someone via a Zoom call or standing there in a Hazmat suit, you know? That just isn't fair. It isn't fair. So I washed and dressed this little girl and gave the family time to see their child. As any decent human would.

And I kind of came to the conclusion then, you know, my job is to look after people and if that means that if I fall over in the process of doing that, so be it. And I have washed and dressed every one the whole way through covid, regardless of whether they've been covid diagnosis or not.

MAX IGAN: Funny that you haven't died of covid, brother.

JOHN O'LOONEY: Well, not only that, but my wife has helped me, and I've also got an embalmer who works for me full time who's 55, he's a heart attack survivor 10 years now, and he's, you know, none of us have had a day off, we're all perfectly healthy.

And they've streamlined the process now where a doctor is not in attendance at death, the police are not in attendance for a death, and whoever is on the scene rings the doctor, the doctor says, OK, if you're sure they're dead, ring the undertaker, we go straight out. And I was picking up these people still warm, you know?

So it wasn't like they were sitting in refrigeration or cold storage for a week, and any virus they might have had, had disappeared. You know, if they were covid patients and they were infectious, I'm sure I would have got it. Then because I've not worn a mask the whole time, neither has my wife, neither has my embalmer. So.

MAX IGAN: What are you seeing with numbers now?

JOHN O'LOONEY: So, well, kind of rewinding back to 2020. In March and April we saw a brief spike for about two weeks, two-and-a-half weeks, maybe three weeks, where, unusually, the phone started ringing.

In this society, we're very good at getting people to pass away in hospital, and I would say, if I have 10 collections of deceased, 8 of them would be hospital removals, one of them would be from a care home, and one of them a residential address, where someone's gone home to die. Or a hospice, where people go to die, for palliative care.

And we suddenly had the announcement on the TV from government that they were going to try and protect the most vulnerable in care homes. And that these care homes would be the places that were hit the hardest, which I kind of at the the time thought was really strange because I don't understand how a virus can attack a specific building. You know? Either it's in the community or it isn't in the community.

I kind of, you know, it was thing after thing, that I just wasn't, they were saying, that wasn't making sense, on the coal face, as an undertaker.

So I got called every night for three weeks to care homes. And this was at a time when Matt Hancock, who has since been dismissed from government, kind of had transfered all of the elderly in hospitals into care homes. He'd been very careful to label them all as covid, and he put them into care homes. And I've since found out that at the exact same time, there was a 1,000% increase in the amount of Midazolam sedative purchased at that time. And there's an extensive paper trail that documents that very clearly.

Now, I worked for the big funeral provider for 10 years, who had 60% market share, and in that time I was never, ever, ever, ever called to a care home three consecutive nights. You know? So for me, being a small family undertaker, to suddenly be called every night for nearly three weeks, exclusively to care homes and nowhere else, is remarkably, is probably about as likely as me winning the lottery several times in three weeks. It just doesn't happen. It's impossible.

I would hasten to add that all of those people were labeled with covid. I never saw a doctor in attendance once. No doctor ever attended, to my knowledge. I never saw a covid test, once. I never saw a ventilator, so there was no need for those patients to be overdosed, shall we say, or heavily sedated to be intubated because there were no ventilators. So I suspect that thousands of people were killed, euthanized, in these care homes, using Midazolam.

And on the odd occasion I did in fact see small vials, perhaps from the bedside cabinet or in the bin, because I was actually looking for them at that point. Where they hadn't perhaps been as careful as they ought to have been, doing that kind of thing.

So that was something that raised alarms for me.

And then, as abruptly as that started, it finished.


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JOHN O'LOONEY: And then, as abruptly as that started, it finished.

Then I had a pandemic guy ring me and he introduced himself as a government sponsored pandemic guy, and he told me that, as a funeral director, his job was to call all of the funeral directors in the area, and he was to collate the numbers of deceased. So, first of all, he would ask me, for example, what my capacity was at the funeral home, so how many I could hold here at the funeral home, how many I'd picked up that week, how many were covid, and how many, where they'd come from, kind of thing.

So it wasn't really very long. He used to call every Monday. He almost immediately started steering me, and by that, the conversation would go much like, I picked a guy up from a care home that was in his 90s. He'd had a fall, no doctor in attendance, no covid test. He wasn't a covid death, it was a natural death of a guy of 95. And I picked up someone from the local hospice who'd succumbed to cancer, was a terminal cancer patient. Both of them were instantly labeled as covid. Because the guy said, we were told they were covid, there must have been covid in there, we've got to put them down as covid. Every one. Even one guy that was run over. Every death possible was listed as a covid death, when they just weren't covid deaths.

And I had people coming in, really, really upset families, because they knew their loved ones had had terminal cancer and they were terrified that I wouldn't wash and dress them because they'd been labeled with covid. And I had to assure them, "please don't worry, I will." And I did, I looked after every one of them, I washed and dressed them all because that's what they deserved.

And I was doing this, kind of waiting to see if I'd fall over. Every morning I woke up and I took a deep breath and then crack on. And on and, lo and behold, I'm still here. As is my wife, as is my embalmer. You know?

So the year 2020 progressed and there was no— apart from that 12 week cull that took place in care homes. And I'm very careful with the words I choose because I know that's what it was. Statistically it's impossible to happen. You know, viruses don't target care homes exclusively. The care homes are full of people that can't say no.

MAX IGAN: Yeah they've set that up [?] Midazolam simply so they could get their numbers up and claim that there's a wave, you know?

JOHN O'LOONEY: Yeah. Of course they are. And the paper trail tells the story. And interestingly I did a funeral a little while ago for a family, and one of the family members worked in the local pharmacy in our local hospital and she confirmed, I couldn't resist asking her, did you buy loads of this in? She said, Yes.

MAX IGAN: Hmmm. So what are you seeing now that the vaccines are rolling out?

JOHN O'LOONEY: So 2020 finished kind of November, December time, and they were widely advertising that they were going to begin vaccinations on January the 6th locally. It was rolled out in different areas at different times in different parts of the world, but we were all told, the lifesaver is coming in January.


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JOHN O'LOONEY: So 2020 finished kind of November, December time, and they were widely advertising that they were going to begin vaccinations on January the 6th locally. It was rolled out in different areas at different times in different parts of the world, but we were all told, the lifesaver is coming in January.

And I couldn't believe it really because this pandemic guy, after a number of months, he actually— it's amazing how quickly you get to know someone, even with a 30 second chat once a week, and it would be: "Hi John, how are you doing, everything good?" "Yeah. It's still really quiet." And he actually admitted to me, he said, "I don't honestly know why I'm doing this job, he said, because there are no covid deaths, and everyone's saying the same thing."

That's from the guy that was speaking to all of the funeral directors locally. You know? You tell me. That guy said that to me personally. So, and he was being sincere.

And shortly after, they began vaccinating. I was notified he'd be no longer calling. So clearly, there's no need for the pandemic guy to record covid deaths now because they've stopped him from doing so. You know?

So November, December came and went. We were doing funerals. It wasn't busy. In fact even despite the great effort they made in care homes to bump the numbers up, overall 2020 was quieter that 2019 for death rate. And the vast majority of funerals we do in the UK are cremation funerals. I would estimate around 95% of them are cremations. The odd 5% would be burials. And we weren't up on numbers. It was the same everywhere. The statistics don't lie, they're there, government statistics, that show that there was no real increase.

And it kind of got to the point where I said to a few people, I began to smell a rat. We weren't being told the truth. And I said to people, I bet the death rate soars in January when they begin vaccinating. And everybody laughed at me. They said, "Nah, don't be so stupid. You're mad!"

We came back to work on the second and on the sixth, they began vaccinating, and the death rate was extraordinary. I have never seen anything like it as a funeral director in 15 years. And neither has anyone else I have spoken to. And it began exactly when they began putting needles in arms.

That was the recognized second wave, and that went on for about 12 weeks and finished abruptly the second week of April. And to be honest with you, I never want to see a death rate like it again. It was awful. It was awful.

And they were very different this time. It was a mixture of all ages, all locations as well. It wasn't, for example, all care homes. It was hospitals, residential addresses. Mostly hospital deaths, to be honest with you. And we were finding, you know, it was just awful.

That was pandemic numbers. But it was only when they began vaccinating. And never before that point.

MAX IGAN: Were they labeling all these people as covid deaths?

JOHN O'LOONEY: Oh, as many as they possibly could. Yes, as many as they possibly could. But I suspect they were vaccine injury deaths, the vast majority of them. Or perhaps overdoses of Midazolam. Or perhaps, also a contributing factor is the blatant neglect of people, you know, a lot of families that I've got are telling me that their loved ones have died from cancer and they've only managed to present as Stage IV because nobody would see them. They're not going for scans anymore. They can't get an appointment. They're being fobbed off with Gaviscon when they've got pancreatic cancer. You know? And stuff like that. And it's just not being looked at.

So there is a clear pattern there kind of emerging.


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JOHN O'LOONEY: So there is a clear pattern there kind of emerging.

And that went on until April 21, and then abruptly stopped. And then what we were seeing, literally the quietest period I have ever known. Certainly in five years. And I think for, it's the first time in five years as an established funeral director now, that we actually lost money because there just wasn't anyone really passing away. And it wasn't unique to me, you know, I'm in a number of groups with funeral directors, and we joined these groups at the beginning of the pandemic, thinking that we would perhaps need to support eachother during the covid pandemic, you know? If one of us fell over— and I hasten to say, nobody has. Do you know?

So about three weeks ago, the death rate started to pick up again, and I am now seeing people of all ages in, and all of them are vaccine recipients. Almost exclusively. And the range of deaths is heart attack, sudden undiscovered heart condition that's led to heart attack, blood clots, stroke, and multiple organ failure. Those are the four consistent groups that I am seeing, the four consistent types of death that I am seeing. And it's all ages.

I went to get my hair cut a couple of weeks ago, went into my local barber's and they're all very somber and down and I kind of said, "Alright guys, what's up?" One of the barbers in there, 23, had died an hour and a half after he'd taken his second jab. You know? Heart attack. At 23! 23 years old.

I've had a guy in whose father went down and got a jab and was paralyzed almost instantly. He was then seen as vulnerable, so they gave him a second jab three weeks in, and he was found dead at home the following day.

I've had a gentleman in who I was doing a funeral for, his mum went blind almost immediately.

Obviously, since I have gone public about my concerns, nobody wants to talk to me now. The BBC— the silence is deafening. They're quite happy for me to promote the hysteria, but now I'm actually voicing concerns and seeing a pattern of death related directly to the vaccines, nobody wants to talk about it now. And this is despite the fact that there are a number of very, very eminent people, and thousands of doctors globally, nurses, consultants, professors, virologists, all saying the same thing.

The government seems to be pressing ahead and blackmailing, coercing and forcing people and slowly creating a two-tier kinf of Nazi type society for a pandemic that isn't there.

And the Delta variant, I can tell you, is widely recognized within the NHS [National Health Service] as a vaccine injury. It's not a virus. It's vaccine injury. And I can tell you as a funeral director, working on the coal face, you've been told a very elaborate lie to convince everyone that they're ill and there's a dangerous virus and you need a life-saving jab. And the real death rate was in care homes, as a result of Midazolam. And then the elaborate relabeling of every normal death as a covid death. And then we've seen the extreme death rate once they actually began vaccinating. And it is, definitely, 100% there. I can tell you as a funeral director.

Now some of the families that come to me are totally unaware, and I ask every family, is their loved one jabbed? And they'll say, "Yeah, they're double-jabbed, but it couldn't have been that because it was eight weeks ago." They just don't see the connection. And I'm not there to call their bluff, I'm there to look after their mom or dad. I see the connection consistently. And I also see great efforts being made not to acknowledge it.


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Funking he'll, thanks for scipt

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Yes, although normal drugs are problematic anyway. Keep people sick is big pharma's motto.


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My mother passed away on the 6th of April 2020 in Letterkenny hospital - I was allowed to be with her as I was her primary carer - no other family were allowed in - I was told by a nurse (not asked as was the case with my father in 2017) that she was DNR and that she would not be admitted to the ICU..!

I was caught up in the Covid hysteria at the time although I had my doubts considering the political decisions that were being made - many of which made no sense - like the lockdown restrictions yet you could still go to Italy or Spain on holiday where the MSM were reporting Covid was rampant..!

To this day I still wonder if my mother was put on an "End of Life" protocol without any attempt to treat her - I would like to know what drugs she was given but I'm also frightened that the truth might me distressing for myself and the rest of the family - she was 91 years of age...!

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We know you'd probably have to go through the mill to push to find anything out, and the fallout from discovering anything.

On the other hand if it's as bad as it looks and people ( or few ) do nothing to highlight it, well it could allow it happen again in similar circumstances.

I'm sure you know all this of course ! It's a very difficult situation, not sure what I'd do, sorry for your loss.

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Prof Denis Rancourt is the absolute very best at explanaining how there was no pandemic and that it was what happened after the WHO called the pandemic that killed the old and vulnerable. Here he is in full flight


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Reading through these comments i am getting the distinct impression,that people believe there is a real virus called covid-19,hope i'm mistaken,are people not following Dr Sam Bailey--Dr tom Cowan--Dr Andrew Kaufman--Dr Steffan Lanka--Dr amandah Vollmer,there is no test for a phantom virus,the PCR inventor was murdered in oct.2019 to enable his fake test to be used despite him saying it cannot detect any infection,google these doctors on Bitchute.

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Not me. I've been saying it since I first came across Prof Denis Rancourt and saw the end of year figures. There was no pandemic, and yes we're coming to the realisation that there aren't any viruses

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If there was no excess death in 2020 and the pandemic was bullshit, this isn't evidence for no novel virus?

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You should follow Patrick E Walsh and Kieran Morrissey on Substack because they're putting together the stats on excess deaths now and I think we're up about 20% already and that will translate into 7,000 by the end of the year (I think they said approx). Democide in progress

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Thanks I'll have a look, I know the score on excess deaths, that's the vac, I meant pre-vac, that the lack of excess death back then ( pre 12/20 ) is not evidence that a novel virus wasn't circulating, and also not fully clear if such a virus interacting with vacs currently could be contributing, regardless whether a 'pandemic' was called, not having a go, still conflicted on it.

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Sep 28, 2023
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It was always the 'flu Sarah. Cases of what the powers that be called COVID 19 went up, and what they called in essence the 'flu plummeted. That in itself is a huge giveaway and was obvious in spring 2020 here in the UK.

The issue is that people, as I once did, misunderstand what the 'flu is. It covers a multitude of sins as all internal disease is essentially influenza, inflowing toxins which we must eradicate or fall ill.

All sorts of poisons add to general low vitamin D levels, including all vaccines and neuro-toxic drugs.

Add in people sterilizing everything to death with nasty chemicals.

I am getting annoyed when people still fail to see these blindingly obvious facts. It does not diminish what happened to people it is merely the truth.

The truth, the real truth, is hard for many who are so indoctrinated with the lies over the decades but it is the truth. I have told you the truth.


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We have people that believe there was a novel ( gain of function ) virus.

This group is split into those who believe intentional release versus accidental.

Another group believe there was no novel virus released but still believe that other viruses ( flu etc ) are circulating as per normal and acted as cover for the 'pandemic'

And yet another group do not believe viruses exist at all.

Can I ask you question, assuming you're in that 2nd group...

What do you make of the Japanese paper that pulled the sequences of cov-sars-2 variants, susposedly taken from populations over the course of the pandemic and logged into databases, and posit that many of them are not naturally mutated variants in the wild, but also man-made.

Query is, if there was no novel virus ( cov sars 2 ) and hence no variants, what are these genome sequences that are being referenced, are you saying that's all a load of horse-shite?


I think Yeadon is in the comments there, anyway he declares he doesnt believe there was a new virus and that it doesn't matter where the sequences came from.

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Strictly I am in none of the groups! What I say is that there is something, but it is friend and not foe.

Or at worst if you wish it is neutral, being rubbish, cell debris being removed in the equivalent of the black plastic bag for household rubbish.

I have this standard text.

"Viruses should be considered thus:

1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system. I understand viruses were once considered as poisons.


2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.

Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.


So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.

What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.


Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple.


Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public."

So re "f there was no novel virus ( cov sars 2 ) and hence no variants, what are these genome sequences that are being referenced, are you saying that's all a load of horse-shite?"

Yes in simple terms, but possibly more likely mistaken identity. People can be sincere but sincerely wrong.

This is not to say there aren't those who know exactly what they are doing, or are willfully ignorant.

The thing is that all this wild/man-made virus nonsense is man made nonsense! Scare everybody to death and get the foolish to 'protect' themselves against a fake invader whilst being poisoned for profit by pharma.


I hope all that makes sense.

I haven't looked at the link but I will do so, and thanks in any event.

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Thanks for that, see I failed to categorise you, 😄

Going to go through that info and see what strikes, already given me some clarity on the arguments e.g. what's observed could be miscategorised and that becomes a paradigm.

Straight off I'd be asking myself what aspects of virology that doesn't get explained well, gets plausibly explained with different theory, and vice versa.

Leave it with me for now, cheers.

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Sep 28, 2023
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All of which is fine but the variants are all part of the scam. Virology is fundamentally flawed and what might be better termed air borne germ theory is false. Sam and Mark Bailey have done a great deal on this, but this was my post. It is designed to ridicule the variants which were so ridiculous to make people think.


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Every nurse and doctor involved in injecting people with a DNA changing drug that could not possibly have been given with informed consent should be arrested and charged with attempted murder. All will be found to be guilty as charged under existing laws based on the Nuremberg protocols that have been on the books for over 6 decades.

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( at ) ng16322

#midazolam Carer confirms "they were murdering them with End of Life drugs" = midazolam. NHS guideline NG163, Mass cull of elderly by Boris Johnson & UK Government #CrimesAgainstHumanity #PMQs #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #Nuremberg2 #CovidInquiry #NG163 #NHS

June 22, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: It appears that this unnamed person filmed herself while driving; there is traffic noise in the background. A second clip shows her stopped, without traffic noise, and speaking directly into the camera.

YOUNG WOMAN: You know, I was the carer during all the, the whole plandemic and you know the one thing that I couldn't wrap my head around when I woke up was, how did I see so many people dying? Because it was happening right in front of us.

And it turns out they were murdering them under our fu*king noses!

And a little while ago I had a conversation with someone I used to work with, and I asked him the same question, I said, [inaudible], you know, I've learnt a lot in the past few years and I've come to realize what's really going on, but what I can't understand is how they like, you know, we literally see people dying. Help me understand that. And he turned around said to me, it was putting them on the end of life medication.

And I was just like, what?! Like, I know they're giving the life medication to people that are dying, but, so you're telling me that anyone that had 'vid, they would just, they would just put them straight on end of life medication?

And he said, Yeah.

And I've literally, I'm not [inaudible] the video right this second, but pretty much says that.

And I, I feel sick just remembering those peoples' faces and the people that we looked after. And we thought, I mean, back then, I was so asleep and I, I believed it, and it's just done me, it's done my head in, it's done my brain in, I don't even know, I don't even know, I can't.


And this person I was talking to was a nurse, obviously the people that hand out the medication, because as you guys know [inaudible], we don't hand out the medication unless [inaudible] It's done my head in. And seeing a video that also said it. Oh, please, I can't, this is just horrendous.



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*"Midazolam is used to produce sleepiness or drowsiness and to relieve anxiety before surgery or certain procedures. Midazolam is also given to produce amnesia (loss of memory) so that the patient will not remember any discomfort or undesirable effects that may occur after a surgery or procedure. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) depressants, which are medicines that slow down the nervous system. This medicine is given only by or under the immediate supervision of a doctor trained to use this medicine." — source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/midazolam-oral-route/description/drg-20072182

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This was/is a financially incentivised pre planned genocidal murder/'depopulation' agenda involving gene 'therapy' -nano tech 'experimental' highly toxic, -spike protein + Graphene oxide + Graphene hydroxide (nano razor blades'), quantum dots, - lipid nano particles, encasing various/multiple toxic payloads.

The killer injections are not 'vaccines' but military US-DOD, biowarfare 'countermeasures' designed from the get go to harm and kill. Loaded with SV40, Aids sequences, 'digitally created' venom sequences , the levels/layers of toxic nano particles/ carbon nano tubes are breathtaking and 'mind blowing' & potentially mind directing/controlling. They - FDA- CDC -NHS et all knew from the get go these were not ordinary 'vaccines', as did ANYONE who did some basic googling on mRNA, Pzifer, covid etc - the PCR scam test were an open fraud to drive cases - patents exist to show all this is preplanned - and we're now primed for Turbo -cancers, Synthetic blood clots, myocarditis, strokes, depleted immune systems.

This is a nightmare of epic proportions - intentional and evil - almost beyond belief, and there's more - this nano technology is also lying latent in our bodies with potential to be activated by pulsed emf frequencies from cell towers or other broadcasting devices triggering the release of the various toxic payloads -

Three 18 Ghz frequency blasts for 60 seconds, in a row, will break open the LNP sac, that holds the encapsulated drug, toxin or ‘virus; Marburg or Ebola or whichever, according to military attorney Todd Calendar and others. Frequency wars are an internal 
part of this, both healing with and harming with frequencies, watch this space - good ‘vibes/bad vibes’. We are electromagnet
 beings with bio-fields (think ‘aura’s) that are fundamental to our wellbeing or lack of.

Informed Consent ? Don't look on the VAX - Bioweapon insert for the ingredients as they were often blank - we all were invited to partake in military 'medical experiment' where no one was honestly checking safety, quality control, testing (and when deaths and harms occurred early on they were covered up ) - we were herded and goaded to into what was in effect a no win -Russian roulette - suicide 'medication' experiment - those who erred on the side of caution due to looking at science or intuitive gut feeling were mercilessly pilloried and called selfish and idiots and worse - by people who then shed their spike protein toxic payloads on the non vaxxed if we got too close to the foolhardy 'Big Harma' experimental drug takers... the irony is sickening literally.

Now the creators of these weapons are waiting to twiddle the knobs on the military EMF 4g & 5g weapons to activate the toxic payloads throughout the bodies a huge %age of the Irish and global population. I venture we have not seen the end in the spike of excess deaths and cancers.

Comprehending the evil intent of those behind this mega crime is a challenge to any 'normal' person. To those who turned a blind to or colluded in the promotion of this mass genocide it's time to take stock and work to end 'death by injection' rampage, the print and broadcasting media need to take a serious look at the real science and wall to wall lies, big pharma, the medics they pushed 24/7 to promote this ongoing genocidal carnage. May you all get your 'just deserts' - may you reap the karma of the harms you have wrought on innocents. A special place may be reserved for those who demonised the lifesaving treatments of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Vit D, Zinc etc when they have been known for decides to be remedies for Sars CoVid and been absolutely safe over billions of doses to humans - yet CDC- NHS etc dismissed it as 'horse paste', knowing as Fauci had previous said this was a life saver for Sars-coVid. Why that lie? That lie was so 'they' big pharma and their backers could get EUA - Emergency Use Authorisation to use their experimental 'deathvax' bioweapons - claiming there were no viable treatments for the 'novel' (huge lie) sars CV19. We've been set up and decimated, who cares? STOP these 'jabs', enough already! - Perhaps the governments idiotic policy of putting fluoride, a know Neurotoxin in the nations drinking water for decades may have softened up the peoples critical thinking abilities. It's time to set aside the guff and cut to the chase of clearing up this mess brought to us by 'experts' national and international with the aid of their duped or not, co-conspirators, who ridiculed truth tellers , who censored and harangued them on social media, the media, the pub everywhere, - including the global msm - 'Trusted Media Network', who we now see as Orwellian facilitators of mass genocide a global carnage. How do you feel - now the truth is revealed? Will you go to your graves harbouring this treason or will you wise up and do something to reverse the damage you have helped facilitate?

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Exactly 👏

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opps - in editing it appears some of this post is not appearing above, continued below....

Informed Consent ? Don't look on the VAX - Bioweapon insert for the ingredients as they were often blank - we all were invited to partake in military 'medical experiment' where no one was honestly checking safety, quality control, testing (and when deaths and harms occurred early on they were covered up ) - we were herded and goaded to into what was in effect a no win -Russian roulette - suicide 'medication' experiment - those who erred on the side of caution due to looking at science or intuitive gut feeling were mercilessly pilloried and called selfish and idiots and worse - by people who then shed their spike protein toxic payloads on the non vaxxed if we got too close to the foolhardy 'Big Harma' experimental drug takers... the irony is sickening literally.

Now the creators of these weapons are waiting to twiddle the knobs on the military EMF 4g & 5g weapons to activate the toxic payloads throughout the bodies a huge %age of the Irish and global population. I venture we have not seen the end in the spike of excess deaths and cancers.

Comprehending the evil intent of those behind this mega crime is a challenge to any 'normal' person. To those who turned a blind to or colluded in the promotion of this mass genocide it's time to take stock and work to end 'death by injection' rampage, the print and broadcasting media need to take a serious look at the real science and wall to wall lies, big pharma, the medics they pushed 24/7 to promote this ongoing genocidal carnage. May you all get your 'just deserts' - may you reap the karma of the harms you have wrought on innocents. A special place may be reserved for those who demonised the lifesaving treatments of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Vit D, Zinc etc when they have been known for decides to be remedies for Sars CoVid and been absolutely safe over billions of doses to humans - yet CDC- NHS etc dismissed it as 'horse paste', knowing as Fauci had previous said this was a life saver for Sars-coVid. Why that lie? That lie was so 'they' big pharma and their backers could get EUA - Emergency Use Authorisation to use their experimental 'deathvax' bioweapons - claiming there were no viable treatments for the 'novel' (huge lie) sars CV19. We've been set up and decimated, who cares? STOP these 'jabs', enough already! - Perhaps the governments idiotic policy of putting fluoride, a know Neurotoxin in the nations drinking water for decades may have softened up the peoples critical thinking abilities. It's time to set aside the guff and cut to the chase of clearing up this mess brought to us by 'experts' national and international with the aid of their duped or not, co-conspirators, who ridiculed truth tellers , who censored and harangued them on social media, the media, the pub everywhere, - including the global msm - 'Trusted Media Network', who we now see as Orwellian facilitators of mass genocide a global carnage. How do you feel - now the truth is revealed? Will you go to your graves harbouring this treason or will you wise up and do something to reverse the damage you have helped facilitate?

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That huge spike happened in a few places in March / April 2020 (New York & N. Italy being two which were globally highlighted). That spike is so NOT like how a virus would 'spread' in a community, and only happened in a few hotspots globally once a pandemic was declared (no signs of spread before the announcement), that the more attention that can be brought to it the better (IMHO) - because the official story can't answer the questions it raises.

Jessica Hockett: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/new-york-city (general summary of her work, May 2023: https://rumble.com/v37r0gc-toward-a-new-york-city-hypothesis-dr-jessica-hockett.html)

Jonathan Engler: https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/the-lombardy-analysis

Denis Rancourt also argues the interventions caused the Spring 2020 surge (https://oisin.page/2023/06/29/all-cause-death-numbers-show-the-truth/ ... although most of that discussion is about the injections)

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Interventions all part of the problem. Virology is completely up the spout. The so called virus was a scam, the 'flu turned into a monster by persistent adverting.


The seasonal 'flu was down in the winter so was bound to go up when lockdown happened. Ferguson has mass murder on his hands.


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i would'nt be holding my breadth mind you, waiting on a garda inquiry outcome, i think gemma would agree with me.

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Thank you for exposing all this. It is so horrible. I knew in 2020 COVID 19 was a scam and I tried warning people mainly via my WordPress site. I wrote this about lock downs and care homes.

"Care homes were shut up and the bulk of excess deaths in 2020 were in those places. No one went in from outside to check their loved ones were being looked after properly, or what the care home staffs were up to; People lied, people died."



I did not know about Midazolam then. I think it was my brother-in-law who may have flagged it and there was the undertaker John O’Looney who spoke up.

There never was a mystery virus, it was all a complete con. As i have said before, COVID 19 is the 'flu rebranded. The advertising worked only too well.


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Aisling have you seen the recent dr john cambell videos about excess deaths in Britain and everywhere he said there is high amount in Ireland he's finally managed to get proper debate in house of parliament in Britain its coming up soon would love to see you interview him he has all the statistics proof of the excess deaths and he's determined to get answers

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Glad we're on the same side Aisling. There's a lot of explaining to do of these dirty dees done dirt cheap to our tribe. Mind yourself and take special care of yourself M'lady.

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A great piece of getting to the truth AislingO Loughlin,,keep up your great work,,Thank you

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