Obviously they'll try get the Irish to sign up so the Islams can take the place for the Rothchilds; not that they'll last long either; thinking of all the children coming from Africa; and wives; and organ donations being compulsory; it's all very depraved tbf; and they'll always find some bizarre reason to start a army; Varadker gave away our fishing; what is the sudden need to secure it ?

My advice, take out the govt and get the hell out of the EU Ireland isn't even legally part of it anyways as it was a 32 Nation state membership ONLY as per the 1937 Constitution which de Gaulle insisted it be; they got in overnight with the UK; but it still stands, Eire is NOT part of the EU and we should NOT get involved in a war with Russia, ever' instead make peace with Russia and develop progressive lives and worlds without parasitic demons pulling our necks into whirlpools of shit.

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“ Hell is empty. All the devils are here”.

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Yet more blood boiling lies and propaganda for war.It's all just to benefit the banks and hedge funders profits!😡😡😡

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That photo looks more than camouflaged it looks straight out of the Ukrainian bio weapons drugs mafia shop. Undersea protection my backside… this is seriously scary and the potential brutality beyond imagination … as if what’s currently being proxied by demented perverts isn’t enough to satisfy their blood lusts … can we hope in Trump?

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Interesting. I rarely see the media but I have noticed an ad for the Irish defence forces on the RTE player. Then the other day I spotted an Irish battleship docked in Dun Laoghaire with a queue of people waiting to be brought on a tour of the boat. Now we see photos of politicians dressed as soldiers. Looks like they're conditioning us for some kind of big bust up alright.

But this is all part of the fear-mongering they have been inflicting on us for years now. If it's not some deadly virus it's the prospect of a terrible war. It may seem daft to anyone who takes this seriously, but it's all a hoax.

I spent a month recently not too far from the Polish/Ukraine border. A peaceful area, lovely weather, and a great place to raise a family. No one there is scared. No one is worried.

We're a lot further away so we should not be either.

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they're clearing africa of all their young male opposition because that's where the focus of the financial system for the next 80 year cycle will be. all these idiot young males have been fooled into moving to europe while their homelands are being stolen from underneath them. africa is the next area targeted for producing all the worlds food supplies. look what happened gaddafi when he started tapping into the massive aquifers underneath libya...those irrigation systems were the first thing bombed by the US. some african leaders are starting to realise what is happening, hence all the "accidental" deaths occurring in the past few months

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“Put an Irishman on the spit and you can always get another Irishman to turn him.”

GB Shaw

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How about this for predictive programming, or maybe just plain prediction, from one of the original occult bands, Black Sabbath. The song "War Pigs" was released in 1970.

verse one goes like this:

The generals (globalist elites) gather in their masses (Davos, Bohemian Grove etc.),

Just like witches at black masses.

Evil minds that plot destruction,

Sorcerers of deaths construction.

In the fields, the bodies burning,

As the war machine keeps turning.

Death and hatred to mankind,

Poisoning their brainwashed minds.

Oh Lord, yeah and guitar solo.

Verse one is where we are now, verse two is just up ahead.

Now in darkness, world stops turning,

Ashes were the bodies burning.

No more war pigs of the power,

Hand of God has struck the hour.

Day of Judgement, God is calling,

On their knees the war pigs crawling.

Begging mercy for their sins,

Satan laughing (but not for much longer) spreads his wings.

Oh Lord, yeah.

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I didn’t notice this at all. So grateful for your tenacity and excellent insights.

Theres mass rumblings of inability to grow grains on all the off grid type Irish pages I’m on too. Many saying things are even failing in their grow houses polytunnepls.

Add propensity to failed crops, with this political insecurity, means for a season or two, we need to be very savvy now.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

When Islam “lost” the last round of the Crusades by the sword, they venged to return the battle to Europe, but next time they would do so by infiltrating Europe from within. They would become part of the landscape of Christiandom and destroy it from within.

I would say they are on the verge of winning and destroying western society.

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Wrong religion. It’s Satanists aka elite masons and their buddies running the show. Well trying to. There’s soooo many waking up now and they say themselves they’re years behind in their plans.

It’s still all to play for.

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No, that is exactly what Islamists said, that is not coming from me.

But onto the concept of 'satanists', he walks among all corridors, don't be fooled into thinking his domain is a particular sect, until the second coming of Jesus Christ, the whole world is Lucifer's bedroom.

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How Vile- to sacrifice a young girl - for the benefit of multinationals -with never any benefit for the young.

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The Rothschild takeover of the world continues...


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Amazing! While the State seeks to restrict civilian firearm ownership as much as possible, when it comes to profitable war, they are only too keen to stuff a high powered rifle in your hand and send you off to die on some foreign shore. Their hypocrisy is reaching mind blowing levels. They will use you to protect the State, but if you protect yourself, you end up in court getting cross examined by people who were not there, as to why you used defensive force. So to the State I say, 'Nope I ain't going, so just don't ask'. When the 'Russians' land in Dublin, that is when I'll pick up my weapon.

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