Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

They were called clot shots within a month of them starting so clearly all Western governments knew very early on that they were killing people. Clearly these governments no longer work for us ...... if indeed they ever did.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Oh dear! Looks like those pesky 'conspiracy theorists' (read conspiracy realists) seem to have got it right again. Well, blow me down, isn't vindication great?

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Demon-infected dregs.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

there will come a time when, as they lay down to sleep at night, they will have as much worry as those who they have coerced into getting the clot shot now have. their care free lives that they have now will not last indefinitely.

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Sooner rather than later. Although I wouldn't hold my breath, these people are narcissists and have zero awareness or empathy.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The goal is to get as many shoulders punctured as many times as possible. This goal is still in play and will remain in play until all those who knowingly and willingly involved themselves in furthering the goal are in prison, either for murder, accessory to murder, manslaughter, maiming, being complicit.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

There cannot be any other explanation than PorkiePier Luke O’Neill, and his ilk were all aware of the mass culling that was occurring.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Appropriately enough perhaps, in this years Halloween edition of the "Ireland,s Own" magazine, the regular column "Cassidy Says" begins: "Like ourselves, I'm sure you are attending more and more funerals as the years go by." The article goes on to describe the different types of funerals the narrator has attended recently, but no mention, of course, of the reasons behind this recent upsurge, though perhaps the unstated presumption to be made is that it is all just a natural consequence of the readership growing older. Still, it does go to show that the awareness of all these extra deaths is out there in the ether, just waiting for that one noteworthy, or headline making, case to bring the whole house of lies crashing down. The day when that finally happens will be like O'Neill's, kenny's, and many others, own personal Halloween; when as they contemplate the end of their reputations, their careers, and their liberty as well, they will know first hand what it means to literally shake in their boots.,

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

i dream of someone being able to hijack the rte television signal during the late late show some friday night, a la max headroom incident that occurred in chicago in the 80s.

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Now that's a show I'd gladly pay my license fee to watch.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

'Vaxy waxy'!!! God knows how many teens/20's plus were 'influenced' and now are reaping the rewards ... Accountability has to be taken by paid-influencers.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

All those genocidal maniacs need life sentences for what they have done. Is this not murder on a grand scale? while they lined their pockets with the blood of innocent people. No mercy for those parasites!!

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Coincidence rates go through fluctuations over time. The world is currently experiencing quite a high coincidence rate. Are we afraid of coincidences now? Absolutely nothing to worry about folks. Go out; get your boosters and enjoy yourselves. 👍 😊

uh.... not medical advice. not a doctor. 😁

Did I get vaxxed? Of course not. My elite blood is too refined.

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Excellent research aisling the truth is getting out to more and more even msm are very slowly starting to wake up perhaps time will tell

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Come on now. Lets follow the science. Copernicus figured out that the earth is the center of the universe > just look, the moon orbits the earth, and it is obvious the sun does as well, going up and down every day, and at night you can see all the stars circle around us as well. Oh, by the way our earth is a flat disk. 2. Germ theory it is a theory because no one has ever seen a germ. Virus? No one has ever seen a virus. such diseases are caused by ill humors. > A little blood letting will fix you right up.

The only science these political clowns and their media gas lighters follow is political science, particularly courses on manipulation and coercion, with a minor in covering their own asses and sucking up to their bosses.

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2 weeks after the initial roll out, my friend’s aunt dropped dead after milking the cows within 2 weeks of getting the vax. Healthy farmer lady - ‘multiple’ clots in heart & lungs. The list hasn’t stopped since then with ‘dropped dead’s.’ And interestingly, the stats for NI show that compared to the 5 year period prior, the last 3 years ‘deaths at HOME’ are up 33% as per NISRA website (they don’t do the Maths for you but you can do it yourself by adding & dividing). Dolores Kelly was the 1st I heard to shout out about it - ‘people will start dropping dead in the streets.’ Her credentials make her someone THEY should have listened to. But they didn’t - perhaps because they already knew. I haven’t heard of her since - they’ve done a decent job at silencing dissension.

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How many more instances of " misinformation " did the public rush to believe?

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O’Neill,Irelands modern day Lord Haw Haw.

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At least Astra Zeneca stopped making these new mRNA vaccines before the boosters.All the people I personally know, who died or have serious side effects, did so after shot number 3, the Pfizer booster!AZ is only getting headlines because the government has spent millions on the new Moderna mRNA flu jab manufacturing plants which are to be dished out every year.😡I don't trust Andrew Bridgen if he's going along with this story 🤔

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