Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Strange times! What I still don't really understand is that people are generally totally incapable of critical thinking. What ever Luke O'Neill comes out with sounds to me like the rantings of an insane person, yet, vast numbers believe him. As with wearing masks, no evidence of benefit. What has happened to people?

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Puke O’Neil. You got his name wrong. It’s Puke.

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Or ' nuke lie lo', an anagram of his name.

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I always think he looks like Wilfred Brambell, the British actor, who, in his personal life was not a nice man!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

People are drugged to their eyeballs. Compliant and soulless, pathetic creatures.

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Younger souls are incapable of that realisation. I reiterate that which I heard from a knowing soul in the arena of spiritual research last year.

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People been washing the pills down neuro-toxic fluoridated water for decades, softened up

to take lethal experimental toxic untested drugs/bioweapons aggressively promoted by sanctimonious, hypocritical , politician's. medic's and media who failed to do basic due diligence. These spineless paid 'professional' mental imbeciles have been totally negligent in protecting the nation and people, traitors of worst kind. They took their 30 pieces of silver without doing any BASIC research into one of the notoriously corrupt big pharma industries.

It beggar's belief.

These 'people'/scum have partook in promoting murder/genocide of the nation. The death

and pain will be ongoing. Died suddenly, died unexpectedly , died too young, Turbo cancers,

Myocarditis, Heart failures, strokes, TOXIC synthetic spike proteins, Lipid nano particles,

graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, and much more poisonous 'emergency - experimental, untested and undeclared toxic crap you cajoled the unweary to take for a 99%

non lethal rebranded flu.

This is not a time for back peddling excuses - you willingly or otherwise colluded with the murderous eugenists depopulation agenda, face this REALITY, REPENT and slither under

some rock - you are disgrace to yourselves, and the nation. Many of you vilified those of us

repeatedly warned and presented the scientific facts about this mega genocidal crime.

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Brilliant Aisling! Yes we live in a world when thousands of people march in grief for a dead Irish rock star and only a handful turn up to support freedom of speech. Our world is inverted and there’s a lot more that is still hidden from us. Just don’t look up.

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You forgot to mention the traitors in Bishops mitres who are also in the camp of traitors betraying God and the sheep🤮

Time for everyone to stand up and be counted in this vicious war against our souls👊

Well done on another great post✅👊

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Exactly...those of us with critically thinking minds knew from the outset that it was a spiritual war they were perpetrating on us.

Remove God and divinity from the soul and you are open to demonic entities....that is what they are.

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With the notable exception of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who called it absolutely correctly from get go. This is the man everyone catholic and non catholic and Bishops would have benefited from listening to. He called the bioweapon injections Satan's initiation and he was

absolutely correct - his talks and letters laid it all out clearly and calmly, he wrote to President Trump, and Catholic hierarchy and all Catholics, all were informed that this mass genocide.

Much of his information can be found here. Sadly in Ireland he was ignored despite having served with 4 Popes and is senior and highly ethical and respected ArchBishop.


There is NO excuse all the information from Professor Francis Boyle, Karen Kingston, Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Peter Mc Cullough, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, and dozens more laid out clearly this genocidal scamdemic.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Great Post Aisling!

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Love, truth beauty, Intelligence, and reason 💗🙏👩

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Well said Aisling!A fantastic article ❤️

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Rarely do I watch RTE "news" but the mess we're in is highlighted by the collection of clowns in Bray today. Geldof, Bono and Mickey D led the congregation in an overt celebration of a supposed champion of women's rights, gay rights and BLM while being a devout Muslim! The irony is overwhelming.

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So is the hypocrisy! The MSM who vilified and belittled her in life are all now going boo hoo, she was so loved. Its pathetic!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

When it all kicks off even the normies will no longer be normies.

The only question I have is did they put something in those shots that makes people highly susceptible to some forms of electromagnetic radiation? If they did then those "few" unjabbed gimmigrants could have virtually free reign in Ireland where the normies were lining up for quadruple doses of any spare poison Pfizer had going. Those people holding up the welcome signs might regret it then but by then it will be too late.

After that only a blast from the sun could save humanity and funnily enough we are due one. I wonder what would happen if we had the normies crippled for a year being abused by gimmigrants and then the sun did its thing and shut down the control grid? Would certainly make a good idea for a film but it all sounds terribly familiar so probably already has been made into a film.

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They are constantly increasing the 5 radiation that we are being hit with on a daily basis. It is causing massive health problems in people but because it is " invisible " people are completely unaware of it. Those who took the experimental are especially prone to its detrimental effects .

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there's a lot worse than that coming from the sun...add in the weakened magnetic field (some say it's down 30% at this stage) and the line up of gas giants due from oct 2024 that is going to put earth directly in line for lots of space debris, wake up a lot of volcanoes and things are gonna get scary very quickly for people...has anyone noticed how white the sun is these days? or how the radiation is burning your skin really quickly, even when the temps are not that high? i think the PTB know there is a repeating cycle about to bring major catastrophes very soon...this might explain why they seem to be speeding up all their plans...everything is being brought forward by years...they seem to have targeted africa as the next place which will be the safest and most habitable after the reset...also it's ripe to continue their failing financial system for the next 80 year cycle...plus the continent has massive aquifers underneath it...how convenient to empty the place of all its young military aged men to ensure the minimal opposition as they take control...see how much african countries are already starting to enter the mainstream narrative

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Yes the sun is definitely whiter which should mean it is hotter and yet the planet is hardly warming at all. The sun heats the planet in lots of ways so maybe as the light gets whiter these other heating effects fall away so balancing things out. The earth charges and discharges on a yearly cycle due to its non-circular orbit and that electrical current must heat the atmosphere and yet none of that heat is included in these climate models they use that always say the earth is going to warm more than it does. I think quite frankly we are up against incompetents and they only got there because they toed the line rather than through merit. The earth's wind directions at the various latitudes are also controlled by current sheets from the sun as can be seen and described in this great electric universe video from the thunderbolts project that has also created a model of the sun with their SAFIRE project that shows most of the action on the sun occurs just above the surface not internally. https://youtu.be/pOhvVRjt3Ec

And yes I think that clearly there is a hidden agenda and I think that even more clearly the fact they are trying to hide that agenda means it will not work out at all well for those involved in such subterfuge. They think they are beyond history, beyond history's inevitible retributions for such evil, but they most certainly are not and I think one or two of them are finally coming to that completely bleeding obvious conclusion, ..... that they and their bloodlines are doomed not due to some accident of planetary alignment but because they dared think themselves gods .......... without God's express permission to play dress up.

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Boom!! 🎤👋💖

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

One of the best you've written Aisling, thank you for this, I am tempted to send it to some family who always say "I don't want to know"

It's really hard to wake people up but articles like this are a big help x

ps, where is your interview with Naomi Wolf please

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Thank you Kathleen. I know how hard it is to even have a conversation about what is happening. It's tough out there. I've just posted the Dr Naomi Wolf interview on Substack. You'll find the link to the full interview at the end of the article.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Scriobh den Scoth a Aisling!

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That was one of the most powerful pieces of writing I’ve read. It is so painfully on point.

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Spot on!! Thank you! It’s pointing out the obvious, but truth is treason in an empire of lies.

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Our own generosity has being weaponised against us and our trusting nature , but in the long run We Irish will react when we realise they are taking the piss . I want to believe this , if they push us enough the lash back will be ferocious is my thinking.

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I don't know about that Richard. People are still in denial that the covid scam was a hoax to depopulate.

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wishful thinking maybe Diane

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Lets hope not then!

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Reality is way overrated anyhow. What we need is a virtual world designed by AI just like Yuval Noah Harari and his good friend Russell Brand would recommend.

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