Mar 27, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Most medication is toxic and they know it, hence the long slip of paper with every box telling you ALL the side effects that they love to minimalise, which most ignore, just like the ingredients labels on foods.

But honestly, people love being sick! They glorify in it. I just don't get it?!?

You mention the side effects and the reply is always "oh but I need it because of *insert whatever small ailment* due to how bad my symptoms are and the doctor said blah blah blah".

I'm not saying that there aren't a lot of genuine cases that need medical intervention at all, but generally, people love to glamourise illnesses into heroism but they are also ignorant of the pharmaceutical business and they trust their doctors!

Most people pop some paracetamol at the slightest illness because it's an advice given, but it's the last thing you should do! A temperature is there because your body needs the heat to kill off what is ailing you.

But no one wants to listen to that because they're so ill 😅 and the medication that they 'need' proves it!

If we could only make people understand that they are simply customers aye!

Thank you 🙂

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I hear ya Carol. It's a real catch 22 and they're so grateful to the nurses and doctors for looking after them. It's a mad world!

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