Mar 2, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Aisling, fantastic work as always!! All of your pieces will be printed off and put on the history box in our house. Jeremy, ego and truth cannot coexist so your barking up the wrong tree bud! It will be hard to rattle anyone who is speaking the truth no matter what bullshit you throw their way. You either received an incentive to keep pushing/ repeating lies or you believed it was the truth and now you know deep down that you have been lied too. If it is the latter, redirect whatever negative emotions that you are feeling. Keep the faith Aisling and thank you again for independent journalism 👏

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I would applaud this fucking fantastic piece until my hands fell off!!! Aisling, you’re just a class act! I’ve never hero worshipped before but by God I am now and you’re IT!😅🙏💚💖

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Thank you Jenni! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but all of the people all of the time. On we go!

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Well said Aisling. These lessons also make for a concise, and accurate summary of what we now know to be one of the greatest crimes ever to be committed against humanity. Personally, I initially fell for their Convid grift back in Spring 2020, but very quickly became what you might call, a 'things sure aren't adding up and its pretty obvious' theorist, and of course it has turned out my intuitions were bang on correct. 'Those who know the least - obey the best' (George Farquhar)

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Lesson 1: When someone tries to murder you, your family and your whole society; if you don't hang them they will keep coming back trying to kill you until you do hang them.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Do you still think the earth is flat Aisling? Or have you done more “research”? Dying to know.

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

What a load of entitled, misinformed, grifting uneducated shite. Opinion and ego masquerading as intelligence. It’s easy to fool sheep looking for a shepherd and you are blondie bo peep. Stick to being a failed journalist. You’re very good at it.

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You're right Jeremy, I could never have remained in the mainstream media offering soft questions to the 'experts' and misdirecting the public. Proud to be a failed journalist. Who do you consider a successful one? Fergal Bowers? Claire Byrne? Dr Ciara Kelly? They're certainly v successful. Are you still falling for the propaganda? Bless.

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You were a tv presenter on a fashion show Aisling. And now you want to lecture the world on vaccines? Duh!

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Replace ‘what a load of’ with ‘I am an...’

and then stick to being a failed human! 💩

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Where did your life go wrong to the point that you’re listening to a fashion hack lecturing you about truth. The filthiest industry around and she never spoke a bad word about it. When she was let go she decided to be a rocket scientist and lecture the world. My hole. All regurgitated shite and not an original thought in if. But buy her a coffee cos she’s another broke hack grifting for cash.

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She’s not lecturing or trying to be ‘original’! She is an intelligent, brave, well informed, strong Irish woman who is using her voice to inform others of the truth! She is the most genuine, committed, spirited journalist out there and she’s doing fantastic work! We’ve all done our own research Jeremy and she’s right on the money with everything she publishes. Thanks for reminding me to buy her a well deserved coffee! Cheers! ☕️

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If she’s the best journalist out there why is she begging for coffee while sharing YouTube videos? Why can’t she get a job to save her life. She literally thinks the earth is flat ffs. Seriously, do you believe the earth is flat too? Have you all lost your minds?

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