May 4, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

A man who has just survived COVID and really believes he may catch it again and really believes that masks work would not be around hundreds of unmasked people at numerous drunken No.10 parties in the following weeks and months ergo Johnson is a damn liar, but we already knew that. The real shocker, or maybe not, is that various NHS doctors and nurses stood there and told what I regard to be bare faced, or rather, masked lies or certainly pushed non-certainties as certainties about his illness to the public. He had the flu if anything and the PCR test can't tell the difference between the flu, the common cold and COVID19 not least because no-one has ever isolated COVID19 to find out if the PCR test actually detects it.

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I understand that the PCR 'test' can pick also up dead viral fragments from previous infections.

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Yes that is all it does and why its inventor Kerry Mullins said it must never be used to track infections because the "infection" might just be normal fragments of other viruses etc and so a positve result was meaningless. The WHO and everyone else knew this of course but by shutting down those that were trying to warn the public about this PCR test being misused to push the Covid pandemic lie they managed to convince people there was a really dangerous virus doing the rounds and now of course we know that there wasn't unless you want to redefine the flu as "really dangerous" because as even Gates admitted "Covid" kills pretty much the same group of people as the flu does and in the same numbers. And remember the flu disappeared for two years and anyone with flu symptoms was left to live or die untreated so essentially most people died of untreated flu or bacterial pneumonia due to lack of simple antibiotic treatments. Doctors simply left patients to die, they "were only following orders".. Of course the misuse of the PCR test achieved its aim and that was to get people to willingly line up and be injected with a spike protein instruction set that would eventually kill 100% of those that took it. Needless to say neither Johnson nor any of his family took the shots as will one day be proved in court.

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Indeed and as I may have mentioned before, people do not understand what the 'flu actually is and that we don't 'catch it' at all but suffer it as it is a poisoning arising from our metabolisms etc and imbalance in our bodies.


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I don't understand how then many suffer from it at the same time. Surely, we all have unique metabolism. It's an honest question.

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And a very reasonable question which I had to ask myself.

You are of course quite right, we do all have unique metabolism, nobody can be quite the same.

As to suffering from it at the same time, the issue is what is the same time?

If, as in WW1, troops were gassed then they all suffer from the same cause. How it effects each individual though will vary. I knew a couple in West Sussex in the 1980's. He had been gassed in the war and had respiratory issues but was perhaps late 80's or even 90 when he died I presume.

Most 'flus tend to occur in the winter when vit D is low and pollution worse. More time spent in doors, enclosed spaces, where toxic fumes may build up.

There is the copy cat effect of someone sees someone coughing and spluttering which causes a level of fear. Fear helps drain energy/resources so might trigger a similar response as body toxicity reaches a level where the body response is disease.

People may suffer similar symptoms but each person will suffer more or less. And there are always some who will milk it to take time off work!

There is an issue with food as this can result in toxins from metabolism. For example, I have a facial palsy from sodium nitrite (E250) which I explain here.


I consider that such processed meats are eaten more in the winter adding to the problems.

Ultimately there are so many variables and lack of all the facts that one needs a lot of detective work to identify the causes, but invariably the issues are multi-layered.

Big pharma play on people's fears to sell their toxic products which in turn exacerbate the 'flu issues.

I hope that goes some way to explaining.

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I remember when that awful Ciara Kelly got it she actually admitted to taking an antibiotic to help clear it up .....funny that ,shes gone very odd looking lately i have to say shes aged rapidly too ,selling your soul does that to you or perhaps taking the poison ,

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Both probably, soul and body connected, so one afflicts the other.

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Mary Lou McDonald too. She had a bad case. She then had natural immunity but went on to be video taped after gettin jabbed.

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I herd that Luke o Neill , who didn't get the jab ! on a clip with Pat lies Kenny planning the next Phase of their cull. He said the Bird Flu doesn't pass to Humans but if it did it WOULD kill 80% of those that got it , but HE said it doesn't pass to humans ??? , then i heard a week ago or so that the bird flu Killed a woman in China . With the WHO's pandemic Treaty in place I can see where this might be going. O Neill was priming the public . These people have no soul left if you ask me.

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I doubt they really ever had one. Unless it's an 'R' soul... Bird 'flu was always a scam. Wish I had realised at the time when they mentioned it years ago though I was never that bothered.


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Great stuff, many thanks. The whole thing as I daresay you may have said elsewhere was an IQ or similar test of commonsense and observation. Sadly a very great many failed dismally.

Thankfully I worked it all out by June 2020. I was a bit slow but to be fair I have been struggling with my energy and health.

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I think you're dead right!

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