"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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Tommy Robinson was photographed alongside members of the IDF.

He is sponsored by Ezra Levant & his modus operandi is encouraging hatred of Muslims to justify the Jewish genocide

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People need to know how the system works in order to protect themselves and they need to change their status and become sovereign. What I mean by changing your status is separating from your legal person which was created from your birth cert and become the living man/woman and be the beneficiary of your legal person. This can be done through thesocietyofpeace.com

Mandate meaning: An order to carry out a clause within a contract. For a mandate to have any legal merit, a contract must be in force prior to the mandate being sent.

NI Health Bill( the word "Bill" Meaning): A document detailing the outcome of commerce between two consenting parties. Intention to literally bill the people (extract money from the people through fines etc. ) If the proposed bill is going to generate a considerable amount of money, the bank buys the bill at half the amount off the government and all the fines then go the bank.

Legislation is not law, but in in fact nothing more than contracts where people have the choice to voluntarily consent to or not. Often referred to as "colour of law". These contracts are also referred to as Policy, Statutus, Guidelines, Acts, Bills, Mandates, Notices, Rules Licences, Permits, Regulations, Warrants, Diktats and incorrectly and fraudulently "law". They all require your consent.

Learn how the system works by doing the 22 week course with handbook from www.thesovereignproject.live

Sovereignty is the only way out; learn to escape the maze

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Whatever happens ... DO NOT CONFORM.

FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I can see a need for civil disobedience and unrest if they try this on.

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Thank you both for your good work on this issue.

I copy below my submission to the NI Health Consultation.....

Re-directing to >> Fwd: NI Public Health bill cons doc reply

To: private.office@health-ni.gov.uk.....

Subject: NI Public Health bill cons doc reply

Date: October 14, 2024 at 11:58:36 PM GMT+1

To: "phbt@health-ni.gov.uk" <phbt@health-ni.gov.uk>

Cc: mike.nesbitt@mla.niassembly.gov.uk, paul.frew@mla.niassembly.gov.uk,

Dear Sir’s,

Regarding the NI Public Health bill cons doc.

I find this document repugnant and inappropriate for the people of Northern Ireland.

I do not consent to its contents.

The is no accountability in the document.

I do not agree or consent to be contained or quarantined.

I do not consent to being injected, vaccinated or treated in any other manner without my approval and informed consent.

I reject the aspiration that a Health Minister can take primacy over and act beyond the assembly.

I regard my inalienable rights to supersede those of anyone else or any agency or incorporated body or society.

I regard the recommendation to advise or encourage anyone to take not fully tested injections, experimental products, mRNA or other RNA platform products, gene therapy and or injections containing nano products, including, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, luciferace, quantum dots, lipid nano particles, SV40, spike proteins and any toxic products, as a lack of due diligence and moral integrity. People promoting the use of harmful injections and products should be held personably liable for harms caused by said products, if the harmful effects are in the public domaine. IE the products are not safe and effective nor work as they are promoted to.

There is copious peer reviewed evidence that the mRNA platform CoVid19 vaccinations were designed with intent to harm - I have many links to support this


The CoVid19 injection ‘vaccination’, countermeasure, was organised and distributed by USA’s Department of Defence, {DoD} with some assistance

of USA NIH. It was and is a military project, Operation Warp Speed, run by Military personnel. The Covid19 injections are manufactured to harm and are

rightfully classified as bioweapons. Not fully tested experimental gene therapy, nano, ‘countermeasures’ that are bioweapons.

The distribution of such products is a covert aggressive act of war.

The dangers of nano and gene therapy, mRNA injections have known for more than 5 years to be dangerous and unsuitable for human use.

In light of the above the mRNA injections should be withdrawn now as deadly and the precautionary principle be applied because of the many harms and deaths due to the Covid ‘Jabs’

Yours sincerely, ***** *******

Links to back the above statements are in the comments of the 2 links here



Your email has been received at the Constituency email address for Mike Nesbitt MLA.

If it is a Strangford Constituency matter please ensure a contact number and your address is included to aid our response.

Should your issue or correspondence be directly associated with Mike's role as Health Ministerplease forward your email to,


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Katherine Watt, is a 'living library' resource on the legal/illegal/unlawful

action's of some player's in the Sar's Covid19 operation. A US DoD military

run war aka Operation Warp Speed.

Katherine Watt is a Roman Catholic, American, Gen-X writer, paralegal, wife and mother.

About my work - In 2022, I worked on finding, reading, analyzing and reporting on statutes and regulations passed by US Congress, implemented by US Health and Human Services secretaries and Secretaries of Defense, and executive orders and legislation signed by US presidents, mostly since 1983, and on judicial decisions by federal and state courts, as criminal acts of treason that built the legal foundations for the unconstitutional, democidal American public health-police state, which was deployed fully for the first time on January 31, 2020 with HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s declaration of public health emergency on the Covid-19 pretext.


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Another De Population tactic, to kill yet more people.

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Deadly/deathly content's - dead babies anyone?

The 'safe and effective' people are so nice....

Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines--Do Not Return Or Destroy--Evidence--Crimes Against Humanity

William Makis MD


"Fetal DNA and proteins are also found in the Covid-19 vaccines, at least for the ones which were developed, not just tested, in fetal cells. Genetic engineer, Dr. Theresa Deisher, explains that it is impossible to totally separate the antigen from the medium it is grown in."...


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Pity there was no 'small print' to read before being 'nudged' into 'participating' in the Military experiment with nano, gene therapy, 'countermeasure' bioweapons..... who can one trust these days? Jab me once ......

We finally have a package insert for the Comirnity (Pfizer) covid shot.

JENNIFER BROWN----- OCT 20, 2024

"They have not tested it whatsoever to see if it causes cancer, alters your genetics, or impairs MALE fertility. And they are STILL hanging their hat on the 2020 rat study that oh sure women’s fertility isn’t affected based on that damn rat study that only ran for 72 hours.

This should be illegal. Period.

Stop all shots. EVERY one of them".

Indeed.... better safe than sorry.....


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The mRNA platform should never have been approved for human's, unless the objective is to harm people.

It beggars belief how any public servant or medical or media 'professional' can support this pernicious technology.

Arguably those promoting mRNA are conspirator's in a capital crime.

As the 'CoVid19' injections are bioweapons supplied by a foreign military it not far fetched to hold that those who promoting the mRNA/ nano gene therapy 'countermeasures' are committing Treason and should be help accountable for that crime. Very basic due diligence from the get go should have made this obvious.

There is no excuse for those charged with representing us and our interests not to have stood against the mRNA nano/gene bioweapons. That many still support these deadly injections shows their complete unsuitability to hold any position of trust or responsibility. May they removed asap and held accountable for the harms they have caused by supporting the ConVid Fraud-Scam-Plandemic. Which was / is a long planned covert military controlled attack on humanity. It was their paid responsibility to see the obvious and stand against harming people.

Yes it was large psychological operation but that is not a excuse for not acting with common sense and integrity.

"There have been some interesting and positive developments in calling for a halt to the use of mRNA vaccines in recent days. For context, take a look at this concerning report that confirms DNA is replicating in human cells following vaccination, which effectively means self-amplifying mRNA vaccines aren’t so much a future threat, but have been around for years now:"....


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For those wanting supporting evidence for the words above, please

read the links in this thread.


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"We need more politicians like the late Tony Benn. Here he lists the five key questions we should ask politicians".

What power have you got?

Where did you get if from?

In whose interests do you exercise it?

To whom are you accountable?

How do we get rid of you?

You promoted bioweapons as "safe and effective" = YOU'RE FIRED ! Adios dimwit idiot traitor. Good riddance and perhaps in this life there will retribution for the harms and deaths your sloppiness and failure to preform as contracted has caused.

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What the Freak.Why aren’t the Irish people not going berserk in the streets.How can they watch the country go into the ditch ffs.

To watch these Global Monsters walking around the Hallowed halls of government -like they now own the place-which they do-and shaping policy is scary/astonishing.

You can start to get the whiff of the newest agenda project; the” COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE CENTERS”-little outposts of Evil.

Our crumby little politicians are already mouthing the propaganda-here in Canada.

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‘Community based’ is a softener for ‘decentralised medicine’ which is block chain based so one can be a data point in social impact finance along with all the big earner tools for the ‘philanthropists’, obv we get to be with out agency and completely controlled.

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