With 1.2 million unoccupied bedrooms in Ireland according to the census, the elderly and homeowners in general are being encouraged to share their houses 'for the common good'.
This is an undeclared war against the people of Ireland by the State(its happening just about everywhere). Look at where they get the information to hurt your interests, the Census! We have to get savvy and stop doing what The State tells us, The State is not our friend, when we want help, we have to go cap in hand and beg, disclose information that is personal. On the flip side, The State, is far from transparent, it holds secrets; why should it when we can't. We all have to wise up and see this undeclared war for what it is; a more than Orwellian take over that will expunge our every last freedom
As the racist and all round deranged moron Marx said "Communism can be summed up in one sentence. ............ No private ownership."
I joined a car share club for a short period a few years back and I left within a month of joining because guess what, when no-one owns the car the people who hire it leave the car in a trerrible state even when the club rules clearly state they shouldn't and they leave the car in the wrong place and they don't refill the tank back to where it was when they got it etc etc etc. A two year old could have told Marx what a moron he was but sadly the guy in the mirror didn't so he went on to make a fool of himself in print.
And as for doing chores around the house etc if anyone has ever shared a flat they know how difficult it is to get people to do their fair share. This 10hr idea is going to lead to the deaths of many old people when they have the temerity to ask the lazy criminal who came to their country without a passport when they plan on actually doing something apart from selling drugs out the back window.
Sums up what I always believed.. make every baker sell their bread for a penny.. eventually they cannot afford to continue.. put every Marxist thinker into the middle of a communist regime .. and it won’t take long standing in a long cue to get bread to understand this concept .. you vill own nothing and be happy.. coz we vill own everything you used to own.. and be extremely happy.
But remember all those other communists failed because they weren't as brilliant as the morons pushing it now ......... apparently. As the old soviet saying went "They pretended to pay us and we pretended to work". The Russians had their fill of communism which is why they never poll more than 10% in elections there so rather than rediscover how bad it is when know-nothings sitting in their ivory towers decide how many chickens or sheep or cattle can live this year and how much wheat to plant why don't they do as you say and just go and ask the Russian people how bad it got under that regime. When a totalitarian regime gets going, as it definitely is in the EU at the moment, everyone is in fear even those at the top. The film "The Death of Stalin" from 2017 was satirical but it gave a good flavour of the fear that everyone at every level lived under thanks to our deranged chum Marx. and his even more deranged followers who are always first to be shot come the revolution such as the morons running Ireland and the EU for the WEF degenerates who will themselves be shot on day one as degenerates always are by their underlings who are utterly disgusted by them.
The whole Ponzi money supply has led directly to this and it’s deliberate! When my parents got married in 1950 all couples could afford a home or if on very low wages no difficulty getting social housing. All the estates like Drimnagh, Kimmage, Balkyfermot etc sprung up.
But since 1970’s and the removal of backing by gold and silver of currencies there is no longer money! It’s all digital debt and it’s so massive it can never be repaid.
At the same time you had the sexual revolution and marriage came under attack. Contra-conception was used as the battering ram to destroy morality backed up by TV!
So you have TV, Ponzi currencies, immorality on a scale never witnessed before in history so you have the perfect storm🤮😈- a godless Satanic storm and a war for our soul’s as St. Paul says in Ephesians 6!
So everyone is now enslaved in debt and death of sin and people have completely lost sight of their eternal soul and the need to have a relationship with God so you can spend eternity with him in Heaven😭
This is a booklet I wrote on the subject of all these issues giving historical context and links to huge information;
What we have now through the criminal controlled NGO’s like UN, WHO, EU, WEF etc running global communism🤮😈
All predicted by Our Lady in Fatima. All an attack on family, faith, culture and the plan of these criminals is to destroy us as we have had demonstrated in the past 4 years with chilling effect😈
These Satanic lunatics to whom our Politicians and media are beholden have no plans to stop. The only thing that can stop this evil assault is an awakened population turning back to the laws of God and nature for direction🙏
The one certainty is that ultimately all their plans will fail but not before they have destroyed many more billions.
God is the author of history, the architect of history and will only allow evil so much rein before it stops🙏
We are promised an era of peace, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart or it can be called the Divine Will as it says in the Lords Prayer- Thy wi be done on earth as it is in heaven🙏
So each person must choose and not depend on any agencies of the state or the Church😭
The Catholic Church- the one true Church in its earthly leadership is also in the midst of a massive civil war and the majority are weak effeminate ineffective men😭
But our faith is in Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Saviour🙏
And Jesus is truly present the Eucharist provided you are in a state of Grace🙏
We can’t rely or continue to follow the Catholic Church, the pope is a Heretic & a Blasphemer. The one true one to follow is JESUS CHRIST!!! Keep your eyes on Him Above 👆
This country is really sliding into the abyss because the majority are still watching mainstream media and therefore are completely brainwashed because they lie about everything and ignore they real problems such as they huge amount of vaccine related deaths and the flooding of our great land with outsiders from all over the world and those who watch Rte and other msm outlets haven't a clue what's going on and when we try tell them the truth they look at us like we are lunatics I have tried telling my brother and sisters but they just stay quiet but I will keep speaking the truth always
The brainwashing is military grade, the only cure is don’t look or listen cos once you are in it, it seems there is no ability to discern the blatant (to us) nudging and lies.
For the “common good” and for the “greater good” terms used by communism with collective ideology.. Ireland is run by Marxists… brainwashed at university Leftist mindsets who never lived in a real communist country.. which is hell and does not serve the greater good at all.. but those in control.
And how do you know what you’re getting. It could be a bloke who could slit your throat while your asleep & take everything. You DON’T KNOW WHO OR WHAT THE H… your getting. And the idea that they don’t pay ANYTHING TOWARDS Rent, Rates, Utilities or Food???? Come on PULL THE OTHER ONE!!!! Not ON YOUR FRIGGING LIFE!!!! This isn’t only Ireland, they’ve been bandying this here in England as well!!!
Fine gale think like this - the state must be separate from the people and they see themselves as protecting the state at all cost together with Rte acting as their microphone who actually believe their own bs. They don’t even see you (the people of our land). They live in their own bubble. They don’t know us. They don’t care to know us. We see them now for what they really are especially since the last election. That gave us inf about what they are. And I now can go forward on a more informed track. In my mind I say no to them. This gives me a psychic power l didn’t have before so I feel stronger knowing what the enemy is. I am also starting to brush up on my lrish language skills. Haha I get great crack with that. There is a power in it too. Another great news piece Aishling - great mind you have. It’s an honour to read your work
Did the alarm bells not ring when they used the so called Ukrainian refugees as a trial run to get people to take strangers into their homes?
I’m in the Uk but saw that for the scam it was. Why anyone would believe our politicians care about the ordinary folk during war or not considering the crimes they have committed against the people quite openly the last 4yrs.
These peoples head belong on a spike not in a well paid job causing more misery.
My brother has a friend who lives in Bulgaria and often goes on holiday there, the Ukrainians that jumped ship and landed there get told where they can live and when.
During winter they are allowed in more coastal tourist areas, during the summer they were shipped out of the way up into the mountains as the people warning a living from the tourist came first.
Anyone who didn’t like it was they were free to leave end of.
The Bulgarians have lived under and recognise communism and don’t want it back while the west hurtles fast towards its demise.
With the half brains there seems to be this fantasy world of communist Marxism dressed up as equity and socialism as something to aspire to.
What they don’t quite grasp is equity of nothing is nothing and those on top don’t care if don’t even have a slice of bread to eat.
If I also remember rightly during the Ukrainians being moved into Ireland the government changed legislation so that any lodgers staying longer than six months in your home could claim part ownership of your home.
Call me cynical in stipulating they were planning well ahead.
So glad you covered this topic Aisling. I’ve been following this closely. We rumbled Dermot Bannon last year with AVA Housing which is dead in the water now. We need to savage these initiatives each time they pop up. Hearne is up to his neck in all this too. I recognised his threat very early on. When he was selected to run as an MEP for the SD’s it was confirmed for me he was the tip of the spear. He wanted to lobby Brussels for an EU social housing scheme, can you imagine the implications of that! I think we poisoned people against him just enough to stop him getting elected this time.
In light of the failed referendum, one must ask oneself, were these living arrangements going to be classed as "durable relationships ? See how fecked we'd be then.
This is an undeclared war against the people of Ireland by the State(its happening just about everywhere). Look at where they get the information to hurt your interests, the Census! We have to get savvy and stop doing what The State tells us, The State is not our friend, when we want help, we have to go cap in hand and beg, disclose information that is personal. On the flip side, The State, is far from transparent, it holds secrets; why should it when we can't. We all have to wise up and see this undeclared war for what it is; a more than Orwellian take over that will expunge our every last freedom
As the racist and all round deranged moron Marx said "Communism can be summed up in one sentence. ............ No private ownership."
I joined a car share club for a short period a few years back and I left within a month of joining because guess what, when no-one owns the car the people who hire it leave the car in a trerrible state even when the club rules clearly state they shouldn't and they leave the car in the wrong place and they don't refill the tank back to where it was when they got it etc etc etc. A two year old could have told Marx what a moron he was but sadly the guy in the mirror didn't so he went on to make a fool of himself in print.
And as for doing chores around the house etc if anyone has ever shared a flat they know how difficult it is to get people to do their fair share. This 10hr idea is going to lead to the deaths of many old people when they have the temerity to ask the lazy criminal who came to their country without a passport when they plan on actually doing something apart from selling drugs out the back window.
Sums up what I always believed.. make every baker sell their bread for a penny.. eventually they cannot afford to continue.. put every Marxist thinker into the middle of a communist regime .. and it won’t take long standing in a long cue to get bread to understand this concept .. you vill own nothing and be happy.. coz we vill own everything you used to own.. and be extremely happy.
But remember all those other communists failed because they weren't as brilliant as the morons pushing it now ......... apparently. As the old soviet saying went "They pretended to pay us and we pretended to work". The Russians had their fill of communism which is why they never poll more than 10% in elections there so rather than rediscover how bad it is when know-nothings sitting in their ivory towers decide how many chickens or sheep or cattle can live this year and how much wheat to plant why don't they do as you say and just go and ask the Russian people how bad it got under that regime. When a totalitarian regime gets going, as it definitely is in the EU at the moment, everyone is in fear even those at the top. The film "The Death of Stalin" from 2017 was satirical but it gave a good flavour of the fear that everyone at every level lived under thanks to our deranged chum Marx. and his even more deranged followers who are always first to be shot come the revolution such as the morons running Ireland and the EU for the WEF degenerates who will themselves be shot on day one as degenerates always are by their underlings who are utterly disgusted by them.
The whole Ponzi money supply has led directly to this and it’s deliberate! When my parents got married in 1950 all couples could afford a home or if on very low wages no difficulty getting social housing. All the estates like Drimnagh, Kimmage, Balkyfermot etc sprung up.
But since 1970’s and the removal of backing by gold and silver of currencies there is no longer money! It’s all digital debt and it’s so massive it can never be repaid.
At the same time you had the sexual revolution and marriage came under attack. Contra-conception was used as the battering ram to destroy morality backed up by TV!
So you have TV, Ponzi currencies, immorality on a scale never witnessed before in history so you have the perfect storm🤮😈- a godless Satanic storm and a war for our soul’s as St. Paul says in Ephesians 6!
So everyone is now enslaved in debt and death of sin and people have completely lost sight of their eternal soul and the need to have a relationship with God so you can spend eternity with him in Heaven😭
This is a booklet I wrote on the subject of all these issues giving historical context and links to huge information;
What we have now through the criminal controlled NGO’s like UN, WHO, EU, WEF etc running global communism🤮😈
All predicted by Our Lady in Fatima. All an attack on family, faith, culture and the plan of these criminals is to destroy us as we have had demonstrated in the past 4 years with chilling effect😈
These Satanic lunatics to whom our Politicians and media are beholden have no plans to stop. The only thing that can stop this evil assault is an awakened population turning back to the laws of God and nature for direction🙏
The one certainty is that ultimately all their plans will fail but not before they have destroyed many more billions.
God is the author of history, the architect of history and will only allow evil so much rein before it stops🙏
We are promised an era of peace, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart or it can be called the Divine Will as it says in the Lords Prayer- Thy wi be done on earth as it is in heaven🙏
So each person must choose and not depend on any agencies of the state or the Church😭
The Catholic Church- the one true Church in its earthly leadership is also in the midst of a massive civil war and the majority are weak effeminate ineffective men😭
But our faith is in Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Saviour🙏
And Jesus is truly present the Eucharist provided you are in a state of Grace🙏
We can’t rely or continue to follow the Catholic Church, the pope is a Heretic & a Blasphemer. The one true one to follow is JESUS CHRIST!!! Keep your eyes on Him Above 👆
This country is really sliding into the abyss because the majority are still watching mainstream media and therefore are completely brainwashed because they lie about everything and ignore they real problems such as they huge amount of vaccine related deaths and the flooding of our great land with outsiders from all over the world and those who watch Rte and other msm outlets haven't a clue what's going on and when we try tell them the truth they look at us like we are lunatics I have tried telling my brother and sisters but they just stay quiet but I will keep speaking the truth always
The brainwashing is military grade, the only cure is don’t look or listen cos once you are in it, it seems there is no ability to discern the blatant (to us) nudging and lies.
For the “common good” and for the “greater good” terms used by communism with collective ideology.. Ireland is run by Marxists… brainwashed at university Leftist mindsets who never lived in a real communist country.. which is hell and does not serve the greater good at all.. but those in control.
And how do you know what you’re getting. It could be a bloke who could slit your throat while your asleep & take everything. You DON’T KNOW WHO OR WHAT THE H… your getting. And the idea that they don’t pay ANYTHING TOWARDS Rent, Rates, Utilities or Food???? Come on PULL THE OTHER ONE!!!! Not ON YOUR FRIGGING LIFE!!!! This isn’t only Ireland, they’ve been bandying this here in England as well!!!
Fine gale think like this - the state must be separate from the people and they see themselves as protecting the state at all cost together with Rte acting as their microphone who actually believe their own bs. They don’t even see you (the people of our land). They live in their own bubble. They don’t know us. They don’t care to know us. We see them now for what they really are especially since the last election. That gave us inf about what they are. And I now can go forward on a more informed track. In my mind I say no to them. This gives me a psychic power l didn’t have before so I feel stronger knowing what the enemy is. I am also starting to brush up on my lrish language skills. Haha I get great crack with that. There is a power in it too. Another great news piece Aishling - great mind you have. It’s an honour to read your work
Did the alarm bells not ring when they used the so called Ukrainian refugees as a trial run to get people to take strangers into their homes?
I’m in the Uk but saw that for the scam it was. Why anyone would believe our politicians care about the ordinary folk during war or not considering the crimes they have committed against the people quite openly the last 4yrs.
These peoples head belong on a spike not in a well paid job causing more misery.
My brother has a friend who lives in Bulgaria and often goes on holiday there, the Ukrainians that jumped ship and landed there get told where they can live and when.
During winter they are allowed in more coastal tourist areas, during the summer they were shipped out of the way up into the mountains as the people warning a living from the tourist came first.
Anyone who didn’t like it was they were free to leave end of.
The Bulgarians have lived under and recognise communism and don’t want it back while the west hurtles fast towards its demise.
With the half brains there seems to be this fantasy world of communist Marxism dressed up as equity and socialism as something to aspire to.
What they don’t quite grasp is equity of nothing is nothing and those on top don’t care if don’t even have a slice of bread to eat.
If I also remember rightly during the Ukrainians being moved into Ireland the government changed legislation so that any lodgers staying longer than six months in your home could claim part ownership of your home.
Call me cynical in stipulating they were planning well ahead.
So glad you covered this topic Aisling. I’ve been following this closely. We rumbled Dermot Bannon last year with AVA Housing which is dead in the water now. We need to savage these initiatives each time they pop up. Hearne is up to his neck in all this too. I recognised his threat very early on. When he was selected to run as an MEP for the SD’s it was confirmed for me he was the tip of the spear. He wanted to lobby Brussels for an EU social housing scheme, can you imagine the implications of that! I think we poisoned people against him just enough to stop him getting elected this time.
I imagine "encouraged to share for the common good" will become "mandatory to share for the common good" very soon.
In light of the failed referendum, one must ask oneself, were these living arrangements going to be classed as "durable relationships ? See how fecked we'd be then.
Just as well it failed.
Didn't work out so well for Lineaker did it!?!
Wow!Now we know why they're not building smaller properties for elderly to downsize to or for sngle working people to live in😡