I wonder why you need to be so certain of this, Aisling. I have to say, I love your way of taking things apart, whittling them down to the bone, and going deeper into them - your work does make me think. But you don’t have any solid evidence for this one only that you really, really, want it to be so.

I used to live in a happy clappy world where the government cared for me, heath systems cared for health, and everything we saw on the news was real. All of this turned upside down for me when 911 happened. I have had my suspicions for years that the movie Men in Black was a massive disclosure. After Covid it is more obvious than ever that all is not as it appears to be. Men and women included. Is this a flat earth? Is it round? Is it toroidal? Is this our natural sun or a new sun that the ETs put in its place to upgrade our crystalline bodies? Or are we living inside a capsule, born out of a test tube, our body generating energy for a giant AI that puts us into a computer program to keep us busy?? There are too many questions and we cannot answer any of them for certain.

I have uninvested myself from needing to know The Truth, and invested myself in being the best person that I can be, in my world. I am open to all possibilities being true and I really won’t loose sleep over it. They can be boys or girls, I honestly don’t care - as long as actual women and girls are safe. And right now they are not. Lesbians are being beaten up by trans identified men who call themselves lesbians, because they don’t want to have sex with someone who has a penis. Girls are being wiped out by boys in sport, and innocent children are being brainwashed, and chemically and/or surgically castrated. How crazy has this world become? Who cares if Trump is a woman and Melania a man?

We are in an information war. We are in a spiritual war. This much I know is true.

We all fell for something over the last 4 years, the propaganda, the fear mongering - I put my hand up and admit it. We are exhausted and burnt out from too many rabbit holes. We have to bring it back to ourselves, to our hearts, and our sovereignty.

What can I actually do about the world in the state that it is currently in? I can only look after MY world, not THE world. My children are clean, clear and healthy in mind and body. My relationships are good, I am not angry or fighting with anyone. I am in service to God, and I have a relationship with Him that brings me peace and joy. My relief in having Trump elected is based upon his apparent value of free speech. There will be no vaccine mandates. We have a choice and we can express that choice clearly without fear of being dragged off to a gulag.

They want us to care about celebrities, about politics, about whether we actually made it to the moon. They tell us the world is dying, that it’s our fault, any excuse to keep us in flight, fight or freeze mode. They don’t want us to be kind to each other. I’m reading the comments here and there is a lot of unkindness in many of them. That’s why I’m writing this one here. We need to be kinder to each other!!

As far as I’m concerned, we could all be avatars dreaming ourselves into our bodies every day, returning back to some distant planet at night. We could be plugged into a matrix that, for all intents and purposes was evil and is now turning Divine (as some light workers say it is) or the people we think are good are actually the bad ones… I have to bring it all to God and let Him decide. I have had to stop listening to mostly everybody. I can put my hand on my heart and say I am doing the best that I can. Is my God the good guy or the bad guy? Dive down into the David Icke/Gnostic rabbit hole brought me to the brink of a depression. Then I had a vision of Fauci standing before God and burning to a crisp. I have to trust that I will be okay on the day that I, myself, have to stand before God the Creator of All Things.

Satan is real, and his job is to drive a wedge between us and God. His minions work for him, they have infiltrated humanity and are doing an amazing job to split us apart. I have met demons, I know they are real. But I have met angels too. Guess what? They all work for the same guy.

Macron, Brad Pitt, Trump, you and me - all of us will have to stand before God at some point in time. They’re playing their role, if indeed they are real. I wonder about that too. These characters and caricatures, these angels and demons, they’re all here to help people choose whether they want God in their lives, or not. That’s what all of this is really all about.

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Hi Abby, I'd say we're morally obliged to intercept lies and call them out. That's how I see it, even if it's unpopular. It's a matter of survival at this point. If we allow ourselves to be continually tricked, we're toast and we'll deserve what we get for failing to use our God given intuition and discernment. We're being bombarded with big-budget propaganda to confuse us and chip away at our gut instincts. Michelle Obama is a case in point - clearly a woman. No amount of propaganda is going to tell me otherwise. I trust my senses. On top of that it's easy to verify. Even just by looking at her time at Sidley and Austin lawfirm in the late 80s. The fake stories planted online serve only to make conspiracy theorists look naive and easily duped. The brainwashing works on both sides and none of us are immune but we're beginning to figure out the strategies and techniques being used against us. If anything, I hope people pause before jumping on the transvestigation train and begin to realise there's a merciless machine behind these chirpy content creators pumping out false verdicts, on purpose.

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Hi! I totally agree with you on this - “I'd say we're morally obliged to intercept lies and call them out. That's how I see it, even if it's unpopular. It's a matter of survival at this point. If we allow ourselves to be continually tricked, we're toast and we'll deserve what we get for failing to use our God given intuition and discernment. We're being bombarded with big-budget propaganda to confuse us and chip away at our gut instincts.”

That’s why I called out the vaccines, the plandemic, and the trans agenda. All of these things are dangerous harmful lies. I’m disgusted with this country voting the same people back in. I will continue to shout out and name evil when I see it.

The Obama thing for me is pantomime. And, honestly, we can’t really prove it. We have plenty of proof now that the vaccines are kill shots, that the plandemic was planned, and the trans agenda is sterilising children and harming and erasing women. The Oscar’s! What the heck!! Best actress is a man in a dress?? How ridiculous can it get? And tedious too.

As a spiritual teacher I am open to the possibility that I was created a split second ago with my memories intact. Or that my memories have been wiped and I’m reliving the same events over and over until we get it right. There are levels of evil and levels of frequency that we can choose to engage with. This is my point - pick your battles. Especially where proof is required - proof that we can see in person with our own eyes.

Obama can do whatever he wants, so can Anniston and whomever else. It doesn’t affect me personally. We need to grow up from needing celebrities to be something to look up to. Is that what this current Oscar nomination is about? As I said, it’s a pantomime and I’m not watching it so deeply anymore. I’m focusing on here and now and choosing God instead.

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What a great comment. All of it.

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Yeah it's been a long old haul!

The one bit I found really fun was openly accusing Michelle of being a man lol.. The reaction was priceless...I feel very much the same way you do.

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We are fundamentally in a war between nature and society. Nature is made by God. Society is made by man. Nature is ruled by nature‘s rules, society is ruled by man’s rules. This is an ancient conflict. it’s just gotten very bad after the invention of writing, and the plethora of written rules.

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Yes John. We've overdosed on fake for so long as a society, there's a yearning for natural again which extends to Natural Law.

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One of my six granddaughters asked how she will know she’s female Quick reply? I told her She’s got a womb ..In all my 85 years on earth I’ve never met a man with a womb. But what do I know? Ps maybe that’s why we are called woman. A man with a womb? lol. Just putting a bit of humour here so don’t want to debate.

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Out of the mouth of babes Jacqueline. Isn't it incredible little girls are even asking that question? Good answer. It's a biological thing - not something you feel like! Sometimes I've serious alfa male energy, doesn't make me a man. Or maybe a man with a womb! Crazy days.

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I just opened my mail and saw yours Aisling. A journalist ...... no! A "Wordsmith', The meaning of Wordsmith is - "Someone skilled in crafting words". Many people are gifted with a skill and waste it. You could be making a difference Aisling, by using your craft to initiate positive thoughts and reactions. IMHO you have lost your way. I don't mean to be insulting, although your choice of words is certainly insulting to many of us who think differently to you. I refer particularly to your item about the Obama/Macron wives who we recognise as men.

When I opened your message and saw that it was about 'genders' A*G*A*I*N I was about to 'delete' but thought to give a second chance and see what you were writing about this time. I scrolled down, speed reading, and quickly came to these words, your description of Donald Trump......."even if he’s probably the anti-Christ." (PROBABLY!) I would love to know specifically, what you mean? Why would you call Donald Trump the 'anti-Christ'? I scrolled on a little further and stopped. There was nothing of benefit or interest, or even journalistic skill..... nothing positive, nothing to enhance one's brain cells. I do believe that everyone should have the right to believe what they want, and see what they want to see. But, I also think that when someone expresses an opinion as strongly as you have, it is VERY interesting to learn from that person, why they believe what they said. So many adjectives are thrown out about Trump, like they are learned in a rhyme, but those dishing it out, have absolutely nothing to back it up with, no explanation why the person should be called any of the 6 or 7 adjectives that are used - So please - What has Trump done to now be an 'anti-christ'?

I will await your reply and end with this well known saying from Abraham Lincoln.........

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right,

as God gives us to see the right"

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Pamela your defence of Trump explains why you're so offended by my writing but well done for giving it a whirl and for engaging, even if it peed you off. What has Trump done to now be an 'anti-christ'? He's killed and maimed at least 17 million people through his fake vaccines after pretending he had Covid and playing along with the fake pandemic, Dr Anthony Fauci by his side. He's responsible for a massive cancer surge post jab, along with strokes, organ failure, sepsis, heart attacks. The list is long. His Big Pharma buddies are rubbing their hands. He's also hitched his wagon to Elon Musk (who's not saving free speech) to bring in the New World Order. Judge 'em by their fruits. Beware of Trump propaganda - it's toxic. You're annoyed with me because I've interrupted your programming and it's disturbing your thought patterns but at least you're willing to engage. You're clearly a good person who wants to believe in the goodness of Trump and I get that. I actually like Trump supporters. Their hearts are generally in the right place but there are just too many excuses for this man from 5D chess to his advisors told him to do it. Anyway, he's dangerous in my book and I've held that position since starting this Substack with good reason. His propaganda machine is excellent but should be recognised for its trickery and deceit.

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Thank you for your reply Aisling, I too respect those who can try to make an attempt to give a reason for what they say or write. I engaged in order to find out WHY you made the statement.... NOT because I was peed off but because I thought it was such an outlandish comment to be made by someone who I would have expected to be more savvy. I have listened and read all the learned insults and adjectives that truly unaware people have thrown at Trump since 2017 when he came to the political forum. 99.5% of people who only learned the adjectives as they did the alphabet at infant school, and could never give an example of why they used them. You are at least in the .5% willing to stand up for what you believe. LOL  If I remember correctly, Biden stole the election in December 2020 and took (literally 'took') office on January 21st 2021 and it was in that year that Mr Biden (not Trump) linked arms with Mr Fauci and carried out all that you in your reply accuse Donald Trump as having done. Again, you sort'a disrespect your audience by expecting them to believe what you are writing!

COVID-19 became a global pandemic impacting populations in Mach 2020. The first COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in December 2020, following emergency use authorizations. In December 2020 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the first and most widely used vaccine to protect the UK population "along with AstraZeneca/Oxford, Johnson & Johnson and Valneva vaccines  not currently used" (thank goodness they have been revealed).  In total, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved NINE different COVID-19 vaccines for use in a public health emergency. (The WHO!- Don't everyone jump off that ship into the liferafts at the same time!)  Approved for emergency use, with vaccinations beginning in countries like the UK (on December 8, 2020) and across the pond in the US (on December 14, 2020). Moderna vaccine followed shortly after.  Biden's entourage would have been actively preparing to take over running the country at that time. Late in the evening on Dec. 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the country. The emergency use authorization meant that doses of the vaccine—made by Pfizer/BioNTech could be vaccinating Americans within a week on December 18th 2020 - this being less than a month before Trump left office.  If I remember correctly Donald Trump publicly discussed hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19 during the early months of the pandemic in 2020. He claimed it showed promise in treating the virus, he was lambasted, belittled and laughed at for such a ridiculous suggestion. He asked if any disinfectants could be used and again was completely trashed. The ignorance of populations was astounding..... Chlorine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozone Therapy, Sodium Hypochlorite, all VERY dangerous to use, but are and have been used (under strict medical supervision) in various unusual circumstances and small traces are to be found in medicines, so, it was not such a ludicrous suggestion that a miniscule dose could be tested as a cure. Trump also set up two hospital Navy ships, 'Comfort', and 'Mercy' to segregate and care for Covid victims, but in the year that followed, they were not used very much. Most people are now aware of the true circumstances of the past eight years, culminating this week with Biden pardoning Dr. (that's a joke) Fauci ...... I wonder why he did that?! LOL  Aisling, 'We' are all aware of the tragic consequences of the covid condemic and those responsible will be dealt with. You are so right in that the list is L O N G!!! Elon Musk? So what? We are all executing extreme discernment  every day in this new world that we now live in, we will see how things turn out. We have had 8 years of toxic propaganda, four years of watching the 'Desperate Dems' go after Trump - talk about 'trumpted-up' charges! LOL  Without proving anything. ZILCH! Then they go after 700 Inauguration attendees on January 6th and throw them in Prison, many still not even charged, some in solitary! Proved that it was a 'DD' sting! Following that we have endured 4 unbelievable years of the Biden/Obama puppet show. I am not annoyed with you at all Aishling, I have lived probably nearly twice as long as you have - what are you 37/38? Not too much 'annoys' me any more. I aint programmed, I is hoooman! LOL  And good luck to anyone who can make my thoughts into a 'pattern'! Yes, I and those of us who are like-minded, are 'good people' and we do believe in the goodness of others, and we are not so blind as to believe that anyone, including Donald Trump, is perfect, we all have flaws. No one can go through life and say that they never did anything wrong or that there is nothing that they regret or are sorry for. Your last few sentences sing a song of "I have run out of sensible things to say."  It is a bit of gobbledygook!  "too many excuses for this man from 5D chess to his advisors told him to do it. Anyway, he's dangerous in my book and I've held that position since starting this Substack with good reason. His propaganda machine is excellent but should be recognised for its trickery and deceit."  Aisling - you are just too funny (smile) (shaking head) Trump = dangerous! Crikey, were you around when Bush and Blair were in power and we had 9/11 ????  2,977 people were killed, and they conned people into believing it was a terrorist attack - or what about when the Clintons were in power and everyone that crossed them committed "Arkan-side" - the count is up around 140something! Amazing stories of how people committed suicide in ways that seemed impossible and all of them holding important secret information about the nice lady Hillary. And then we have the charismatic Barak...... Glory B to Goodness - need I say any more! You need to go edit your little 'book' Aishling and it might help if you do a little digging - isn't that what journalists used to do? Now things have changed to expecting everyone to believe anything that is written or said by a Wordsmith.  Please don't believe anything I have written here, PLEASE go and dig and find it out for yourself - it is all available in clear sight.

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Reality is that the gender of a person can be spotted at 100 yards in the dark. It's extremely unlikely to be a mistake. Human existence depends on knowing the difference. Not just on terms of reproduction but also in terms of personal safety. No amount of pushup bras or lipstick can change that. They are wasting their time.

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Yes I think a big part of this is getting people to distrust their instincts. We can see Kiera Knightley for example is female (slender body shape, strong jawline ) but these transvestigations plant seeds of doubt on the flimsiest premise like clavicle protrusion or an unflattering photo. They get people to question their God given discernment and foist these impossible female standards on women who FAIL the test time and time again. It's so sinister. Conversely with men entering women's toilets pretending to be female, we can tell straight away. Within seconds.

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If in doubt, leave it out.

I'm not sure if you meant to finish on "a funny" but this would, indeed, be a way of removing all doubt.

Show us what you're made of - or not. 😂

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Funny you say that Ralph. Thing is, I was in doubt about the last line. Perhaps I should have taken my own advice and left it out but here we are!

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Well, it should remove the argument forever. Wave your genitals at a genital recognition sensor outside the toilets/changing rooms?


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Well observed. Its out of hand how so many now are making these claims. On some fearure of one sex or the other as defining transexual. Ignoring the reality of multiple modes of physical structures of both sexes. And it is all too common among those of us who have been calling out deceptions and lies of governments...us truthers! As such.

Falling now like fools and flat earthers losing the credibility on the real deception.

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They're lying about space too. Nobody's going to Mars.

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Meant to say 2 peas in a pod I am fucki g blind without me glasses now where the hell did I put them lol

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Trump had a 3 hour meeting with the demonic bill gates on December 27th he openly admitted that what the hell would he be talking to that creep, gates should be in a cell for his crime against humanity he's an evil scumbag and trump has proven straight off that he's no different than that other scumbag biden they are all the same 2 was in a pod excellent article aisling

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The chromosomes NEVER lie. XX if you are female or XY if you are male. No matter what you make yourself look like.

There are only VERY RARE deviations then there is Down syndrome with an extra chromosome at Position 21. My grandson (3) is Down syndrome and the light of our lives. The happiest, funniest kid on the planet and the favourite of his three brothers who treat him as any normal kid. i.e. They fight in lumps with him.

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The extra special chromosome Mick. Downs kids teach us so much. Your grandson sounds like he's ruling the roost! Three is the cutest age - little teddy bear.

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Very well said Aisling. Thank you.

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So this is the FASHION to discuss at the moment ?

What a boring load of old toss, talk about scrapping the barrel.

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No it's the brainwashing of the moment RAM, a well-financed strategy aimed at undermining and deceiving critical thinkers, with powerful results. Worth pointing out.

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I am not convinced, but each to their own!

To me it is an obvious game... & Miles Mathis & many others have articulately & concisely mentioned its real aim & agenda.

I appreciate you have a less informed audience than he does, & by bringing this matter up it may inform some of them in a constructive way, so good luck with it.

I'm not sure people can be partitioned into critical thinkers OR non critical thinkers tho.

Almost everyone uses some form of critical thinking, yet how critical can it be after so much conditioning, & consensus conformity, everyone is slightly blinded with prejudices. The entire trans agenda appears to be intimate with prejudice triggers, while also correspondent with the most ancient myths of androgyny, shapeshifting & role reversals/ possession. What is IDENTITY really ?

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Yeah yeah yeah, big Mike is still big Mike and Macron is still a man AND a paedo!

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Thank you for your reply Aisling, I too respect those who can try to make an attempt to give a reason for what they say or write. I engaged in order to find out WHY you made the statement.... NOT because I was peed off but because I thought it was such an outlandish comment to be made by someone who I would have expected to be more savvy. I have listened and read all the learned insults and adjectives that truly unaware people have thrown at Trump since 2017 when he came to the political forum. 99.5% of people who only learned the adjectives as they did the alphabet at infant school, and could never give an example of why they used them. You are at least in the .5% willing to stand up for what you believe. LOL  If I remember correctly, Biden stole the election in December 2020 and took (literally 'took') office on January 21st 2021 and it was in that year that Mr Biden (not Trump) linked arms with Mr Fauci and carried out all that you in your reply accuse Donald Trump as having done. Again, you sort'a disrespect your audience by expecting them to believe what you are writing! COVID-19 became a global pandemic impacting populations in Mach 2020. The first COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in December 2020, following emergency use authorizations. In December 2020 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the first and most widely used vaccine to protect the UK population "along with AstraZeneca/Oxford, Johnson & Johnson and Valneva vaccines  not currently used" (thank goodness they have been revealed).  In total, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved NINE different COVID-19 vaccines for use in a public health emergency. (The WHO!- Don't everyone jump off that ship into the liferafts at the same time!)  Approved for emergency use, with vaccinations beginning in countries like the UK (on December 8, 2020) and across the pond in the US (on December 14, 2020). Moderna vaccine followed shortly after.  Biden's entourage would have been actively preparing to take over running the country at that time. Late in the evening on Dec. 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the country. The emergency use authorization meant that doses of the vaccine—made by Pfizer/BioNTech could be vaccinating Americans within a week on December 18th 2020 - this being less than a month before Trump left office.  If I remember correctly Donald Trump publicly discussed hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19 during the early months of the pandemic in 2020. He claimed it showed promise in treating the virus, he was lambasted, belittled and laughed at for such a ridiculous suggestion. He asked if any disinfectants could be used and again was completely trashed. The ignorance of populations was astounding..... Chlorine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozone Therapy, Sodium Hypochlorite, all VERY dangerous to use, but are and have been used (under strict medical supervision) in various unusual circumstances and small traces are to be found in medicines, so, it was not such a ludicrous suggestion that a miniscule dose could be tested as a cure. Trump also set up two hospital Navy ships, 'Comfort', and 'Mercy' to segregate and care for Covid victims, but in the year that followed, they were not used very much. Most people are now aware of the true circumstances of the past eight years, culminating this week with Biden pardoning Dr. (that's a joke) Fauci ...... I wonder why he did that?! LOL  Aisling, 'We' are all aware of the tragic consequences of the covid condemic and those responsible will be dealt with. You are so right in that the list is L O N G!!! Elon Musk? So what? We are all executing extreme discernment  every day in this new world that we now live in, we will see how things turn out. We have had 8 years of toxic propaganda, four years of watching the 'Desperate Dems' go after Trump - talk about 'trumpted-up' charges! LOL  Without proving anything. ZILCH! Then they go after 700 Inauguration attendees on January 6th and throw them in Prison, many still not even charged, some in solitary! Proved that it was a 'DD' sting! Following that we have endured 4 unbelievable years of the Biden/Obama puppet show. I am not annoyed with you at all Aishling, I have lived probably nearly twice as long as you have - what are you 37/38? Not too much 'annoys' me any more. I aint programmed, I is hoooman! LOL  And good luck to anyone who can make my thoughts into a 'pattern'! Yes, I and those of us who are like-minded, are 'good people' and we do believe in the goodness of others, and we are not so blind as to believe that anyone, including Donald Trump, is perfect, we all have flaws. No one can go through life and say that they never did anything wrong or that there is nothing that they regret or are sorry for. Your last few sentences sing a song of "I have run out of sensible things to say."  It is a bit of gobbledygook!  "too many excuses for this man from 5D chess to his advisors told him to do it. Anyway, he's dangerous in my book and I've held that position since starting this Substack with good reason. His propaganda machine is excellent but should be recognised for its trickery and deceit."  Aisling - you are just too funny (smile) (shaking head) Trump = dangerous! Crikey, were you around when Bush and Blair were in power and we had 9/11 ????  2,977 people were killed, and they conned people into believing it was a terrorist attack - or what about when the Clintons were in power and everyone that crossed them committed "Arkan-side" - the count is up around 140something! Amazing stories of how people committed suicide in ways that seemed impossible and all of them holding important secret information about the nice lady Hillary. And then we have the charismatic Barak...... Glory B to Goodness - need I say any more! You need to go edit your little 'book' Aishling and it might help if you do a little digging - isn't that what journalists used to do? Now things have changed to expecting everyone to believe anything that is written or said by a Wordsmith.  Please don't believe anything I have written here, PLEASE go and dig and find it out for yourself - it is all available in clear sight.

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Trump is a biological woman, her husband is a biological bloke!! Michael Obahma is a bloke not a woman, that is where the fakery begins and ends

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These Luciferians are obsessed with inversion and desecrating the natural world but Melania is a woman who's had plastic surgery to make her more attractive (it's worked in fairness) and Trump's clearly a man. Maybe Barack Obama is gay but his wife is a woman! But you're free to believe what you like.

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Jan 23Edited
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Your delusion is humorous!

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Jan 23Edited
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Jim is mad because Jim watched a few too many transvestigations on YouTube and now he thinks he's got it all sussed. He can't comprehend that maybe there's a PR strategy behind their proliferation on t'Interweb.

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Jan 23Edited
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Celebrities are raising 'trans' kids because it's part of their social credit score system Jim. We know we're dealing with satanists who'll do anything for fame and fortune including sacrifice their own children on the altar of money. The point I'm making is you'd better get your facts right and stop being conned by professional liars who know human psychology and how to manipulate our minds. Ask yourself who's paying for all these transvestigations? I'm sorry you've fallen for them but come on. Time to think straight. You see the same credit score system among CEOs in the business world - they pretend their child is trans to get ahead.

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Jan 23
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Not only are you obscure, you’re also self- indulging in ad hominem attacks. You’re rude, humourless and boring.

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