"I don't know if any of you've been cancelled before, but let me tell you, you don't want to be there." - Ryan Tubridy. Yeah, Ryan, The unvaxxed know all about being cancelled. Thanks to you.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I was made stand outside to be served in my elec store pluming store and mechanical supply store , I was fucked out of a petrol station and a topline hardware , and lots more .

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Fuck them. They're fairly sweating now.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

hope someone breaks ranks and asks about the drug money

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Mattie McGrath just did!

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If anyone, it was going to be Mattie

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Yes let the bastards sweat good enough for them

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Yes I was not aallowed in cafe or restaurants also it was disgraceful to be an outcast in our own country for not being used as a Guinea pig and scummy rte and rest of msm were promoting the sick agenda I will never forget that horrible period in time

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The system can't fix the system

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Good on you Aisling!!

These are the real issues we need bloody answers to!!

Let’s all try to manifest that elephant to trample over the lot of them, forcing truth out of the lying bastards!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Too much of a 'show trial' element to all this. None of them have the courage or maybe even more worryingly the inclination to raise the matters you have Aisling. This is a deliberate distraction from other matters which I believe Thomas Sheridan has highlighted over recent days!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Whatever they were paid to push poison it wasn't nearly enough if they were stupid enough to take the jabs themselves.

You can bet your bottom dollar that not a single one of the big pharma CEOs or their families took these poison shots and neither did Gates or any of his family.

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Honestly, I believe this saga is complete theatre to distract the public away from exactly what you say above. RTE need a false flag to throw him under the bus, while he needs a less controversial drama to dissappear into the sunset.

As an aside, I do have on a screen grab, a reply from RTE from an FOI request, that indeed the Bill and Melinda Fates Foundation are financial "contributors" to our national broadcaster.

I listened to his opening statement today, jaysus what piss- boiling sanctimonious bollocks.

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Please share, because I know RTE has denied this.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I heard the shed woman saying that the committee was being briefed on what way to structure the questioning beforehand by Brian Stanley which I taught odd.

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I think we need another tribunal! lol, sorry guys just an attempt at humour

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They can never be allowed to forget their mendacity. I heard recently (very reliable source) about a

young single mother who threw herself off a motorway flyover in Meath because she couldn't handle the thought of the second lockdown. Don't mean to be stark but I think it's always worth reminding ourselves that ShedLady, McDonkey, Duds and the Zero Covid crazies (to name but a few) were not victimless crimes.

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funny how they've stopped reporting on the nationwide suicide figures for the last couple of years....remember when we all knew there were more suicides than road fatalities each year...wonder how much the numbers have increased that they've shut up about them

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I was undergoing chemo when an appointment was made for me by the oncology dept to attend for vaccination. Not only did I still get Covid, but I also developed a pericardial cyst and clot in my lung. I am a healthcare professional and had great respect for the science, until I got the disease I was supposedly vaccinated against,only to see that the WHO have changed the definition of the word Vaccine in the meantime. We were collectively sold a pup. The propaganda we have been subject to has been astounding, and it brought with it an almost civil war suspicion. RTÉ and RT peddling falsehoods and creating division. People were genuinely afraid they would lose their jobs if they didn't succumb to taking the jab, and many did on that basis alone.

Truth is, we don't want to accept the truth, as it is genuinely too disturbing.

Sudden deaths of previously fit And healthy individuals at a high, no surprise with what we know, but still very difficult to comprehend. Our nation has been further psychologically damaged, coming from those who were the most trusted I of all.

And when you realise the truth for yourself, you may keep it to yourself- for an easy life.

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They were bound to fuck up at some point. Now they're going to become entangled in their own lies. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Good on you Aisling.

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it’s blindingly obvious now to anyone observing (or anyone enlightened by the past 3 year crisis stoking) that RTE is a mouthpiece, the outrageous salaries flowing to the kind of ‘talent’ suitable to stay on message, the kind of management suitable to deliver. They were always paid ridiculous sums, Tubridy included. And I get that there was exponentially more cash provided to deliver the covid script, but it’s interesting timing, for this to get so thoroughly aired now . Distraction? Bloodletting?

Or a cunning plan to introduce new management…to deliver an invigorated/ fresh script, of a new killer virus accounting for ongoing deaths and maiming, of catastrophic climate narratives requiring imprisonment and deprivation of the people. Watch this space…

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Wow. Just glancing at this is astonishing. I really don’t want to know the details that your aristotlean logic is making clear. All I can say is that these bozos messed with the wrong mama bear 🐻 M’Lady. Now you just need to take a much needed breather and let justice sort this awful mess.

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This song is for them fuckers in the Dail , RTE and their cronies. https://youtu.be/dt9GBafFzjE

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