Jun 12Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The Irish people are dumbed down sinners that refuse to acknowledge they are sinners!

We bought into the lies of the contraceptive myth stopped getting married and building families!

So all these disasters will not stop until we obey the 10 Commandments and adore God!

Our Church leaders are a bunch of effeminate wimps who have zero courage to call all of us out for the grievous sinners we are and many of them are on the wide path to hell and leading the rest of the sheep with them!

Life is a very serious business with only one outcome- death then judgement and where we end up for eternity- heaven or hell!

So it’s time to get back to building families of faith and from that will flow the courage to resist oppression. Communism wants to wipe out faith and family!

We need to re-examine our history of oppression and realise that even during the genocide of the “famine” we were having many more children than we are having now! Disaster!

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They have invented the circular guilt of climate change to depopulate the western world. Western civilisation is told not to have children because they will destroy the earth. Contraception dressed up as virtue with the ‘woman’s right to choose’ billboarded non stop, just in case. Not much of that ‘Save the Earth’ guff being spouted or believed in Africa, Pakistan etc.

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Wonder how many political party candidates have put down the expense of transportIng ’voters’ to the polling stations and more to the point how many ‘voters’ were transported?!

S.I. No. 100/2014 - Local Elections (Forms) Regulations 2014.


(f) Transport and Travel.

Expenses in respect of those matters include expenses incurred on transport and travel (by any means), petrol and diesel, rental or use of campaign vehicles, rental or use of vehicles for transport of voters on polling day, accommodation costs, taxi and hackney services and courier services.


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The concern for housing people seems to be selective. Otherwise why would this particular charity NOT get the support it needs?


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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Very good (yet infuriating) article... Many in Ireland will call Palestinian activists 'freedom fighters' but will call their equivalents at home 'extremists', 'fascists', 'g*bsh*tes' and so on. The dehumanising of their brothers and sisters doesn't bother them whatsoever and is wasting the country some precious time and momentum. Your duty is to stand with your own family and your people are your extended family by birth, full stop. Now go work together.

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Many years ago I worked in the 'charity' sector for various NGOs large & small for 10 years & left having realised the true nature it.

All charities/NGOs depend on state agencies & corporate trusts for finance. The finance always comes with strict conditions attached & demanding reporting procedures on success related to those conditions.

This forces the NGO into actions they may not have taken had they more freedom.

Without realising it NGOs are forced into certain strategies to secure funding if they are to continue to exist. Maintaining the NGO becomes an end in itself. The principles & issues that created the NGO become less & less important as they chase funding.

The old adage: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” rules their every action.

Unless the NGO structure is destroyed they will continue to be compliant agents for a treacherous state.

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Traditionally the left has been against mass immigration because it lowers wages. Every single working class institution has been captured and their constituents brainwashed. All fluoridated and vaxxed with bioweapons, it's difficult to see how they'll ever wake up. Sure we'll keep trying anyway.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

I commented elsewhere that Labor was in the business of bringing about a precarious, up-rooted underclass representing 'the worker', which is quickly becoming the migrant, with on the other end 'the oppressor', which would have been the greedy factory owner driven by self interest, which is now being projected onto that of the historical population interestingly enough. Even though they would have never voted for, and even less imagined, what has been made to happen.

They will wake up when they finally realise that their generosity was being exploited all along and they will bury their head in the sand for now as it's more emotionally manageable... plus feeling betrayed makes you feel like a looser.

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Sutherland was another 4x2 Intent on destroying another western nation on behalf of his real homeland.

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"We’re being taken over under the banner of charity and most Irish people don’t seem to mind. They don’t even notice the excess deaths in the native population or care to discuss the issue". Do the people not mind or do they feel they are helpless so it's not worth thinking about?

Here in the UK, we have an election coming up and there are some parties who say they want to control immigration but I think they are mostly controlled opposition. Web 3 is a global plan and no country is exempt from the plans for a global, cybernetic economy powered by blockchain and AI.

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Very well said Aisling. It's like a bulldozer! Ngo's, virtue signalling, warmongering clowns, all the flag waving, (no tricolour allower) bio trans pics! Can you imagine having to explain this shit show to someone who just woke up from a five year coma?

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Middle Ireland is sucking from the tit of the globalist warmongering elites!

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Brilliant article and exactly whats going on and fg scum were bringing newly arrived outsiders to vote for them no wonder they did so well in the rigged election then you have that smug gobshite Harris bragging how fg doing well is a defeat for the " far right" the far right never existed in this country it's all nonsense to alienate true irish patriots from the others the ones who watch Rte and read irish times

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Tried buying you a "cup of coffee" but the site won't resolve, caught in an endless loop. Tried refreshing but got this output:

"Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "405 Method Not Allowed".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."

Tried again and it the site still won't resolve. Gave up.

Could it be because I'm use a VPN and don't allow websites to spy on me and extract my information?

Perhaps you should get a crypto donation address. The legacy financial system is not our friend.

Anyhow, keep up the good work. The fight for sanity is not over. It's only just begun.

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and who are these globalists Aisling? who are the people behind NGOs, the promotion of trans, gay rights, abortion, no borders, cartels, and global finance and the attacks on Christianity via the proxies listed above?

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The British were thrown out of India having been there for well over 100 years, it was easy to spot them when the Indian people finally got control of their own country back.

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I texted my expat sister in Ireland (there since 1976). She says asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are not voting in Ireland at all. That’s it’s a conspiracy theory—an adjective she has used against me before. Can they in local elections? Did I read your previous post wrong? But then I remember the words of the 60s. “The revolution will not be televised”.

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Non-EU citizens

Citizens from outside the European Union can vote in:

Local elections

You can vote in a local election if you are a non-EU citizen, regardless of the type of residence you hold, or if you are seeking asylum and have not had a decision on your application.

Non-EU citizens are identified by the letter 'L' on the Register of Electors.


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Thank you very much, Carmel.

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Excellent writing! Truth has a ring to it!

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