Sep 23, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

There are only two possible reasons, I can think of, why we Irish would be targeted above other nationalities. Either there is something, some resource or other, in the land of Ireland they want or, more likely in my opinion, there is something about the Irish that they fear. Perhaps they have read how the Irish saved civilization once before, and they have no intention of giving us the opportunity of doing so again. There is also the possibility that if, as some assert, this current generation of cabalists really are the descendants of those that once ran the British empire, there could be an element of score settling for all the trouble we caused them in the past. In any event, while the vast majority of our people are in nicey nice mode at the moment, still the spirit of rebellion lies dormant in our DNA, ready to be reactivated again when least expected. It is this "fighting spirit" which I believe they fear more than anything else, lest a rebellion is sparked in Ireland which spreads to many other nations. What gives me great encouragement is that while previously we fought this demonic principality on our own, this time the peoples of the West stand with us. Remember also, that the God of Heaven and Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is on our side. And, "if God be for us, who can be against us."

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I can't give you the figures, but I believe Wales and Scotland have exceptionally high death rates too. Possibly England also. If you take a look at the EU death chart displayed in the video (no data for Britain), Iceland and Greece also have exceptionally high death rates. What's the connection I wonder?

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While the cabal have never had any qualms concerning which people groups they exploit for their own gain/amusement, now that their end game has been revealed, it seems that there is to be no place in their final new world order for any of the white European peoples or their offshoots in the U.S, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Who knows why this might be but, for what it's worth, I have a theory which centers around the question: where did the peoples of Europe, and in particular those settlers of Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe originally come from, and where did the lost ten tribes of Israel go. It is a controversial subject to be sure, but in his book, "Ephraim, The Gentile Children of Israel", the Jewish scholar, Yair Davidiy, gives evidence as to why he believes the lost ten tribes of Israel ultimately settled in parts of Europe, Northern Europe, and in Ireland and Britain in particular, citing such peculiarities as the remarkable similarity between the ancient Hebrew and Gaelic languages, similarities in place names, the construction of dolmens etc. etc. It this is true, that the origins of the Irish, Scots, Welsh, English and other Northern Europeans is ultimately Ancient Israel (via regions of Spain and France), then this would not only mean that the present day Jewish people are our long lost brothers and sisters, but it would also explain why the cabal is intent on our extermination, given that satan hates the Children of Israel, or the "Children of Promise" as they ultimately are. He would not want any of them in his future, transhumanist kingdom, which is what his minions, the cabal, are currently endeavoring to set up on Earth (though ultimately to no avail, for God is sovereign, and will not tolerate it).

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I haven't heard of the connection between Gaelic and Hebrew before but it is a long standing myth in Wales (myth as in passed down story, not necessarily true or false) that the Welsh were one of the 'lost tribes of Israel'.

Indeed, some people have pointed out the connection between the Welsh language (sill spoken by around half a million of us - 20% of the population) and the ancient languages of the Middle East. In fact there is an entire discipline that interprets Egyptian hieroglyphs using the Welsh language.

Another little known fact is that my part of Wales, the former Kingdom of Glamorgan (Gwlad Morgan - Land of Morgan), was arguably the first Christian nation on the planet from where it later spread to Rome and around the world. I say Christian nation, not Christian state, because it grew from the bottom up, not the top down.

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The story of the lost ten tribes is one I've only come across recently myself, and of which I've only barely scratched the surface. I can't recall ever hearing much in Ireland about the ten lost tribes of Israel. but then, in this country, the name "Israel" is a loaded word, not that we're anti-Semitic or anything, just that our love of the Palestinians is so great, don't you know. As for myself, I've always had a gra (fada over the a), or love for the Jewish people, that is somewhat out of place, given that, as far as I'm aware, I've never met, or spoken to, a single Jewish person my entire life. But now, at least, I have a theory as to where that gra came from: could it be the result of a genetic memory of an ancient connection, which though most of my fellow countrymen have forgotten, for some reason I, and just a few others, still retain?

Anyway, Yair Davidiy's book is utterly fascinating, presenting as it does, much evidence. albeit circumstantial, that connects the people of the British Isles in particular to the lost tribes of Israel. For instance, the ancient name for Ireland was Hibernia, which apparently is from the root "Hiber" meaning Hebrew. Hibernia therefore means land of the Hebrews. In Wales and Scotland, the root word for Hebrew was "aber", which features as part of many place names in both those countries. In Ireland, some of the earliest settlers were the "Tuatha De Danann" meaning the tribe of Dan. This tribe brought with them "Lia Fail", the Stone of Destiny" which came to mean "Stone of Ireland" According to this Jewish scholar, this "Stone of Destiny" implies a "Devine Purpose attributed to its inhabitants"., No wonder then, if this is true, that Satan would want to (a) keep us ignorant of our true identity and (b) take us out if he can.

Yair Davidiy also references passages of Scripture, from the Book of Isaiah in particular, noting that the term "Isles of the Sea" refers to the islands of Ireland and Britain, which were also known as the "Isles of the Blessed" or the "Happy Isles". Isaiah talks about God once more gathering the "dispersed of Judah" ( obviously the Jews), but also this other group, "the banished ones of Israel", also called "Ephraim". Isaiah 11, verses 11 and 12, seem to imply these two groups putting aside their differences and fighting some kind of war together at some stage. If any of this is true, and believe me this man presents a weight of evidence that is hard to deny, then it basically means that klaus and bill and george and their various puppets can do their worst, but they will not succeed against God's People, us.

P.S. Coincidentally. my own ancestors were (allegedly anyway) Welsh miners, who came over to Ireland several hundred years ago to work in a Co. Tipperary silver mine, just a few miles away from where I live. The name "Morgan" rather intriguingly, means "born of the Sea".

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I belonged to a church that delved into this. That place names with “Dan” or “Dun” could trace the tribe of Dan from the Middle East countries, mostly by sea.

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They’re doing it to do away with nationalities & sovereign power. The want a Global Government. Any dissent from countries won’t happen if there is no longer a majority of the original people voting. All of Europe is the same. Ireland agreed to take Palestinian refugees & yet none of the Arab countries around them would take any - what does that tell you? Ireland is ruined. So is the UK.

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There seems little doubt now, but what you say is correct. The thought has crossed my mind, increasingly lately, that the time will come in Ireland, and other Western countries too, when, without divine intervention, our ordinary lives will become so intolerable that we, the awakened , may find ourselves with no other option but to seek asylum in some other part of the world ourselves. But who would welcome us, and where could we go that we would be safe from the ever tightening noose of the one world satanic cabal, that is the problem? I do believe that we are going to see some kind of divine intervention soon, however that intervention might be more of a temporary reprieve than a permanent solution to our problems, as both the Book of Revelation, as well as current human behavior itself, seem to suggest that a future time of great tribulation is unavoidable.

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Divine intervention is the only way we will be saved. The Bible, I believe in Matthew, says that. Yes, Tribulation is coming.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Yet, the HSE et al continue to push this clot shot. In the Lee Valley Outlook magazine, a local pharmacy is still giving these shots and the flu shot as well. Can they honestly say they don't know what they are doing at this stage?

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last week my company sent around the list for this years free flu shot. i checked to see who had signed up and so many did..including those in their 20s and 30s...when i was that age, the last thing on my mind was to get an annual flu shot. the fear still runs deep in those people.

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Sad but true! Once fear gets its foot in the door, there's no stopping it!

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And when I was pregnant in 1972, my doctor didn’t want me taking anything foreign into my body, let alone a vaccine.

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So sad..

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Three possible reasons: (i) We are an island nation (easy to isolate and manage geographically and politically) that is an integral part of Europe who holds the 2nd biggest share of USA debt. (ii) Our political and judicial establishments are totally and utterly corrupt and will cow-tow to their WEF and WHO puppet-masters. (iii) Ireland is by far (per GDP) the leader in 'shadow banking' in the world. In short; a great place to set an example of the New World Order... plus, the average 'Paddy & Mary' is mere blissfully-unaware cannon-fodder to 'the authorities' and the media after 800 years of obedient servitude to the Crown..

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I’m sorry to say it’s happening worldwide!

I don’t know the extent of this so called agenda but here is a article from Natural news. I have personally seen cancer and multiple heart and health issues arise in my family and friends over the last two years. After vaccines were administered we saw a plethora of deaths especially in our older communities.

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

God have mercy on us all! I’m thankful for the journalists who are risking their careers and lives to bring about truth.

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Terrifyingly brilliant interview Aisling. Dr Ó Nuallain is a fantastic man to have on our side as he can add body to the work done by Patrick E Walsh and Kieran Morrissey and those other great people collating the figures for the excess deaths. They will be evidence for the future court cases surely to come. Yet they keep laughing in our faces with Tubridy coming out of the woodwork to launch Holohan's book and then his appearance on the Late late. Let's have more of Seán Ó Nuallain and let's get this story out there

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Linda wrote a reply to Naomi Wolf and I reproduce it here to remind me that I am not the only one trying to raise this 5G issue:

"Martin Pall PhD predicted the end of human brain function about 5 or 6 years ago. He said we had about 5 years left. Not that the injections are not playing a role, but the microwave radiation alone was causing severe damage to the human brain and body and every living thing on this planet. It is not just cell phones. It is cell phones, devices, wifi, air pods, wireless ear phones, wireless virtual reality headsets used for entertainment and by employers and schools for training, cell towers, smart utility meters, smart appliances, smart watches, microwave ovens - most of which leak, wireless security systems, baby monitors (like having a cell tower in baby's room), printers, satellites beaming down radiation, super powerful routers in schools and hospitals and without your knowledge or consent - from your neighbor next door, massive levels of radiation from smart meter banks in apartments, retail and businesses, babies being irradiated in utero (for many, the second generation as their parents were also irradiated in utero, although to a lesser, but not insignificant extent), ultrasound now in 4D done frequently during pregnancy where 1 or 2 was the standard years ago (and not that that was insignificant either), it is MRI's and CT's done routinely now that didn't exist years ago.

It is electric cars, buses, and the intensity of the radiation from multiple devices in one metal enclosed moving space bouncing back onto passengers and drivers, it is wifi in school buses thanks to Google's "generosity", it is babies being given wireless tablets as toys and even installed in their cribs, it is babies being given cell phones as toys to keep them quiet, it is parents holding cell phones up to their ears while holding babies so that the baby is as close to the phone as the parent, it is children now pretty much all having cell phones - where children didn't have them before. It is the addictive nature of screens - that alone even without the radiation is proven via brain scan to damage and change brain structure the way that heroin and alcohol change brain structure in addiction. It is schools giving preschoolers addictive chromebooks instead of real books.

And of course, there is 5G that no one is talking about having been replaced by covid and with talk of 5G possibly being harmful - taboo - the usual tactic to discourage questioning. The massive exposures are adding up and the damage is becoming evident. You are 100% correct. People are not acting right. At all."

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When you see it all written down like this it’s rather scary how we’ve all fallen hook, line & sinker…

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This transcript of a brief excerpt comes with my profound thanks to both of you.


Aisling O'Loughlin News, September 22, 2023


See also related Substack post:



AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Alright we're back to the cheery subject of excess deaths. It's not going away, you know. It's something we have to look at. A lot of people out there, they just can't believe it's happening, they think we're a load of cranks and nutjobs and we're just saying this, you know, for the good of our health. If only that was the case. If only. But we're looking at these excess deaths, and we're exceptionally lucky, we've got somebody new on board, somebody very special. Big noise in the academic world. Dr. Sean Ó Nualláin, professor at Stanford and Berkeley, no less.* And you've done quite a bit to earn a fantastic reputation, and we're absolutely delighted that you can break down these numbers for us. Because so many people out there won't believe us. And when we get somebody with your academic record they might listen.

So would tell you tell us why, Dr. Ó Nualláin, have you decided to throw your name in the hat and speak up?

DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Well, mainly because the whole Covid-19 thing was obviously a complete fraud right from the start. And we did statistical analysis very early on in 2020, so I was able to say in June 4th, 2020 with Pat Barry and LíR Media** that basically you'd better open up everything now, and you're going to be closing everything in the autumn again, that's very clear, but you better open it up now, because it's now as good as it's going to get. So this actually was the first fraud. They were using the wrong statistical method.

And the second fraud then came when we found ourselves able to predict the number of cases way through the autumn and winter, and they had no interest in that whatsoever. We contacted North Dakota, and we contacted Ireland, we contacted, this is the authorities now, we contacted Spain.

So then, of course, the injections started. But I'm getting ahead of the story now, actually.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, we want to look at your CV because we're delighted really to have somebody new, and somebody of your stature to be able to deliver this news to the people of Ireland, who really don't want to hear it. They really don't. So will you tell us a little bit about your career to date, because you have written 15 books and you're a highly credentialed individual.

DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Written and edited 15 books, yes, and a lot more besides which came out in web journals and independent publishers. There's 15 books with academic publishers. And so I ended up in molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley, I ended up at neuroscience in, in U C Berkeley. And then the students at Stanford had heard a talk that I gave there, and said, look, man, that's really great, could you teach a course on this? And I said, look, you're going to have to go back to your professor and ask him that. So as a result of that I got appointed to be a professor at Stanford teaching two courses, Neuroscience and Experience, and Biosemiotics. They're currently taught for credit at the University of Pisa, and so that's their summer school in Consciousness and Cognition, they're my courses that are taught.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: You know the court system, you know the academic system, so like so many of us, our careers to date are helping us understand what is going on. And you know, it's no accident that you're here at this moment to help the wider public understand what is going on. Now, it's something incredibly serious. A black—


AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: —swan event. A one in a 10,000 year event we are looking at with these excess deaths.


AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: What's going on?

DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: So what's going on is a lot of people are dying actually, and an awful lot more people are going to die this winter. I mean, we haven't even started the excess deaths yet. But, I mean, I just I want to anticipate the responses I'm going to get, you know, for this.

The response we already know from Anthony Staines is, they're going to say the data we're using from Eurostat and the European Commission— remember, we're using European Commission data, that's the executive of the European Union. That's a serious body. And he's saying, no, that those data are all wrong.

There's other data from EuroMOMO*** which is European Mortality. And I phoned them, I did everything you meant to do, there's no response.

So we can now say that they're taking those data from their ass. This is bullsh#t. You know, our data are actually right. If they, if they want to give me their data, I will process them just as I processed this.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: And also, you have to say that Anthony Staines, he would say that. Because I do, I was looking at one of his latest international studies. And what was the conclusion? And this is a man who gets on air, he gets a lot of air-time, and he gets wheeled out, you know, as this voice, as this great academic voice. And what was the conclusion? More vaccines!

DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Yeah, and I mean, I mean, the man is a fool apart from everything else. I mean, it's not, you know, we knew as early as, like, January, February 2021 that these injections were not going to work. They're not vaccines, actually, according to the Oxford English dictionary, they're not vaccines. Vaccines immunize and Pfizer admitted in public they did not even test for immunity. So they're not vaccines. They changed the American definition of English, but that's not really English, you know, that's the Webster Dictionary.****


So, if, uh, just getting back to the figures here, the black swan. Aisling, so basically we have a figure here, we have 37 deaths in 2022 versus normal 31,000 and they could actually argue that's just an anomaly.

The third fallback position they have is, they will say, correlation is not causation. And they were told to do this by the, there's actually a manual for handing the media in a, in a pandemic. It's called the SPARS Manual and it came out in 2017* and it's blow by blow what they eventually did in Covid-19.

So if you're, if you're losing the argument, well you say, correlation is not causation. Well, you know, basically, Stats 101, we've got ways around that. It's called Granger Causality. We've got the R squared. But these guys don't know any of those stats, they're just ignorant people being paid a fortunate to tell lies.

Now getting onto the specifics of this. The statistical test you can use is on the web, it's, it's actually a T-test. It's very, very simple. It's one of the simplest tests you can do. And there's a site called GraphPad** which is free. And you can, you can do that. So basically what you can do is key in, month by month, the deaths in 2022, say, and key in month by month the average deaths for those months. And you get incredible results. You get, you get a probability of 0001, that's one 1 in 10,000, They tell you the probability of this happening by chance is less than 1 in 10,000. Or the analogy I would use, it's like like tossing heads 13 times in a row. It's greater than that. So for 2022 we can say for sure that that's actually a, a black swan event. Something incredible happened.

What's even more disturbing is Ireland versus the EU. And in, from 2022 to so far in 2023 there's a 1 in 2,500 chance that that happened by chance. So that's actually more than the chance of throwing 11 heads in a row. It's more unlikely than that.

So for some reason, the Irish are getting killed, and we're getting killed at a rate that is actually exponentially greater than our fellow members of the European Union. Why? That question really needs to be asked. There is not a more urgent question anywhere in this country, Aisling.



...continued... notes in reply...

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#   #   #


* About Seán Ó Nualláin:

"Sean O’Nuallain holds an M.Sc. in Psychology from University College, Dublin (UCD) Ireland & a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He holds a visiting scholars' position at Stanford and directs the independent non-profit Nous Research. He is the author of a book on the foundations of Cognitive Science: "The Search for Mind" (Ablex, 1995; 2nd ed Intellect, 2002; Third edition Intellect, 2003) and editor of "Two Sciences of Mind" (Benjamins, 1997); editor of "Spatial Cognition"; co-editor of "Language, Vision, and Music" (Benjamins, 2002) and of "Mind in Interaction" (Benjamins, in preparation). His "Being Human: the Search for Order" (Intellect, 2002) sold out its first print-run immediately; the second edition was launched at Stanford Bookstore on May 19, 2004." — source: http://bcats.stanford.edu/previous_bcats/bcats04/html/nuallain.html

"Sean O Nuallain holds an MSc in Psychology from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, and a PhD in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He has been a Visiting Scholar at both Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley (2002-2012), eventually being appointed a faculty member by academic senate in both institutions. He directs the independent college trading as University of Ireland in the US. He has held visiting positions at Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley in computer science, philosophy, molecular and cell biology, and neuroscience. In 2014, he ran the Foundations of Mind conference at UC Berkeley, with proceedings published by Cosmos and History (Volume 1, 2014) and CSP (Volume 2, in press). One Magisterium is the third Volume in this series."— Source: https://www.interaliamag.org/author/seanonuallain/

O'Nuallain's latest book, co-authored with David Bernal-Casas, is Follow the Sun: How Two Rebel Neuroscientists Solved Covid-19 (Red Books Press) http://foundationsofmind.org/

** LíR Confidential with Pat Barry & Guest Prof. Seán O'Nualláin 5th June 2020


*** EuroMOMO https://www.euromomo.eu/

From the website: "EuroMOMO is a European mortality monitoring activity, aiming to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats. Official national mortality statistics are provided weekly from the 28 European countries or subnational regions in the EuroMOMO collaborative network, supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and hosted by Statens Serum Institut, Denmark."

**** The CDC's definition of "vaccine" as of Sept 21, 2021:

"A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases."

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm

The CDC's definition of "vaccine" on Aug 26, 2021 (and prior):

"A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease."

Source: screenshot of CDC page from the "wayback machine"


See also: Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, explains how, by this definition, your yogurt is now a "vaccine"


In answer to a direct question by Rob Roos, Dutch Member of the European Parliament, a Pfizer official publicly stated such. For video and transcript see: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/17193.html

* SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security


** https://www.graphpad.com

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One more excerpt transcribed-- this one from the Patrick E. Walsh interview comes also with my profound thanks for your efforts.

Patrick E. Walsh on Ireland's Shocking Excess Death Figures

Aisling O'Loughlin News, posted September 4, 2023


Hat tip: https://patrickewalsh.substack.com/p/down-on-the-bottom-of-a-world-full



- Aisling O'Loughlin is an Irish independent journalist, well known in Ireland for her previous career as a television presenter. She publishes Aisling O'Loughlin News "A different angle on the news you won't find on the mainstream media" Her Substack is https://substack.com/@aislingoloughlin And her Twitter is https://twitter.com/AislingOLoughl1

- Patrick E. Walsh is an Irish writer. He posts at "Letters from Desolation Row"

https://patrickewalsh.substack.com. According to his biographical note for the Off'-Grid Ireland Podcast, he is an accountant from Kilkenny, Ireland. Source: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ICWuVmuU3XGuQD95sItOE

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: OK we're back with Patrick E. Walsh to talk through some of the evidence that is emerging, and thanks to Patrick and his hard work, he's breaking it down for us.

You know, if we didn't have you, even though it's obvious and it's there, who else is doing this? Obviously, the mainstream media is not doing it. Why? Because they're complicit in covering up the excess deaths, a major red flag. For anybody who's new to this game, why aren't they covering these excess deaths, when in 2020, the year of the supposed pandemic, we had ticker tape, it was all over the news, and it was nothing like the excess deaths we are looking at right now.

So Patrick, thanks a million for joining us again. Let's talk about the latest RIP data* e figures. And it's looking like 4,100 extra deaths in the 8 months so far for 2023.


- Total deaths to August 24956

- Excess Deaths YTD to August 4100

- Rate of Excess Deaths YTD 19.7%

- 14600 EXTRA deaths since 2021

- Rip.ie is 'real time' mortality data and has been verified by CSO.**

This is 4100 EXTRA DEATHS in 8 months when compared to the 5 year average 2015 to 2019 ie pre Scamdemic and Covid Vaccination.

PATRICK E. WALSH: Yeah, that's true, Aisling. I just want to point out, there is other people doing this, too. You're aware of a few of them, Irish Quislings,*** and I'm aware of other people doing this stuff, too. So their names, their names should be out there, it's not just me sitting here, doing this stuff. But, but the point you make is right, there's, up to the end of August based on comparative figures, that 5 year baseline 2015 to 2019. Now people can start talking about baselines, changing the baseline, but listen, that's the one I'm using and I think it's a fairly standard one to use. And we're coming up with 4,100 extra deaths up to the end of August, based on that baseline, which is 19.7 percent.

Now if you go back to 2021, again you're using the same baseline, the excess death was 14.28 percent In 2022, 18.4 percent. We're now at the end of August at 19.7 percent. And it only seems to be rising.


PATRICK E. WALSH: Because the last 3 months, June, July, and August, have gone from individual months 20% I think to 23%, and we're up to 30% for August, when you look at the months individually. Now that can be a bit misleading if you start breaking down to actual months because deaths aren't as exactly exact as that with people dying. But it just gives you an idea that things are still going on.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, and we saw last night Mike Ryan**** there was doorstepped.




MALE VOICE: I was wondering how do you feel about the fact that so many people are dying from the vaccines, and we never had a pandemic to begin with? The mRNA isn't tested—

MIKE RYAN: Isn't, isn't that amazing? [smiles]

MALE VOICE: How do you feel about the fact that the mRNA has never been tested, those, those vaccines and the death rate has gone straight up after the vaccines were rolled out?

MIKE RYAN: Get your vaccine, mate. Get your vaccination. [turns his back and walks away]

MALE VOICE: It's all, it's the CSO*** are saying it. Don't touch my phone, please.




AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Holding them to account, and this is the big issue, we've got to hold these people to account, Mike Ryan there from the World Health Organization, who had been central in pushing out this so-called vaccine program and getting people to roll up their sleeves.

Now, again, the excess deaths have appeared post-vaccination program. The year of the so-called pandemic we did not see numbers like this at all. What were the excess deaths for 2020? Do we have those figures to hand?

PATRICK E. WALSH: I do, I have them here in front of me. Again, using the same baseline.


PATRICK E. WALSH: The— for 2020 the excess deaths for the full year was 1,600. That's 5 percent. Now we're at 4,100 at the end of August, which is just over 2 and a half times the so-called mad pandemic dying. Two and a half times—


PATRICK E. WALSH: — end of August.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Always will we mention RIP [RIP.ie], we put it out there, and in fairness, because I know you're off Twitter, but I've been putting out your stuff, and between the pair of us, we've been getting a bit of traction. Which is great because we want people, people have to address this, we have to address these excess deaths. What is this? It's a genocide if you look at it, essentially. When we're talking about the numbers, they're absolutely huge, they're absolutely shocking. We must address it as a nation, as adults. And we must say, what is it? Is it the so-called vaccine or is it something else? We've got to talk about it.

But you've been putting out your articles there on Substack. And you know, you're looking at the canaries, there's quite a few dead canaries in the coal mine at this stage, but before that you were looking at CSO first quarter figures for 2023, and they've exceeded the 10,000 mark for first time in a long time.


Vital Statistics First Quarter 2023

There were 13,968 births and 10,205 deaths registered in Ireland in Quarter 1 2023 ]

PATRICK E. WALSH: Yeah, I don't think they've ever exceeded the 10,000 mark, but I didn't want to say that.


PATRICK E. WALSH: So I just, I look back a few years. I don't think they've ever exceeded 10,000 in the first quarter. But if they did it's so far back that it's not relevant to what's happening now.

And the, with CSO figures you're talking about registered deaths and again, I don't want to be confusing people by talking about— you're still talking about people dying, it's just a matter of the time when they're recorded. So what I did is was put together a 12 month period ending in quarter one 2023 which would be March, their latest CSO figures, and I compare them to previous years up to the same period, in March, the following March. And the 12 months ending March 2023 based on the CSO of registered deaths showed a 17.4% increase on the, on the 3 years pre-covid. Now that amounts to about 5 and a half thousand people [5,500]. This is on the CSO figures, these are official government figures.


The highlights of the CSO report and the analysis above are as follows:

- 10205 is the first time in recent memory Q1 mortality has exceeded the 10k figure

- Q1 2023 is between 10% and 18% higher than Q1 for any of the years 2017 to 2020.

- The 12 month period ending in March 2023 (36147) is 17.4% higher than the 3 year average (30780) for the pre Covid period.

- That 17.4% amounts to 5400 EXTRA deaths approx. in a 12 month period.

PATRICK E. WALSH: So, you know, people, when, when they talk about the RIP dot ie [RIP.ie], a few people come out and say, ah sure, look, how can you depend on that? But the truth is, CSO has verified RIP dot ie, going back to 2016 and they looked at all this and they said it's 99% ties up with the register of death figures. So they are, they are happy with it to use and they send it to Eurostat.* So when when their figures come out, the timing might be different and someone could die in December and they might be registered in January, and that's fair enough, the CSO can't do anything about that, so I'm not saying the recording is wrong, just the timing might be a bit off. But even on their figures were showing 17.4% and the latest 5 months they have, which is up to the end of March '23, that's 5,500 deaths.

Now I know in December 2022 there was absolute carnage in Ireland in dying. I saw it in Kilkenny,

I saw it everywhere. And a lot of those deaths probably ended up being registered in January. So that's why the first quarter 2023 is a lot higher. But that's, if you, if those deaths were taken out quarter 1 and put back in back December 2022, you know, our rate for 2022 would be way higher. So you can't have it both ways. That's the fact of it at the moment. Those 12 months to March 23 show 17.4% increase, which is about 5,500 deaths.

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, it's getting hard to hide the bodies now, isn't it?


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AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, it's getting hard to hide the bodies now, isn't it? And then you did an article on the Eurostat figures as well for June 2023, and Ireland was up— now this very interesting because Ireland is up 13.6% but it's the variance with the EU average that's really shocking. And we're looking at an 11.1% variant with the EU average. So we're right up at the top of the leaderboard for all the wrong reasons.



PATRICK E. WALSH: Yeah, that's true. I would put a, a, a— the EU average, I think you've got to be careful, I put it in there because they, they make a big point of putting it up on their figures, but you have to remember that's taken, that's a lot of countries in the EU that are countries that wouldn't as vaxxed as we were. Maybe that's not the full problem either. But I just put it up there to show how far higher we are in the lead.

And in the 10 months, the latest figures for Eurostat was the end of June '23, and so the the 10,000 12 months up to the end of June '23, 10 out of those 12 months we are in double digits. Double digits excess deaths.


Letters from Desolation Row... Patrick E Walsh's Substack

The above details the EUROSTAT figures for Ireland and the EU average for the 12 months July 2022 to June 2023.

Please note the following:

- Ireland shows excess mortality for every month

- Ireland has double digit (>10%) for 10 out of 12 months

- Ireland is above the EU average for every month except July 2022 when our rate was 16.4%, hardly a comforting statistic.

- Since January 2023 Ireland is exceeding the EU average at ever increasing rates.

Ireland has now had HIGH excess mortality since it rose to 10.1% in July 2021 which coincides with the roll out of the Covid 19 mRNA vaccine.

PATRICK E: WALSH: Like, June was 13.6, May 13.2, December 25.7, January '23 15.4. October '22 15.7. November '22 15.5. There's only one month where we were under the EU average, that was July '22 and that was one of our worst months. We were 16.4%, while the EU were actually 17.1. So—

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Wow. We're in double trouble! And it's an incredible thing that people just want to have a good time, don't want to talk about that it happened. It's not happening unless it's on the news, as we know.

Well one thing that you also wrote about in that article was Rumania and Bulgaria, two countries with very low vaccination rate, and they are bottom of the leaderboard, aren't they? For the right reasons. And they would have been bringing down that EU average as well.

PATRICK E. WALSH: That's right. Rumania is in negative excess deaths since October '22, and Bulgaria

since November '22. So that's what, that's 6, 7 months. And I just checked at the WHO website, they are the two lowest vaccine, covid-19 vaccinated countries in the EU. So—


PATRICK E. WALSH: — you know, people are saying it's correlated, correlation's not causation, that's, that's fine and that might be very simplistic to say that, but I just said, I put it there because if it's the other way around, if they were the highest vaccinated someone would be coming on here telling you, Aisling, look at that. So I just out it out there. OK?

AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: If it were the other around it would be front page news. You know it. It would be all over the place, it would be all over the airwaves. And, you know, we saw how they went for the so-called anti-vaxxers, people who did not want to take part in a dangerous medical trial for no apparent reason for a mystery virus with a 99.97% survival rate. And we saw the hate campaign that went with that. Anti-vaxxers, every name under the sun. We know if it was the other way around, it would be all over the news. But it's a red flag for those who fell for the propaganda initially, and we're not blaming you, we're not pointing fingers, we're just stating facts, that there was a propaganda campaign, it was a hate campaign, a lot of people fell for it because so many people were involved, so it felt like the right thing to do, protecting granny, you know, for the common good, and, and all the stuff that went with it. But I'm afraid now it's the time of reckoning, where we have to face into what has happened here, and what is the outcome of this medical trial.



#   #   #


* RIP.ie provides Irish death notices by county.

** CSO is the Ireland's Central Statistics Office, or An Phriomh-Oifig Staidrimh


*** Irish Quislings (Exposing Irish enablers of the Fourth Reich and the MRNA genocide)


**** Mike Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Program


* Eurostat is an official European Union website offering statistics and data on Europe.


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This is a great read.

Mitch the orgone donor is one of the only people I’ve heard talking solutions in relation to 5g apart from taking the towers down which would be option 1.


I highly recommend his website

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Heard something today that is rather shocking. These people have no reason to have made up this story, so here we go. Woman out foraging for wild mushrooms spots foreign nationals, in high quality camo, heavily armed patrolling a forest. Now, the question is what the fuck is going on? Who are these people? If they have unlicense arms and are boldly patrolling an Irish forest, I can only conclude that the State is aware of their presence!

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I smell bullsheeeeet

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That of course is a possibility. They could have been air softing, there are other explanations.

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I'll be living until I die, standing up for what I think is right to help make the world a better place for my children...what else can we do?

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The death stats for Northern Ireland (NISRA website) are up 11% over the last 3 years compared to the previous 5. (Averaged). BUT what is really alarming is that the deaths at home figures for these same periods is up 33%. Surely alarm bells ought to be ringing 🤷‍♀️

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Sorry, but this is a planetary mass extinction event - the destruction of all biological life on earth...


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Brilliant interview aisling that guy knows his stuff he should be listened to yet our corrupt government and corrupt media just ignore it all its a disgrace can't be allowed to continue they truth must come out

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The Irish saved civilization during the LAST Dark Ages... Can’t have THAT again...

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Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target & not just an Estimation

Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target & not just an Estimation

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Blaming 5G is somewhat of a distraction when we know the main reason. There was no 5G during the "Spanish flu" but there was an experimental "BACTERIAL MENINGITIS VACCINE" I did enjoy the interview even though he thinks that satellites will block out the stars :)

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The Spanish flu followed immediately upon the erection of massive military radio masts. The first known cases were among radio operators in USA. The Rockefeller vaccines came along later and obfuscated the real root cause of the illness. This exact style of disguising has been employed to hide the impact of 5G. Unfortunately, it worked last time and will work again as long as people like you fail to research thoroughly and spread harmful misinformation which could discourage people from protecting themselves from electro-magnetic radiation.


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Thanks and I have read plenty on the topic from Arthur Firstenberg Invisible Rainbow...I have also read 200 odd years of vaccine deaths. So "people like you" content that the during the "Spanish flu" the electro-magnetic radiation mainly effected the young not the elderly and smallpox vaccine in the 1800s was 1G? "Leprosy was unknown in the sandwich Islands until many years after the advent of the Europeans and Americans who introduced vaccination ...In Captain Cooks time these Islands were supposed to contain a population of 400,000 at the present time they do not contain more than 40,000 and are rapidly diminishing" William Tebb 1893 .I am not suggesting electro-magnetic radiation is safe and is certainly a control grid. And I have little time for Scientists who talk the talk after the 12 hour and still push germ theory and think Satellites will block the stars out. Like they got rid of lead in petrol they might get rid of 5g in 20 years when the cancers are off the roof (already are ) then you can cheer yet the vaccines will continue. Do the parasites wear copper to protect themselves when they travel out of their non 5G homes?

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Ooh I hope not, copper attracts EMFs - silver repels them. So I guess the parasites wear those incredibly expensive silver threaded protective clothes that they are all buying..... Oh, in respect of illnesses prior to the advent of electricity you would have seen a useful chart at the end of the article I shared above, if you had only opened it and read it with respect rather than continuing to misunderstand.

Hey ho.... horses to water spring to mind.

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Thanks in fact there is an interesting thing about walking sticks look at any old pictures the parasites may have been using walking sticks to ground they had silver handles and a rod through the stick to a silver bottom. Like I said before I am not claiming in any form that electromagnetic waves are safe. Some of the chart certainly has issues the "Aids" one might be the easiest as it was used to cover a life style and massive amount of drug use that did not fit the narrative. Of course it is not just a one size fits all attack as you well know we have water/food etc. My point being to lay the blame on one issue - I think Sam Baily did a vid on poisoning of well water and dis ease in 1800s . There are many questions that I have not looked at as yet - age profile would be one etc Thanks for your input.

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Walking canes, huh? How very interesting! EMFs affect all the water sources and the food too, you know! Also, as a poisoning tool it leaves no tell tale signs unlike using known poisons - radiation is so handy for murderers! And so cheap!


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