Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Great Article Ashling. Great to have people on the same wavelength. I worked for a time for the ESA on the Herschel Planck Satellite as a Software tester. Looking back now I realise the Company I worked for was a tiny cog in the overall scam. We had no visibility on the overall project. There were dozens of entities involved. Teh business was happy to take the contract money and ask no questions. That was some 15 years ago and if you look into it now , nothing since its "launch" except a few grainy images and CGI. When folk claim the Flat earth theory cannot be real as everyone would have to be in on it I think of the part I had and how blinded I was. It is only the very select few at the top that know. BTW Elon Musk is nothing more than a well paid actor and a Charlatan. Keep up the good work.

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How interesting Anthony! "The Herschel space telescope was designed to observe the cold, dust-laden regions of the Universe, which lay beyond the reach of other telescopes at the time. It studied the birth of galaxies and how stars form" - that's some telescope. Wow wee! I follow all these space stories daily and they're just bananas. I don't believe a word but they're highly entertaining. Would love to know the creative teams behind them, they're having some laugh at our expense. For some reason, it's very important to the powers that shouldn't be that we believe in space and galaxies far, far away.

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Oct 1Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Don't forget all "Astronots" are Freemasons. And this is their science:

Earth revolves around the Sun 66600 mph

Curvature of one sq mile 666 ft

Earth tilts at 66.6 degrees

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Yup, satanic to the core.

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The lies are never ending - all were occultists hiding the truth, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Einstein and on and on

Have a listen to this recent debate ...


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Yes John, they've been taking the mickey for a very long time. All these lads we've been indoctrinated to believe were the best brains of their day - turns out they were misleading us, on purpose. Occultists/satanists tempting us away from God with their highfalutin jargon, getting us to repeat all sorts of nonsense for As and accolades. It's such a relief to finally see through the charade.

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Are you familiar with the Nephilim story, the fallen angels and who the modern day Edomites are ?

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Familiar enough, always on the search for more - who would you say are the modern day Edomites?

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

They're not one of the 12 tribes, the current descendents live in Israel and control the US and Europe.

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Actually John, the current day Edomites live in the countries surrounding Israel, and are the ones trying to wipe that nation off the map. I encourage you to read Psalm 83, which gives an extensive list of who the Edomites are.

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The Judahite tribe conquered Edom and integrated the Edomites. Those Edomites became the Pharisees and rose to power under Herod who was also an Edomite. The Edomites were eventually scattered after 70 AD by Rome.A large number ended up in Khazaria. 95% of the current inhabitants trace their lineage to Ashkenazi from Russia and Eastern Europe.

Clearly there are some around the middle east but the main bloodline is Arab via Ishmael.

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I once heard Luke O' Neill, on the Pat kenny show, claim that at one stage in our evolutionary journey, human beings were actually rodents, and I had to laugh as the thought came to me: so there literally are squirrels in our family tree.

Seriously though, I believe that evolution is the foundational fraud on top of which all the other scientific frauds are lain. Sir Fred Hoyle, the famous British astronomer, once calculated the chance of life spontaneously developing from inanimate matter as one chance in one followed by 40,000 zeros. He said there was a greater chance that a group of monkeys chained to typewriters would eventually type out Hamlet, or of a tornado entering a junkyard and a Boeing 747 flying out the other side. The thing was though, Hoyle actually started out an atheist, but eventually came to the conclusion that life must be the result of some unseen intelligence, and that "there is a coherent plan for the universe, although I admit I have no idea what it is."

In 1983, a collaborator who helped with the writing of the theory on nucleosynthesis was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, while Hoyle himself was ignored. Of course, we know now that this is the treatment the non conformists, the critical thinkers and the truth followers can expect, while Darwin's theory, still unproven over one hundred and fifty years later continues to be taught to successive generations as though it is indisputable fact.

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Luke O'Neill is now blaming Covid on the racoon dog in this latest article for the Indo. He's having an absolute hoot laughing at us and in fairness, most people who still believe his guff deserve his contempt. The eejits. Although I might agree with O'Neill on the rodent theory - looks like Leinster House is packed to the rafters with some kind of rat species, and the medical industry and the media. As the saying goes - you might win the rat race but you're still a rat.

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Greg Braden asserts that science has deduced that 'our' DNA was

was changed by an 'intervention' @ 200,000 years ago.

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Oct 1Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The Jesuits have been at the forefront of astronomy and scientific research since the sixteenth century. It has been long suspected that the jesuits were the driving force behind Copernicus. He was certainly trained at a Jesuit school in Poland and the chances are he was in fact a Jesuit himself. Most people are assuming that everything started with Crowley and his rituals in 1918 that tore open a portal between dimensions, which were added to by the Nazi's and then followed by Parson's in the 1940's. This is all true but not the whole story.

Up until the 16th century the world pretty much agreed in Ptolomy's Geocentic view of the world. Which was not only universally accepted, but was aligned with not only biblical teaching but most other religions and cultures. That is until Copernicus came on the scene and proposed a radical notion that would change everything and turn everything on its head . . .Heliocentrism. Which moved us away from being the centre of everything and switching the focus to the Sun being the centre of everything and takiing the focus off mankind being the greatest creation of God made in his own image. to a mediocre creation of many, in a vast universe. This was followed by Darwin and his theory of Evolution. Darwins theory didn't make much sense they needed more. So early in the 20th century step in George Lemaitre, Belgian cosmologist and Jesuit priest who invented the Big-Bang Theory. Which is the ludicrous notion that for no reason, nothing suddenly exploded and created everything. Their belief system is based on that premise. What a load of nonsense.

So without the Big-Bang Theory, which is based on "NOTHING". Darwin's theory falls apart, as does the the Heliocentric notion proposed by Copernicus. So no fake space and certainly no aliens. It is all part of an elaborate ploy to bring on a so called alien saviour to save us all from ourselves. This whole construct which has been going on since the sixteenth century is 'The Great Deception' of end times spoken of by biblical scholars and has been ongoing for 400 years not just the 20th century until present.

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Beautifully put Pippa - it's about time we broke the spell on this mass deception. It's also something of an idiot test. How did we ever think Australia was Down Unda? Gravity can only answer for so much!

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Most people do not know the difference between science and scientism. Science is a rigorous systematic endeavour that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions. Scientism on the other hand is the belief that science has all the answers and anything else is wrong and we are not supposed to question. Some describe it as a religion. Much of what we are told to believe is conjecture. It is mere theory with nothing to back it up. - It is not true science as we know it - It is Scientism! The truth is much of what we are told to believe has never been challenged. And because it has never been challenged it has become 'TRUTH!' But once you start investigating any of it. It does not stand up to scrutiny when faced with scientific method. Or it just can't be proved. The actual truth of much of which we believe in today is a lie or just unproven theory. It has become mainstream science ie; The Theory of Curvature. Heliocentric Theory, The Big Bang Theory, The Theory of Gravity and on and on and on.

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Dave McGowan’s Walking the Moondoggie woke me up to the fake Moon landing and now I question everything NASA has ever said. The thing is, what exactly is up there if it is not Space? What are we actually living on if it is not a spinning ball? I truly have no idea these days what we really are and where we really live. Could it be that the late 90s sci-fi movie Dark City is more revelation of the method than a work of fiction?

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Haven't seen Dark City - will have to check it out now, out of curiosity. All I know is we're not spinning and they're bombarding us with lies dressed up as advances in 'science and technology'.

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The bible is the only source of absolute truth and it is facinating. It describes the 3rd heaven up there where God resides in the north. What the stars are. Where do you think the ancient Babylonians were trying to build a tower to? They knew. Once you research it will blow your mind.

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The problem is the Bible is allegory and not history. Read Robert Taylor’s ‘The Devils Pulpit’ for a deeper understanding.

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I fucking DESPISE RTE and everything got to do with it! Rot in the bowels of Hell!

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Reese is a weird AJones associate, but these videos are interesting. The "car in space" thing was to spite an old disgruntled partner.

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This reporter said the students were 'literally' glued to their screens... I hear the mammies at the school use this every day but I expect better from a journalist!!!

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So, let's see... Elon Musk has been defending free speech against the tyrants. But also, Elon Musk is still not to be trusted. And this, in a realm where one psy-op has followed another and another... I suppose it makes sense. But only to the jaded super-cynical. And — it's always the most cynical who dabble in the unreal.

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Maybe he's just trying to get us on side Petrus. Do you really think ole Elon was allowed to attain billionaire status without certain terms and conditions? Are we supposed to overlook the brain chip thing and his floating Tesla in space?

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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Personally, after years of taking everything into account, I side with those who have maintained that we are in the biggest sting operation in human history, on a global level, involving military and intel people of many nations to take down this evil control system, and replace it with a return to sovereign nation states, using their own national currencies backed by real assets (not fiat). There have been many doubles employed for the biggest players on the stage, and I don't think we are dealing with the original Musk, Putin, Biden, etc. Trump is real, however, the operation is real, and the psy-ops are absolutely necessary to win the war, not just a few battles. We're almost there, but optics, even deceptive ones are necessary.

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Let's see. I would agree with you on the sting operation part - this is the greatest spiritual sting operation I've ever witnessed. Biblical.

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It's not just a spiritual sting. It's an actual sting in real time. It would take too many words to lay out, and with the risk of convincing very few, which is why I don't bother with such justifications. However, I own a few choice video clips which suffice to prove there is more than one side to the "What You See Is What You Get" POV. One of my favorites is the one of RFK Jr. who, while waiting for a podcast interviewer to check some tech issues, is looking at the stream of chat comments, one of which repeated until he sees it: "Is JFK Jr. alive? Touch your nose if yes." With a smile almost visible, he touched his nose. JFK Jr. swore to avenge his father’s death, and his friendship with Trump put the deep state on notice. Those who learned to pay some real attention sensed that an implicit trajectory from 1963 till now was a movement from Kennedy to Trump, which has today come full-circle back to Kennedy — with RFK Jr's endorsement of Trump. It is truly a great time to be alive. Cheers.

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Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on the day he was inaugurated president of the United States for his first term in office. RFK junior was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on the day he first endorsed Trump. Trump is exactly 7 years, 7 months and 7 days older than RFK jr. Coincidence, i think not There is a sting, and God is the one that is ultimately behind it. He has set His trap for the rats, as Aisling rightly describes them, and they will soon be caught. We are now at the time of the endgame. By Christmas Babylon will have fallen, fallen, fallen. You are absolutely right, this is the best time to be alive ever.

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The author is talking about mass deception and your talking about Rothschild asset Trump 🤦

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

And you're been fooled. That's exactly what psy-ops are for. In order to know what's (more) true (than not), you will have needed to see lots and lots of things over the past few years, to know what's what and what isn't. There are things which add up, and those which don't. You're not even close.

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'His' (Musk) look's like he could be a front man....

How many are playing both sides?


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Hollywood is erupting - BOOOM




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Sep 30Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

And They All Fall Down - Pedowood

Please let it be so...When retribution arrives, it is a mighty force. I pray this is the time.



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