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We're told it's a UCD student project to read GAMA rays in lower orbit - but on closer inspection Ireland's first 'space' craft has connections to smart city technology...

Apparently - if we’re to believe RTÉ News - Ireland’s first satellite made it to space aboard one of Elon Musk’s Space X rockets on December 01, 2023 to tepid applause. Did it really break on through to the other side? Even those UCD student scientists in the news report, don’t seem that convinced by their achievement, despite RTÉ’s Work and Technology Correspondent, Brian O’Donovan, doing his level best to drum up some enthusiasm for the ‘historic’ event on the Six One News. The project was sponsored by the European Space Agency, under its Fly your Satellite! Programme in Low Earth Orbit, so not exactly space. The satellite cost €1,500,000 and was funded by the ESA, the Irish Research Council, and Science Foundation Ireland.

How can we say for sure the little black box made it to space propelled by Elon Musk’s Space X Falcon 9 rocket? Perhaps some dude in the control room at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California just pressed a button cutting to the prefabricated shot of the rotating earth that Musk and his billionaire pals are hellbent on us believing in, for control purposes, among other reasons. Maybe the rocket just curved out of view, only to land in water, out of sight, once the spectacle was over.

Let’s just say the UCD first Irish satellite yarn is about as believable as the Tesla Roadster orbiting the sun since February 6, 2018, with its Starman dummy perfectly in tact, playing David Bowie’s Space Oddity on a loop. How stupid do they think we are? Very stupid, by all accounts. Even Elon Musk had to admit the image of his former electric wagon in space with a rotating earth in the backdrop, looked unreal:

“Well I think it looks so ridiculous and impossible. Am, you can tell it’s real because it looks so fake, honestly. We’d have way better CGI if it was fake”.

More like: You can tell it’s fake because it looks so fake and nobody’s buying these CGI mock ups any more, except for the most indoctrinated among us.


Apparently there’s a copy of Douglas Adams' novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) is in the glove box, and a copy of Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy on a 5D optical disc. Elon Musk is clearly a fan of sci fi which makes him the perfect poster boy for the Modern Age of Fake Space where large sums of money disappear into black holes and the stars align so no awkward questions are asked, as if by magic.

With his 199.4 million subscribers on X, Elon Musk (wearing a Baphomet outfit in his profile pic which features an upside down cross) commands a lot of power on the world stage. On Tuesday September 24, 2024, the 53-year-old billionaire handed Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni a Global Citizens Award in New York, where we were reminded once again about the dangers of AI and the chemistry between the pair of starry eyed globalists.

A few days later, on Friday September 27, 2024 Musk posted more roundy images of a spinning globe that again look suspiciously like CGI but we were assured they’re ‘real video highlights’ from the Polaris Program space mission. Yeah a real video of a phoney image. He’s not exactly lying.

The bumph on the Polaris website reads:

Polaris, a constellation of three stars more commonly known as the North Star, has been a guiding light throughout human history to help navigate the world around us and the sky above.

The Polaris Program is a first-of-its-kind effort to rapidly advance human spaceflight capabilities, while continuing to raise funds and awareness for important causes here on Earth (St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital).

The North Star - that fixed point in an apparent ever expanding universe that holds its position. Think there might be a clue in there somewhere. The space programme is also raising funds for a children’s hospital to show us how altruistic the endeavour is while raising more and more funds. Think of the kids!


Dr Ronan Wall from the UCD’s Centre for Space Research is described as the Team Lead on the EIRSTAT 1 project, otherwise known as Ireland’s first satellite. According to Dr Wall space is absolutely crucial for scientific exploration as he explains in a promotional video.

“So much of our information on earth observation, on climate change, sustainability, it’s all coming from space craft. EIRSTAT 1 is a very significant project for both University College Dublin, the team involved and indeed Ireland itself. It’s Ireland’s first space craft”.

So once again we’re reliant on the experts to tell us what’s going on because our teeny tiny brains couldn’t possibly work it out. We’re not mathematicians or astrophysicists or well sponsored scientists or astroNOTs - therefore we’ve just got to believe what we’re told. It used to be the Jesuits and their fancy telescopes claiming we’re a speck of dust, on a rotating rock in an infinite universe. Now we’ve got billionaires in space to reassure us we’re still spinning, round and round and round we go. Up is down and down is up. Don’t ask any silly questions. Gravity is the answer. Newton was a very clever man and you’re not, so shut up. Look here’s a complicated equation you couldn’t possibly figure out, so sit down and leave it to the experts and those kindly, philanthropic billionaires.

We’ve heard it all before - same playbook as the Covid scam. This one is neatly out of sight, in space apparently, so unless you’ve strapped yourself to a rocket to witness where it really goes - you’re none the wiser. You must rely on the nudge nudge, wink wink gang to tell you the score. No thanks.


EIRSTAT 1 is the size of a milk carton and apart from measuring gamma rays, the UCD website tell us it’s also concerned with advanced thermal materials, spacecraft control and an Antenna Deployment Module. Taoglas antenna engineer, Lukas Van Vuuren explains:

“Taoglas is a world leading supplier of antennas…we’re typically involved in smart cities, connected to health, smart industrial transportation. We’re also involved with a number of projects with the European Space Agency.

The antenna chosen was a GPS antenna and it was chosen specifically for its small size, while also delivering the ruggedness that you need to survive that trip into space”.

Now we’re getting closer to the truth, to the Grand Illusion - the role of fake space in smart cities and the Internet of Things, all part of the New World Order/UN/WHO/WEF agenda. While everyone looks skyward at the glowing dots on helium balloons, the real action is under the ground and sea, a vast network of cables. Why do you think they’ve been so busy ripping up roads across the world?

Fake space is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain pretending he’s all powerful. The little dog Toto pulls back the drapes to expose the scam. But who’s looking?

Appraising one of the latest hagiographies on Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance, a New York Times Bestseller no less, the London Review of Books chirps:

“(Musk is) a visionary genius: the man most likely to solve our addiction to carbon, save the planet from global warming and set us on course for our interplanetary destiny”.

Is he now? In fairness to Elon Musk, he’s been a friend to Ireland at at time when our rogue government attempted to enforce draconian laws to shut down free speech while opening the borders to military aged men from countries incompatible to our own. His platform X has been invaluable for dissenting voices to push back against insane government policies including the trans agenda, with its puberty blockers and brutal life destroying surgery for children. He’s allowed for debate at a critical juncture in our history. So in a way, we owe him one.


We can’t ignore the brain chip technology he’s working on at Neuralink which plays straight into the transhumanism agenda or his fake space shenanigans. The latest story that’s not quite catching the imagination of the masses is the rescue mission of Sunita Williams and Barry Willmore who are apparently stuck in space. Nobody seems to care if they make it back to Earth in one piece though, so they’ll have to work harder on the storyline. They’ve since added a Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Vladimirovich Gorbunov into the mix for some modern space race spice.

Our fertile imaginations have already been primed with this fake space story. Think Gravity (2013) starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock. Another Hollywood production to reinforce the idea of the rotating blue planet in space and the heroic role of astronauts. We’re constantly shown videos of a revolving Earth - we’ve seen it so much, most of us believe it’s true. The indoctrination runs deep. Every news bulletin ever, opens with a graphic of a spinning globe. It’s ingrained in our psyche.

Why is it so important to the powers that shouldn’t be that the masses continue to believe the space and rotating Earth fantasy world?

It’s a handy way to launder money, for starters. It’s also a test to see if you’re easily manipulated and as long as you’re easily manipulated, you’re going to be scammed. Plus as long as you think you’re an inconsequential, accidental, speck of dust in an ever expanding, infinite universe, you’ll never quite understand your importance and experts will continue to tell you how to think.

“You don’t need to be helped any longer. You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas,” as Glinda the good witch told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

We’ve always had the power to say no to fantastical scenarios but often we’re browbeaten by the experts into submission. We’re not smart enough to understand, they tell us.

The space we think we know is a sci fi fantasy promoted by people who don’t have our best interests at heart. Once you start paying attention, you’ll notice it’s one madcap yarn after the next. It’s a joke.

So expect lots more space stories, lots more special funding and grants and sponsorship and lots more deceit. We’re told 97 companies in Ireland have contracts with the European Space Agency. Space is big business, infinitely big.

And just remember the experts behind Ireland’s first satellite in space are simply a bunch of fresh faced students thrilled to be involved in a project that wins them high praise, generous funding and top marks. They no doubt believe their little box is orbiting the sun and sending back signals that only the anointed few can decipher with special technology.

What’s the worst that can happen?

The worst that can happen would be another well educated generation who trust the science too much and continue the sci fi fantasy world of make believe space and all the deception that entails.

To infinity and beyond.

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Aisling O'Loughlin
Aisling’s Substack Podcast
The mainstream media is bought and paid for, Big Pharma jargon and WEF propaganda abound. This substack is an attempt to cut through the doublespeak and re-establish journalistic ethics, on the side of the public, who have been bamboozled by expert lies