Watch carefully for a civilian firearms gun grab. It will be preceded by a false flag event without doubt. They want us, disarmed and vulnerable(people in fear are easier to manipulate). All this has been done to destroy the very particular Irish identity, culture and values. The establishment have always wanted to destroy the Celtic people, remember the 'Welsh Not', used to stop children to speak the native language. They have been out to destroy the Celts since Adam was a boy.

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Because the globalist elite MAFIA is determined to destroy every country of mostly White People on the planet, because they can not control us. They are doing the same thing in Every mostly White Western Nation. They will never be able to get their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/ ONE WORLD CURRENCY/ ONE WORLD RELIGION and ONE WORLD POLICE FORCE into POWER over the planet if they don't dilute by interbreeding, destroy through economic means and kill with toxic shots and drugs as many White people as they can. And no! I am not a White Supremacist at all. I love every race on this planet and even the ones on the Moon. But that is the simple truth. The really sad thing is the people in the WEF/DAVOS groups etc....and ALL old white men! Real ZIONISTS. Ever read the Protocols of Zion? It's all right there! Here, this short video goes into it better than I ever could. Share it if you can.


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We are already disarmed. Very hard to get even a shotgun licence here. It was all a " scene" aĺ choreographed from the begining to the end. The only strange thing to me was how they pushed it globally. Sort of like the Auckland shootings just before the covid scam. Very dodgy with zero evidence of the actual incidence. The whole thing is just an excuse to push through their "hate" bill which will be anything and I mean anything which analyses and criticizes these useless satanic gobshites. Parnell Street was planned and executed by our new stasi. Welcome to Eire nue

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Same in the UK with the Dunblane shootings by a man who provided children for the powers that be in Scotland to abuse. They set up the crime and then take honest people's guns away ........ and then demand those same demonised people protect them from the Russians. Not going to happen.

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If the Irish people keeop voting for ANY of the parties that have MPs at the moment they won't have an Ireland in ten years time. An Indian prime minister and his traitorous enablers are well on the way to doing to Ireland in six short years what the British failed to do in 300 years, kill Irish nationalism stone dead and Ireland ........ and the Irish people along with it. The sound levels from all the thirty pieces of silver jangling in the pockets of the politicians, police, army etc etc etc is loud enough to wake the dead.

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No doubt most Ukrainians here had no jabs either but the forced it on irish people with totalitarian vaccine passports for entry to pubs and restaurants etc but I couldn't care what they tried I never did or would take part in no gene therapy experiment let that whole sorry time be a warning to all of us for what they will no doubt do again in near future to force through digital currency and then we are all doomed

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What Ireland needs right now is a visit from King Charles III to put things right and bring a renewed sense of calm and reassurance that all is indeed well. What do you say? Will we give him a call?

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If it was a false flag it was outrageously clumsy and dangerous (I mean in being called on it), if it wasn’t, you can only imagine the threatening omertà imposed by the authorities on the vulnerable m, savaged victims. All pointing to an incredibly behind schedule government, in commitments to the EU?, desperate to enact the atrocious hate speech bill.

Desperate and Atrocious times!

Ps as far as I can see your average person taking their news from MSM don’t know that the slasher was Algerian. Or that a child’s life hangs in the balance.

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And If a person even asks that question they are being racist. And migrants are fleeing war. That’s the head twist operating here.

The notion that transplanting populations is a solution that will destroy the people up-rooted and the people inevitably supplanted is not in the room…

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