Oct 14, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I'm fucking beyond angry at this point.

Every week there's someone I know with clots, recurring cancer, strokes and death.

And now as it transpires that both pfizer and moderna used two different processes in the manufacture of their shots.

No one seems to give a toss, least of all, the Irish government.

This country is governed by treacherous WEF shills.

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Exactly the evil oozing out of Leinster house and onto the streets as well as out of the mouths of the Rte so called news tellers. Natural law will even it all out - it sees all

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Hopefully truth will come out but will be difficult cos msm won't tell truth

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I completely agree our government and all opposition are wef shills and traitors of our once great country which has been captured

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Well absolutely done Aishling for keeping this horror show alive because we will never ever forget what they did

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I saw that Ben Scanlon clip a few days ago Aisling and the first thing I noticed was that he didn't register any anxiety as the question was being put to him. He barely blinked or went red. He was already prepared with the lies. The second thing I noticed is that his face has fattened, thickened. I wonder if that is as a result of stress or drugs or just plain old overeating of rich food. Sometimes ppl put on that sort of facial thickening when they're taking drugs for psychological problems

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Exactly and the way he just stared was very weird

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Yes, it was remarkable.

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Remember the WEF stooges are well looked after . Their is a reason the banker class are always depicted as a fat guy in a top hat.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Each politician has family or friends who have died or been maimed from the jabs, they have to face this one way or another. That is, of course, unless they drop dead or are injured themselves, if they actually were jabbed.

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They're not jabbed. Excluded.

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Thank you for reporting. Gobsmacking.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

The only reason there was an uptick in deaths for "covid infection" was because they told ill people to go home untreated when simple antibiotics could have prevented most going on to have the bacterial pneumonia infection that killed them. Others were given Midazolam on being taken into hospital or in the care homes themselves and that killed them. They wanted the numbers of dead up to scare people into taking the poison shots so they murdered people in quick time to get it started then murdered them in slow time with the clot shots. We sjhould never forget what they did to those poor people but it seems we care more about these dead and dying people than their families do or even than they themselves do as the dying persist in blaming Covid and not the monsters "treating" them.

That is why he is ignoring it. He can't believe the Irish people have been so dumb as to let him and his fellow criminals get away with it ........... so far.

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Sadly most people are unaware of truth because msm lying scumbags won't tell truth and ignore all the sudden deaths which are many it's truly sickening makes me so angry my brother's and sisters have no idea my wife does because I have told her sadly she was bullied into taking vaccines at beginning she works in a nursing homeyothers but won't be taking anymore I have told her all information that good folks like yourself aisling are revealing and many others are waking up to the truth but many are just to brainwashed to see the truth

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Thank you for your courage in persevering to get the truth out in spite of the hostility and denial by media and official Ireland. Great to see people like yourself and Gript media asking the hard questions. The MSM in Ireland are a joke and waste of space.

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He is a sniviling scum bag

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So now that we know how much harm the COVID vaccines have inflicted, can we look at the elephant in the room.which is childhood vaccines and those given in pregnancy which have been maiming and killing our children and mothers for decades?

Why no whistleblower doctor has mentioned any of this? Eventhough there have been documentaries like Vaxxed and others made on the topic? These vaccines are being administered every day, and their effects on society are visible in every classroom in Ireland. And on the gravestones of those not so lucky to survive them.

Dr. Waters? Dr..de Brum? Dr.. Campbell? Dr. Peter McCullough? Dr. I am so brave I spoke out against COVID vaccines?


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Just listening to https://player.broadcast.radio/therichieallenshow? and it seems Neil Prendiville has mentioned the excess deaths on his show, so here we go, the MSM caught up to the 'tin foil hatters' who said this was going to happen 4 years ago. This was alluded to in the Deagel predictions. Now we wait!

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Its only going to get worse with time. https://usmortality.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-in-the-20-most-vaccinated?utm_medium=ios It is getting to the point where the reality of what they have done can no longer be ignored..................even by the people who are still in denial.

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The latest Eurostat update is out. Shows Ireland had highest excess deaths in Europe for August 2023.

Now... if Stephen Donnelly knows we had one of the lowest excess deaths in the world for the "COVID period" how come he doesn't know we had the highest in Europe for August (and fifth highest in July)? Maybe it's because The Lancet haven't published the numbers yet?!


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They are happy in the false reality created for them by popular culture. It’s extremely worrying because they will walk with eyes fully open into the next trap. All the information available now and they prefer to live in ignorance even to the detriment of their own children. I mean what can you say to that level of apathy and cowardice. In many ways they are already dead.

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The most important card in this house of cards build on sand is the virus lie. If we pull that out, and only then, we will make it end. Or else repeat this over and over again in an endless vicious circle with slightly different variations of horror.

The archive of Christine Massey is filled with confessions: There is no proof of v1rus ex1stence. Please spare me the debate about that in this forum. The official documents say it all. See them yourselves.

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