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The local elections in Ireland have exposed voter manipulation at a shocking level amongst illegal immigrants reliant on government hospitality. What deals were struck in return for favourable votes?

A disturbing trend has emerged from the local elections 2024 in Ireland that is NOT being discussed with any seriousness in the compromised and complicit mainstream media. Thousands of asylum seekers have been transported to polling stations to vote with the help of NGOs and apparent voluntary groups. This has skewed the outcome of the local elections and has exposed the dangers of allowing foreigners a right to vote in Irish affairs.

The Abolish Direct Provision Campaign tweeted on June 7, 2024:

"We took thousands of refugees in Direct Provision Camps to Polling Station this morning to ensure they had voted correctly".

What does ensure they had voted correctly mean exactly? How could these refugees possibly know who to vote for in a system they are unfamiliar with, in a country that is not their own?

The tweet finishes:

"The government should give all of them right to remain in Ireland".

Is that the deal in return for votes? Were these refugees told they could remain in Ireland if they voted a certain way? We must find out as a matter of urgency.

Another organisation MASI (Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland) posted on X on June 6, 2024:

“South Dublin County Partnership has arranged transport for asylum seekers to go out and vote. And our advice is to leave racists blank on the ballot”.

By racists they mean Irish patriots presumably. As in Irish people who wish to participate in their own democratic system without interference.

The government and paid up NGO class have attempted to convince the Irish public that anyone can be Irish once they arrive on the Emerald Isle, no passport necessary. You can come here and start a whole new life with a brand new Irish identity compliments of the Irish system, the more the merrier. Any criminal convictions can be overlooked. Change your name if you like. It doesn't matter. Self declaration lets you do that. Nobody is checking properly anyway. Crimes are swept under the rug. Natives who point them out are branded racist.

Minister for Justice (allegedly) Helen McEntee has even sped up the system of granting Irish citizenship, forgoing the official ceremony in Dublin for a basic email witnessed by a person in authority. This rogue government can't get the replacements in fast enough ahead of the general election, expected to be called hot on the heels of election success (wink wink) for the local counts.

The system is clearly rigged but that doesn't mean we give up.

That’s what the government and counter intelligence would love, for us to leave it to them. We must keep using our voices to interrupt the programming. We must continue to act boldly in the face of tyranny.

Ultimately we need our own media platforms to disassemble the lies and the smear campaigns along with the far right rhetoric pumped out by counter intelligence in an attempt to undermine the movement and make it look extreme. The resurgence of Hitler sympathy for example is a covert attempt to paint the far right as dangerous extremists when in reality most people simply want to protect their borders and engage in free and fair elections, the politically aware ones, at least.

Refugees and asylum seekers in Ireland became eligible to vote for the first time in Irish local elections in June 2004, at a time when the country had no idea of what was yet to come.

Nobody barely noticed then. They're noticing now.

Already small villages have been outsized by the sheer volume of non-stop arrivals, sometimes overnight like in Lisdoonvarna, County Clare where the native population has been overtaken under the banner of humanitarian aid. Who can argue with charity? But honestly, would Ukrainians help the Irish if the shoe was on the other foot? Of course not. Why would they? We have no special relationship with Ukraine. Something else is clearly going on. Manipulation is the name of the game.

The arrivals keep coming. There’s no end in sight.

The Great Replacement is very real despite what you read about in the papers.

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Aisling O'Loughlin
Aisling’s Substack Podcast
The mainstream media is bought and paid for, Big Pharma jargon and WEF propaganda abound. This substack is an attempt to cut through the doublespeak and re-establish journalistic ethics, on the side of the public, who have been bamboozled by expert lies