Claire Byrne and Luke O'Neill strike again: this time they're checking our sewerage for the 'next pandemic'

Ignoring the excess deaths since the rollout of their beloved Covid-19 vaccines, the deadly duo shamelessly promote analysing waste water for new 'viruses' - no PCR tests or symptoms necessary...

Nearly five years on since broadcaster Claire Byrne and Trinity College Dublin’s Professor Luke O’Neill convinced the country there was a deadly virus ravaging the land - the remorseless duo are back with a new technique for detecting what they excitedly describe as the next pandemic: testing our shit and piss, to be scientific.

Next time we don’t get to participate in the screening process, no more antigen or PCR tests set at levels to elicit a false reading. It will be done for us, behind our backs, in science labs, without our consent. There’s some new EU directive that overrides our right to take a dump or a pee in private, without the worry it might translate into a mutating virus - no symptoms necessary.

The poo says we must lockdown. Here’s a little vaccine we made earlier that will have you right as rain in no time even if you’re asymptomatic. It’s just a little pin prick, nothing to worry about. They’re mandatory this time so you don’t get to say no. Think of Granny. Oh yes, we killed her, never mind. Think of the common good.

Who’s ready for the next pandemic of excrement? I’m not doing this again but will the masses let us down by trusting the science once more?

Remember how silly things got last time around. Luke O’Neill ‘zorbing’ on Claire Byrne Live (March 30, 2022) with his cutesy little sign ‘I NEED A PEE’. The audience laughing along like it was funny, losing our freedoms for a fake pandemic, followed by a fake vaccine, while Byrne and O’Neill grew richer and richer. Now that pee could mean more pain. The joke’s on us. Maybe we need to get serious about being led astray.

Speaking on RTÉ Radio One’s Today with Claire Byrne (January 20, 2025), UCD researcher Dr Niamh Martin nervously broke the news, no doubt hoping it would pass undetected:

“Waste water surveillance is actually included in the revised Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, which has now been enacted so it’s something that will be continuing. And our project is also part of an EU wide project called EU-Wish and that’s a collaboration between 26 countries and one of the aims is to find new targets to monitor with this surveillance method.”

This is what happens when the collective complies with nonsense (the Covid scam) then fails to react appropriately on discovering they’ve been had. It emboldens the perpetrators who seem to think they can get away with murder. Imagine having the gall to ignore 21,400 excess deaths since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines and then to continue to promote injections for colds and flus as if nothing untoward is underway, seemingly safe in their bubble of protection.

Byrne and O’Neill go on to talk about the return of the flu, as if it ever went away, and how Covid will become more like the common cold. Shameless. They must think their listeners are very stupid. So far they’ve been proven correct.

How much longer will their dangerously loyal audience continue to trust the science and drag us all into the sewer with them?

It just takes one pop for that bubble to burst.

We’re running out of time.

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