Evil: Richard D Hall and Genevieve Lewis Accuse Grieving Mother of Lying and of Covering Up the Death of her Child

In this clip the devious duo insinuate that Lisa Roussos, the mother of eight-year-old Saffie Roussos is lying about the blast and covering up for an earlier incident they can't prove.

This is how evil operates. If you don’t love the Truth enough you may easily fall prey to deceptions like this and find yourself complicit in serious wrongdoing. This is soul territory and it’s vital you understand the stakes. Don’t let yourselves be deceived. It’s on us. Always has been.

Watch how master manipulators Richard D Hall and Genevieve Lewis contort and mislead during their dissection of an interview with Lisa Roussos, the mother of eight-year-old Saffie Roussos who died in the Manchester Arena bomb on May 22, 2017. Saffie Roussos wasn’t a crisis actress, just a little girl who loved Ariana Grande and who was out for the night with her Mother and sister Ashlee, also not crisis actors. Real people suffering real grief after a real bomb.

Honourable people honour their dead. Those who have been deceived by Richard D Hall’s fake investigative journalism dishonour all the victims of the Manchester Arena Bombing. They dishonour their own souls. They dishonour Truth. They dishonour God.

They’ve chosen to believe the lies, the contortions, the manipulations. They’ve turned their backs on the dead. They’ve mocked the suffering of the injured. They’re complicit in the lie.

Genevieve Lewis:She was pulling, jumping about’. She sounds like she was being a little bit of a nightmare.

Richard D Hall: Right and we know that Lisa Roussos’ other hand, her right hand has an injury. I’m not convinced that was from the night. Eh…I suspect that may have been an accident which involved Saffie and involved the mother’s right hand before the night ‘cos she does have a genuine injury on that right hand, I’m not convinced with her injuries to her legs. Am…so she’s holding her other hand out when she’s saying Saffie had this hand. I wonder if she doesn’t like to show that hand perhaps. Why would you hold out and say it was this hand?

Genevieve Lewis: Well I think she’s saying it was this hand because it couldn’t have been this hand (gesticulates and laughs) because this one is injured. So she had to have had this hand, it was this one.

Richard D Hall: Right. I see. Even though Saffie was allegedly killed, her hand could have been injured while Saffie was killed as well. You know, but…to me she’s sensitive about her other hand, her injured hand.

This is not investigative journalism, it’s evil. Saffie Roussos died from wounds inflicted from a nuts and bolts bomb on the night of May 22, 2017 in the Manchester Arena. It matters a great deal that her memory is honoured and the grief of her parents and family is respected. They’re not lying. Richard D Hall and Genevieve Lewis are - it’s important that we can discern the difference. Vital, in fact.

If we can’t recognise what’s real from what’s fake, lies from truth or phoney journalism from real journalism - where does that leave us? It means we’re toast. How can we figure it out? Easy. Just love the Truth. Love it so much you’re willing to stand up against lies when you hear them. You’re willing to be the odd one out. You’re willing to make sacrifices to ward off the lies. Prove it!

Saffie Rose Roussos is dead. The bomb killed her, not her parents.

Her sister Ashlee named her baby girl Ever-Rose in her memory.

It’s real. Not some piece of theatre to scoff at because a con man told you to park up your brain while he tricked you into a false conclusion with his manipulated ‘evidence’. The victims are real. The bomb was real, not a loud bang, not a pyrotechnics display. Do you love the Truth enough to care? This is your moral test and your response matters.

Saffie’s father Andrew blames MI5 for failing to prevent the attack. His grief is real. He’s not an actor. He’s lost his little girl. Why add to the man’s pain by choosing to believe lies over his testimony? Who wins there only the Father of Lies himself?

Richard D Hall and Genevieve Lewis can provide NO evidence to support their theory that Saffie Roussos died before the blast and that she was only a pretend victim, that her parents were hiding something sinister. Zero. Nothing. No evidence whatsoever apart from this highly manipulative exchange that so many think is ‘investigative journalism’.

Richard D Hall: If there was an accident prior to the concert maybe it involved having her arm pulled or her hand pulled?

Genevieve Lewis: Possibly. There is a lot of sensitivity to it…

Just like he can provide NO evidence to support his theory that Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve sustained their injuries in a car crash and not at the arena that night. NOTHING!

This is unacceptable folks.

He can offer ZERO evidence to support his claim that Hannah Mone chopped off her own finger cutting a hedge instead of it being blasted off by a very real bomb at the arena that night. So why even put it out there? It’s not journalism.

This is preposterous. A sad and sorry reflection of the morals of certain conspiracy theorists, who are supposed to know better.

There’s only one place for Ian Davis five-star rated ‘Astonishing’ new book, The Manchester Attack, An Independent Investigation, available to buy on Amazon for €19.99 and that’s in the bin.

It’s unclear if Davis has made a grave error or if he’s purposefully misleading like Richard D Hall. Either way, he’s been conned and in turn he’s conning his readership into a false conclusion with very grave spiritual consequences for those who bite the bait.

Richard D Hall says there was no bomb and nobody was killed that night in the Manchester Arena - it was just a loud bang and a pyrotechnics display, an elaborate drill to manufacture fake terror. He can provide no evidence to explain the deaths and injuries consistent with a nuts and bolts bomb from that night. NO EVIDENCE.

Who still believes him?

So we’re back here again. This is on you. Imagine yourself in Lisa Roussos’ position - being accused of covering up for your daughter’s death and faking your own bomb injuries. Do you still think it’s ok the way Richard D Hall is behaving? Do you think it’s acceptable journalism?

You get the journalists you deserve. It’s all a reflection.

If we truly cared about the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth we’d run Richard D Hall and his side-kick Genevieve Lewis out of town for what they’ve done because we’d understand the gravity of the misdirection. It could be you next, being accused of all sorts with zero evidence, just mindless speculation and an angry mob of fools repeating lies online and in books.

Surprisingly James Delingpole has been taken in by Richard D Hall and Iain Davis. I like Delingpole but he’s made a mistake, which we all make from time to time, and it needs to be corrected. I’ve asked him to have me on again and I’ll lay out my argument in a logical and orderly fashion. He’s stalling. He says we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t think so. This is too important for weak brush offs. There’s dead children involved.

Honourable people honour their dead.

Let’s have it out Delingpole. I’ve done my homework.