
Nick Cotton is unafraid to talk race: "Each nation should be run by people of that nation".

In this unflinching interview we discuss jihadis conquering Syria for Israel and what it means for our countries. Also why Trump is compromised by his association to Jeffrey Epstein...

“Our countries are victims of a tremendous experiment. If you believe in the Kalergi Plan or not, it does look like it. It looks like we’ve been unapologetically heaped with people from other places.”

Nick Cotton

If you Google Nick Cotton - Eastenders’ Nasty Nick gets top billing which will tell you a lot about fantasy trumping reality at the moment. The real Nick Cotton doesn’t get a look in and there’s a reason for that. The London DJ/video journalist is saying things Google and Co would prefer remained under the radar. They’re not just anti-establishment, they’re anti-anti establishment. Nick’s takes are too controversial and likely to spoil expensive propaganda campaigns which manage public perception.

“I do believe that every country should be majority of people from that country and I think so integral to that is each nation should be run by people of the nation,” says Nick. These days that’s a controversial statement even if it sounds like common sense.

You’ve got to try a bit harder to locate Nick Cotton on the Internet but it’s worth the effort. His website Jackd.uk is a repository of entertaining analysis of the past three years. You don’t have to agree with all of it (expect to be triggered) but Cotton has a funny knack of exposing hypocrisies, lies and anomalies in punchy, thought-provoking videos, for no financial incentive. He goes too far, sometimes over-defends his protagonists (Amber Heard!) but you get a strong sense of the man and what drives him to create his original videos that interrupt the programming. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb even gets it in the ear for running a Maria Farmer interview - Nick’s project with the Epstein survivor has been shelved but he’s plenty to say on Trump’s relationship with the infamous blackmailer which will no doubt annoy a lot of people invested in the mythology surrounding the Orange One.

Nick certainly opened my eyes to Andrew Tate (CIA Dad). I hadn’t quite grasped the extent of his pimp n crime outfit, until watching Jackd’s uncompromising videos on the brothers Tate like this one, A quick update on the sorry state of Andrew (and Tristan) Tate. Are they acting? Is it all just for show to demoralise men and pit them against women while corrupting their morals and turning them off making families? Whether the Tates are actors or not, the trickle down effect is plain for all to see. Women and girls prostituting themselves on Only Fans while young men view them as money making hoes, a commodity to be abused and manipulated. Really, who cares if these brothers saw through the Covid scam? You didn’t have to be a doctor to figure it out. In fact most doctors couldn’t figure it out. These players have been positioned to handle conspiracy theorists and to tarnish our reputations. Don’t let them. Watch some of Nick’s videos to shake off those excuses.

Nick won’t be online much in the New Year, at least that’s his resolution (for now). He’s attempting to jump off the merry-go-round and launch a new project that’s more tangible, in the real world instead of virtual. It’s still top secret so watch this space.

You can find Nick Cotton’s collection of videos HERE.

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