If a bomb did NOT kill 22 people at the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017, then what did? And what caused the injuries of the survivors that fateful night?
In his new book, The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation, journalist Iain Davis claims the entire event was a hoax. There was no bomb, just a loud bang. The problem is, he can’t explain how the 22 people died or even how the survivors sustained their injuries.
In this frank interview, Davis outlines how he came to his conclusion following on from the controversial findings of Richard D Hall, who is being sued by Manchester Arena bomb survivor Martin Hibbert for harassment and data protection breaches.
“We don’t know what happened to the deceased. We can hazard a guess and that is something that Richard (D Hall) has done that I haven’t, about what may have possibly happened to them. And I think it’s very important to nail down precisely what we are saying. And I say we now because I very much followed on from Richard’s work. We are saying that there was no bomb at 22.31 inside the City Room of the Manchester Arena on the 22nd of May 2017. That’s the claim,” Iain Davis states in the interview.
Richard D Hall can provide ZERO evidence to support his theory that those killed and injured on the night of the bombing sustained their wounds elsewhere and not in the arena.
“As we’ve said, we think there are a number of injuries but I don’t see any evidence that any of the real injuries occurred at the arena. So that then leads you to ask the question, ‘Well how did they recruit these people?’. And all I can think of is they’ve had spooks in casualty departments in the week before the event looking for likely candidates and then just drawing them into the narrative,” Richard D Hall posits in conversation with Statement Analyst Genevieve Lewis.
D Hall has speculated that perhaps Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve sustained their injuries in a car crash, even though they had parked their car at the arena, ate out at an Italian restaurant nearby on the night, had tickets for the Ariana Grande concert and were captured on CCTV footage at the arena on the night.
“I have no evidence that they were in a car accident and I’m not claiming that they were,” Richard D Hall states in one of his videos proudly displayed on Richplanet.net and isolated here to view.
Which begs the question, then how did Martin Hibbert end up in a wheelchair, paralysed from the waist down? And why does his daughter Eve, who was 14-years-old on the night of the blast, have a life-changing brain injury? Richard D Hall filmed her in a wheelchair coming out of her Mother’s house. Her injuries are real.
Neither Davis nor Hall can answer these questions. Their focus rests on limited footage of the apparent bomb site, which they claim shows no sign of an explosion despite bodies strewn on the ground. They say it was a drill of some sort.
Richard D Hall has also inferred that parents of eight-year-old Saffie Roussos who died in the blast, were somehow involved in her passing and that they used the arena bombing to cover for her death. Again, he has ZERO evidence to support his slanderous speculation.
All of this is hugely problematic from a journalistic perspective but Davis persists:
“In order for people to be killed by a bomb, there needs to be a bomb. Now in seeking to find out what happened to those people, which I haven’t particularly, you’re assuming from the get-go that they were killed by a bomb. So the first thing to establish, I would suggest, is ‘Was there a bomb?’. You need to know that first, that has to come first”.
Were these people killed by a bomb in the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017?
If a bomb didn’t kill them, then what did?
Iain Davis website: https://iaindavis.com
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