
The Smoking Gun: Patrick E Walsh on the 77% rise in deaths in 15-25 year olds

Compared with the so-called pandemic year, mortality shot up in 2022 for Ireland's young people but these deaths are sneakily concealed in CSO data, unless you know how to break down the figures...

Kilkenny accountant Patrick E Walsh has uncovered the smoking gun that proves something happened from 2021 that caused a devastating spike in deaths in the 15-25 year-old category in Ireland in 2022.

Working off the most up-to-date, official Central Statistics Office data, Patrick shows us how we can verify his findings for ourselves and talks us though, step by step, how to discover the deaths concealed through creative accounting.

In this discussion we also cover where Roy Butler would be categorised under the CSO system, even though he died five days after receiving the Janssen vaccine in August 2021 and documented his own death in a series of text messages to friends, blaming the injection on the deterioration of his health.

Patrick informs us there is indeed a place in the deaths section on the CSO site for the Covid-19 vaccines, as per WHO instruction, but Roy Butler is not there, among the two official victims in Ireland. His cause of death will be placed elsewhere in the system which shows us how vaccine deaths are being concealed to give a false impression to the Irish public about mortality in our young.

Patrick also points out that the backlog in Coroner’s inquests mean there’s a deliberate attempt to slow down the disclosure of the volume of young dying to the public and also skews statistics. If we were to account for those waiting for an inquest, the increase in deaths would be even higher.

Who’s paying attention?

The mainstream media looks the other way. The doctors scratch their heads, baffled. The government talks about speeding up the processing times for international protection applicants, deflecting from the Irish genocide.

Let’s bring them the real news.

Make sure they know.

Study Patrick’s article, test it out for yourselves and defend the young of Ireland who should never have been coerced into a dangerous medical trial, for no reason.

You can find Patrick’s article HERE.

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