
The strange case of Professor Bill Tormey

The outspoken pathologist with the knowledge to expose a definite link between the trial injections and death has been charged with a human trafficking offence and possession of child pornography.

It’s all most peculiar, this Professor Bill Tormey case. RTÉ News tells us the consultant chemical pathologist at Beaumont hospital has surrendered his passport which is interesting considering almost 70% of people who applied for international protection at Dublin Airport in 2023 arrived without a passport, according to the Department of Justice. A total of 3,285 asylum seekers turned up with no passports in 2023 while 4,968 passengers somehow lost their passports or travel documents on the plane in 2022. Isn’t that something?


Yet Professor Tormey has been charged with helping to bring an illegal immigrant (one!) into the country on August 4, 2021 at Terminal 1 in Dublin Airport. Riddle me this: how is that a crime if it’s government policy? They can’t build the IPAS centres fast enough; military aged men bussed in under the cover of darkness to towns and villages across Ireland, no consultations with locals, vast sums of monies exchanged for hush hush deals. State-sponsored people trafficking, in other words.

But this case, we’re supposed to believe, requires the full force of the law and the glare of the media for person trafficking through Dublin Airport. Please, somebody explain the backstory. How does that work at Passport Control? Isn’t it one at a time past the garda check point? Was the illegal hiding under his coat or something? Why couldn’t he just say he’d no passport like all the others and skip the queue in every sense?


In her report RTÉ’s Legal Affairs Correspondent Orla O’Donnell fails to mention the fact Professor Tormey is a pathologist who has been outspoken on Covid policy, calling for the disbandment of NPHET as we can see in the video above which was reposted by The Irish Inquiry on November 27, 2020. Otherwise it’s hard to find on the Internet along with any other video of the former Fine Gael councillor who used to be on our TV screens regularly to talk medical matters.

Weirdly, O’Donnell omits any mention that Bill Tormey is a doctor, not even that he’s the Editor-in-Chief of the Irish Journal of Medical Science. This is revealing. Why is she playing that down when it’s a reporter’s job to state these details? Instead she just calls him Mr. Odd.

The 73-year-old is also charged with “possessing seven images of what is defined as child pornography under the legislation, at his home in Glasnevin on 1 June 2022”.

These are grave charges and not to be taken lightly but an article in the Irish Times from August 4, 2023 which seems to allude to the case without naming names says:

He says he was questioned about photos on one of the devices, including pictures of his own young children taking a bath that were sent to him by the children’s mother.

Unless there’s another consultant doctor up for the same charges but it looks like Professor Bill Tormey has been dismissed from his job under the guise of retirement.

The report reads:

Gardaí carried out those actions (raids on his property and the seizure of electronic devices) a year after initially contacting the doctor about an investigation into a person from southern Africa who was seeking permission to enter Ireland and relying on correspondence from him to access the State.

Considering the strangeness of the case I wondered if there might be more to the story on X:


Louise Roseingrave got in touch. She was the first to report on the importance of immunohistochemistry staining in August 2023 while covering the inquest into the death of 14-year-old Joseph McGinty who died 24 days after being injected with the Pfizer jab. The test could have established a link between the trial vaccines and death at autopsy stage. Counterintelligence had been quick to try and undermine its relevance with a smear campaign, which will show you why it’s a big one and also why we need to keep the focus on this process.

Bill Tormey would have understood why immunohistochemistry staining was important too, he’s a chemical pathologist after all. The problem is Professor Tormey had been a big promoter of the experimental injections for some odd reason. He knew the risks were overplayed. He’d told Newstalk’s The Hard Shoulder in December 2020 that coronavirus was being erroneously treated as the ‘Black Death’, that there was no need to panic and no need to close schools. Three months later he’d changed his tune. Everyone should be vaccinated, apparently. What changed? Had the powers that shouldn’t be something on Professor Tormey to twist his arm into submission?

In March 27, 2021, he tweeted:

With her exceptional reporting skills, Louise Roseingrave had contacted Professor Bill Tormey in February 2023 for an article on how senior medics were warned to stay quiet on vaccine injuries and deaths or face penalties including being struck off. He told Louise he did not see a requirement for any specific guidelines for pathologists to conduct post vaccination. I suppose he would says that, wouldn’t he? Especially if he’d been so enthusiastic about getting the concoctions into everyone’s arms, whether or not they consented.


So we can rule that out. Unless Professor Tormey was having a crisis of conscience and finally acknowledged the 21,200+ extra people who have died in Ireland since the rollout of the trial injections in 2021. Maybe he was seeing signs of vaccine damage in his autopsies and the evidence was becoming indisputable, with or without the immunohistochemistry staining test. The heart doesn’t lie.

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that his very public fall from grace came after he admonished bad government Covid policy on TV and radio before giving into the trial injections for reasons unexplained.

The charge with person trafficking specifically means the Professor Bill Tormey case has brought attention back to the government’s double standards when it comes to inviting illegal immigrants into the country, without passports.

Professor Tormey promised in court that he would not apply for any further travel documentation after handing in his passport. I can’t think of any country in the world that would allow him entry without official travel documents. Except one. And he's already here, awaiting sentence.

Next court appearance: February of next year.

Let’s see how this plays out.

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