The Great Con: Richard D Hall has tricked thousands of his followers into a false conclusion on the Manchester Arena bombing

And it's jeopardising all the hard work of real 'conspiracy theorists' who rely on sound evidence to win arguments at this critical juncture in history when so much is at stake...

Why do you think the mainstream media has taken such an interest in the Richard D Hall story, laying out his conspiracies for all to see, directing the public to his merchandise? It’s pretty obvious they know he’s talking rubbish and they’re going to use his outlandish claims about the Manchester Arena Bombing on May 22, 2017 as a stick to beat us with. Do people really think no one was injured in the arena attack?

It turns out a rather shocking number of you actually believe Hall’s highly manipulative research which concludes that nobody was killed in the Manchester Arena bombing, that it was some kind of drill, that there was no bomb and that those involved were crisis actors, even the 22 dead people.

And we wonder why our friends and family are suspicious of ‘conspiracy theorists’.

“As we’ve said, we think there are a number of genuine injuries but I don’t see any evidence that any of the real injuries occurred at the arena, so that then leads you to ask - ‘Well how then did they recruit these people?’ - and all I can think of is they’ve had spooks in casualty departments in the week before the event looking for likely candidates and then just drawing them into the narrative,” says Richard D Hall in conversation with Genevieve Lewis, a Statement Analyst.

Am I really surrounded by people who think this is how the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing were ‘cast’? That it was all a bit of theatre. Nothing to waste your tears on. That the victims are somehow undeserving of our sympathy and are fair game to be dismissed or joked about as if their suffering is only put on. This is very troubling.

Do people think Hannah Mone really lost her finger trimming a hedge days before the blast and only pretended to be running for her life that night in the Manchester Arena foyer as captured on CCTV, down the stairs with her sister Jess by her side? Are people that thick? Have we drifted so far from the Truth/God that we believe in absurdities that jeopardise all the hard work of the past few years and could ruin it for future generations?

Hannah Mone’s hand after the explosion in which she lost a finger.

“We’ve pointed out in the past that they were in the concert because we’ve seen them coming down the steps where one sister is holding the other by the wrist because she’s had an injury to her finger, but strangely there’s no blood at all coming from this finger and it doesn’t appear to have been wrapped up, there wouldn’t have been enough time to wrap it up…that has led me to believe that this injury, which is a genuine injury because the finger is clearly not there, but I suspect the injury was received some days beforehand and they’ve been used in this operation,” claims D Hall in a video from May 16, 2020 which appears proudly on his website

Let me spell this out as plainly as I can. This is phoney investigative journalism for the easily manipulated. Hannah Mone lost her finger that night in the bomb blast in the Manchester Arena, not trimming a hedge a few days previously as Richard D Hall tries to imply to his gullible audience. Hannah Mone is not a crisis actor. And neither is Martin Hibbert nor his daughter Eve. Can those of you who have fallen for Richard D Hall’s Great Con please make amends as quickly as possible? It’s only right. It makes the rest of us look stupid.

“‘She was pulling, jumping about’ - She sounds like she was being a little bit of a nightmare,” says Genevieve Lewis about eight-year-old Saffie Roussos’s dying moments when analysing the words of her mother Lisa in an interview. A little bit of a nightmare! What is Lewis implying in her conversation with Richard D Hall? The conniving duo go on to try and accuse the little girl’s parents of being somehow responsible for her death and of using the Manchester Arena bombing to cover for their crime.

“If there was an accident prior to the concert, maybe it involved her (Saffie Roussos) having her arm pulled or her hand pulled,” says Richard D Hall in an effort to sow seeds of doubt against the grieving parents. Sick.

Who believes this? Who among us here believes this nonsense because it’s rather important we sort this out as a matter of urgency? Who can see how believing in phoney investigative journalism can lead you down a very dark path? Don’t think you’re just passive bystanders. If you’ve bought into this deception, you’re complicit and need to sort it out. The hunt for souls takes on many guises.

The so-called awake community has been fooled by devious methods with many too proud to admit the Great Con. It’s embarrassing to be so wrong, to think you’re so right that it’s ok to poke fun at a guy in a wheelchair and mock his injuries.

The objective Truth cares little for wounded egos, it just is.

The Manchester Arena Bombing was real. Twenty two people died and hundreds of people were injured. They’re not actors. Their suffering is real.

Yes there are many questions still surrounding that night but don’t allow yourself to be deceived just because there’s a strange reoccurrence of the number 22. There are obvious clues planted along the way to misguide those of a conspiratorial mindset. Don’t bite the bait.

We have too much to lose to screw this up now.

Stick with credible information. We can win this war easily if we stay loyal to the objective Truth. Let’s not trip ourselves up with lies that entice us to behave appallingly.

Send love and prayers to the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing and make amends like your soul depended on it, because it does.

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